outdoor living

Under my Umbrella

  1. pve design says:

    The frilly ones remind me of those old fashioned swim caps. They make me smile and think of Ester Williams, and synchronized swimming!
    Pretty parasols, in a “Southern Belle” sort of way!

  2. Blair says:

    Oh those first two are so incredibly fun! I just love the girlishness of them. And you are right–never a good sign when their are no prices listed!

    Loved your small space solution–now quite intrigued by having a black bathroom:)

  3. The Beauty File says:

    They are so sweet, the top two remind me of Mary Poppins with her umbrella at the horse races! So much fun…I would be terrified to leave that outside to get wet though!

  4. down and out chic says:

    these are very vintage glamour. i want to know how much they cost!

  5. Ms. Molly says:

    Ooh I want one! so much fun!

  6. Sweet Nothings says:

    oh theyre’ soooo pretty!!

  7. The Southern Lady says:

    Those are simply lovely. I’m picturing the family playing outside, enjoying lemonade’s while being protected by one of those beauties.

    My favorite has to be the third-though my inner girly-girl is really digging the ruffles.

  8. Blueprint Bliss says:

    I love the first one!!

  9. MyLittleHappyPlace says:

    Check out this pagoda style at Pier 1 – only $169!!

  10. Sarah Danielle: Jeune Marie says:

    You could totally recreate that fringe one on the cheap!!

  11. Mademoiselle Frou-Frou says:

    i have been tempted to get one of these for about 2 years – they’re a bit pricey, but so cute!!!

  12. Laura [What I Like] says:

    Those are absolutely awesome…particularly love the purple one. I was actually thinking of getting a patio umbrella as a gift for a friend of mine…here’s hoping these aren’t too obnoxiously expensive!

  13. Alathia says:

    This umbrella is in the June 2009 issue of House Beautiful (page 22) and retail is $1,820. Cha ching!$!

  14. Porchlight Interiors says:

    How adorable! Love the ruffles! Tracey xx

  15. LindsB says:

    I wish I had a patio so I could wish I had one of these hot umbrellas- I love the pink frilly one.

  16. High-Heeled Foot in the door says:

    Oh that’s so funny. I had no clue it was in HB. I was researching outdoor accesscories and boom it come up on a google search.

    I figured the price would be in that range 🙁

  17. L. says:

    These are amazing!

  18. Georgia B. says:

    how fun!

    found your lovely blog through ‘lil bee. i was intrigued by the name and decided to stop by. glad i did!


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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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