In her shoes

IN HER SHOES: A Schematic Life

  1. carlee says:

    I just love these posts! It's so fun to hear what others do in their day. I need to go check out her blog now! her work is beautiful!

  2. LindsB says:

    Wow, that market looks amazing- I would love to shop there everyday!

    Off to check out more of this "triple threat"- what a talented girl!

  3. Rachel says:

    I love these posts too!!
    They are just so interesting – I love getting a peek into others' lives.


  4. DesignTies says:

    Michelle is one of the first bloggers I discovered when I started blogging. I read her blog regularly, and am always amazed by the things she does. She is most definitely an amazingly talented lady 🙂 I was lucky enough to win her giveaway a few months ago, and am now the happy owner an original Michelle rendering 🙂

    Thank you for featuring Michelle on your blog — it was lots of fun reading about a day in the life of Michelle 🙂

    Kelly @ DesignTies

  5. Michelle says:

    Thanks so much Camila…and how nice of you Carlee, Linda nad Rachel…I'll be stopping by your blogs to check them out!

    Thanks Kelly…I'm glad you like your rendering :)You are so sweet!

    I'm endlessly curious about how others fill their day…this series is so fun to be able to take a peek 🙂

    Evan's graduation was fun…his video was amazing, and I hope to post it on my blog soon! He is now looking for work in post sound…the real world as they say.

    Thanks again Camila…see you in December!


  6. Laura @ the shorehouse. says:

    I love those paintings! And I agree…a total triple threat. I'm jealous, oif I'm honest. 😉

    Thanks for sharing a walk in Michelle's shoes…or boots, rather. 'Cause I love the fabulous black buckled ones she bought in Amsterdam!

  7. My Passport to Style says:

    Wonderful work, you have made a Style Consultant happy and inspired!Your work here is done, go conquer the world and become a style super heroine!!Tee hee, seriously though really enjoyed knowing about your life, such fun.Sharon xxoo will be checking out her work.

  8. Love Where You Live says:

    I enjoyed getting to know Michelle. Interesting comment about the boots/scarves. Made me wonder if we American girls can stake claim to some fashion accessory. cheers -s

  9. Zuniga Interiors Design Studio says:

    What a fabulous feature! I love it- Michelle is so talented! I am in love with her sketches! Thanks for giving us a look in the day in the life of these designers and bloggers-it is so much fun to see what others day is like!

    have a fab weekend!

    Michelle Zuniga

  10. Vitania says:

    That Michelle is the sweetest thing.. and so talented !! Such a treat to read In Her Shoes !!

  11. pve design says:

    Love her work and am honored to have one of her renderings of my home! She sure has a ton of energy…I want some new boots now!

  12. Bellamere Cottage says:

    What a great "Day in the Life"….Thanks, Michelle, for sharing.

    I've been to Grandville Island…What a great place. And, the houses around that area? Delish…I love them.


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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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