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Weekend Recap: It’s my birthday?

  1. journeychic says:

    Ok, it's nearly lunchtime so your description of Sweetie Pie's made me even hungrier! I don't see what all the Top Shop fuss is about – I used to shop there when I lived in England ten years ago and it wasn't much different from Express or The Limited, at least not back then.

  2. TheBeautyFile says:

    This sounds like the best day everrrr! I love the mini cupcakes {besides the price}, topshop, hot dogs & that fabu pink restaurant!

  3. urbansardines says:

    awesome! So glad BDAY part II was great! I love 9 to 5, too!

  4. Blair says:

    Wowee! You had a fantastic weekend it seems:) Mine was definitley boring in comparison!

  5. Shannon says:

    wow, that pretty much sounds like the perfect day….I'm going to be heading to NY in September and am adding that adorable little restaurant on my list of places to go. Of course I'll be there for one day and already have like 6 restaurants on my list so it looks like I'll be wearing a mumu so I can eat it all.

  6. LindsB says:

    What a fun girls weekend! Its always fun to be able to drag out your birthday as long as you can right?

    Sweetie Pie looks so cute- what a fantastic idea for a restaurant, I am in love with all that pink.

    I am still nursing my sunburn from this weekend, ugg- for someone who is usually so responsible I really am dumb sometimes. Lotion with SPF will be my new best friend so this doesnt happen again 🙂

  7. meohmyoh says:

    Sounds like a DREAM birthday! My did you get pampered! I'm head over heels in love with Sweetie Pie form the photos – I MUST find a way to make it there one day!

  8. Design Esquire says:

    It sounds like you had a great belated birthday weekend. The company, food and show all sound perfect! The highlight of my weekend was treating myself to a massage on Saturday – it was heavenly (and I had a gift certificate, which made it even better!).

  9. Bungalow Home says:

    You can NEVER have too many birthday celebrations. Would love to know who did the interior of Sweetie Pie's? My daughter would live for that place–all pink and over-the-top girly

  10. mrosev14 says:

    That sounds like a wonderful birthday! Those cupcakes look fantastic!!

  11. Lynett says:

    I'm so jealous! I love NY and it's yummy hotdogs!!!!! Glad you had fun 🙂

  12. Lauren says:

    What a FUN DAY!!!!! sweetie pie's sounds so awesome & your description was perfect!! hahah

    we need to pick dates for you guys to visit i know— where is the TIME GOING?!!! 🙁


  13. thestamfordwife says:

    FUN weekend! Sweetie Pie looks so adorable and those mini cupcakes…yummmmmm!

    Make me look forward to a "girl's weekend" in the city I have coming up soon. Woooooo!

  14. Yansy says:

    It sounds like you had an amazing time with your family. I love Sweetie Pie, every time I travel to NYC it's one of my first stops.

  15. PS~Erin says:

    Sounds perfectly perfect!

    I spent the weekend hanging with the family… I had to make up for all the time my newly-back-to-work hubby was away from us. It was quite nice.

  16. bluehydrangea says:

    Happy late birthday..celebrate it as long as you can!

  17. Lauren Jade says:

    happy belated bday!!! im so jealous.. 😀 im obsessed with NYC but who ISNT!

  18. Lavender & Lilies says:

    What beautiful photos of Sweetie Pie's.

  19. Lavender & Lilies says:

    What beautiful photos of Sweetie Pie's.

  20. Oliveaux says:

    Sounds like a fabulous weekend.The interior of Sweetie Pie is amazing. Ax

  21. C says:

    Looks like a wonderful time! Sweetie Pie's looks just adorable! It's now on my list of places to visit!

  22. maureen says:

    what a fun post-birthday treat! the cupcakes looked delish & I so want to check out Sweetie Pie right now!And Topshop, didn't know there's a store in the US already (where have I been right?). Thanks for the purchase btw! :))

  23. Honeygo Beasley says:

    Happy belated birthday! : ))) Did you take that picture of Brad Pitt????

  24. Haven and Home says:

    Oh I am so jealous, sounds wonderful!

    Are you going to Market in NY? Here is the link. It would be a great place to find more design sources for the company:


  25. High-Heeled Foot in the door says:

    Sorry folks, but that picture of Brad is from Google images! Bummer it wasn't taken by me.


    Yup I'm going to market. It should be fun! Now why don't you plan a trip to NY and come with me. Pretty please…

  26. Alicia B. Designs says:

    Happy Happy Birthday! I am so curious about that bakery shop now…must make a trip down there this weekend. I love a good cupcake–thanks! Looks like it was a wonderful day!

  27. Haven and Home says:

    Okay now I am seriously thinking about it…..Where are you staying?

  28. fromtherightbank.com says:

    I was all set to drop some dough in Topshop but I didn't find anything I wanted! And OMG, I LOVE Dolly Parton too. I love everything about her and want to go to Dollywood but no one I know will go with me. 🙁 Have you been? Maybe you and I should plan a trip . . .

  29. A French Cloud says:

    it's the PERfect day! and sweetie pie sounds to die for!

  30. Tamstyles says:

    had belated birthday!

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My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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