My latest IN HER SHOES featured lady comes from our neighbors up north! Michelle Morelan is the voice behind A Schematic Life and the talent behind Michelle Moreland Design.
Not only does this amazing talent produce beautiful interiors:
Along with stunning sketches that make me curse myself for lacking in my drawing skills:
But she is also an artist and delights all of her blog readers with latest finished pieces:
I’m in love with these pieces! They would look amazing in my living room.
Note to Michelle: When you come to NY in December I totally wouldn’t hate it if these babies came along for the trip and I got to baby-sit them for a bit in my home!
P.S. When you come by to drop them off then it would be fab to get some renderings of my home as well.
Ah a girl can dream right?
This women is a total triple threat! I’m was very honored when she agreed to take part in my series. I hope you all enjoy seeing a day in her life. I know I did!
5:15– Most days start pretty early…about 5am. This is when I usually read blogs, work on entries, and surf the net. This morning I went back to bed at 6:30 and got out of bed for the day at 8. I love having two wake-ups and two first cups of coffee
8:00– Brian, my husband, is a pilot, and he is home for a full week. Typically he makes me my morning coffee when he is home (or I bribe him to grab me a Starbucks latte). I get to my email and create a to-do list, rolling over half of yesterday’s list, of course. I give three paintings another layer of acrylic (in my slippers and robe). Last night’s layers were dry, and were calling me from my adjacent studio.
11:30– Time to dash upstairs for some magazine time with my third cup of coffee (with International Delight’s vanilla creamer)…I have a to-do list now, so I can look it over while I watch House Hunters International. Today they were in Spain…I love the light in Spain!
1:00– Off and running…Evan needs a ride to school, so I swinging by Vancouver Film School on my way to the Design Center. He benefits from my extra foamy vanilla latte obsession.
1:30– Over the Granville St. Bridge, into the city…
2:00– I’ve dropped off Evan, and arrive at our Design Center, where I found these great swivel chairs for a new client. I take some fabric books home, and pick an order up to drop off at the drapery room tomorrow.
2:30– Robert Allen at last; I chose sheers in three shades of white for a client’s approval. Extra wide in width for less seaming- they will be 18’ long! I like the colour “Flake”, because it will contrast nicely against the raw concrete of the loft, and move in the breezes. Now I just have to figure out hardware for that length!
3:00– The first stop on the way home is for produce, bread and fish at Granville Island Market
Rock Star parking!
I enter through the flower market, past these beautiful branches with moss! Wait, don’t get sidetracked…keep moving, even know the sunshine tells me otherwise.
This is a great place to shop! You can tell how fresh everything is when they are stacked like this.
A favorite Italian food market sells marinated mozzarella and the best homemade pasta!
I bought some smoked salmon candy to take home…sweet and smoky…yum!
4:00– Enjoying a vanilla latte after lunch, and looking across False Creek to Vancouver. It’s a gorgeous day…15 degrees Celsius…I think that’s about 63 degrees F. I don’t want to leave.
4:30– I prefer to take the side streets on the way home during rush hour…and I got to see this!
Traffic to Richmond is so brutal- about an hour; usually I get home before rush hour, but not today; I’m in the thick of it.
4:45– A stop by the post office, and for some flowers on the way home. I would buy them at Granville Island, but they are half the price at a little market in my neighbourhood.
5:00– I drive a couple of blocks to buy a canvas and some acrylics at the Phoenix Art Workshop in Steveston. Look at the dust on my car dashboard…gheesh…glad my hubby is home for a few days to look after that
The day’s acquirements…a canvas, white pouring acrylics, pasta, and cheese…rosemary bread, smoked salmon candy, lilies, Romo’s Linara “Ice Blue” Linen…41 yards (it’s heavy) and a purse full of sheer samples.
Home at last…its 5:30.
I check my email, to try to set up a drop off with a client tomorrow (and, well…maybe to check if I have any comments on my blog). I have two from Dale and Ivan…thanks you guys! My screen saver is a stack of wiener dog puppies that I got from a Design Ties post. It makes me smile every time- heck; just the word wiener cracks me up!
6:30– I can’t believe the sunset tonight from my bedroom window! That’s a row of Canada Geese heading south in the middle sky.
I spent the day in my favourite black leather boots from Amsterdam. I think Dutch women wear boots and sweaters like French women wear scarves…I bought 3 pair that trip.
7:00– Before making tacos for dinner, I’m back in my favorite disposable slippers that Brian brings back from hotels. I love them, because you can toss them when they look worn. These are from the Mira in Hong Kong.
I still have to specify a fireplace insert, type my “In her Shoes” post and finish organizing a client binder tonight, but that’s it…I’m in bed (with another stack of magazines) by 9:30 most evenings.
Thanks Camila…it was fun to document my day. I don’t know how typical any day is for me…but it was normal in the way that I felt I got nothing done. Tomorrow is a great day for us, since my youngest son graduates from film school- definitely nothing typical about that
What an action packed day! I loved reading every little part of it! Like Michelle I also feel like I never finish everything I set out to accomplish in the day. Ah we need more hours in the day! A big Congrats to Michelle’s youngest son!!! So exciting to be graduating from film school! I hope you had a wonderful celebration!
A big thanks for Michelle! Remember if there is anyone you would like to see featured let me know and I’ll try and make it happen!
My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.
Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.
On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.
In our new home, the basement was completely unfinished. It was literally one of those dark spaces that you see in horror movies and are terrified of getting locked into. However, with the square footage in this house, I knew I needed to make the basement another workable and liveable floor of the house instead […]
What to look for when it comes to picking out kitchen appliances: Leave room in your budget for appliances. When it comes to kitchen renovations everyone knows that the cabinetry and the labor of demoing and installing cabinetry is going to eat a lot of your budget. However, the second most expensive part of a […]
I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that designing a kitchen is an overwhelming undertaking. I’m an interior designer and even I find it stressful to iron out all of those details. So, when it comes time to design a kitchen I always like to partner with a kitchen designer to make sure I’m remembering […]
I just love these posts! It's so fun to hear what others do in their day. I need to go check out her blog now! her work is beautiful!
Wow, that market looks amazing- I would love to shop there everyday!
Off to check out more of this "triple threat"- what a talented girl!
I love these posts too!!
They are just so interesting – I love getting a peek into others' lives.
Michelle is one of the first bloggers I discovered when I started blogging. I read her blog regularly, and am always amazed by the things she does. She is most definitely an amazingly talented lady
I was lucky enough to win her giveaway a few months ago, and am now the happy owner an original Michelle rendering 
Thank you for featuring Michelle on your blog — it was lots of fun reading about a day in the life of Michelle
Kelly @ DesignTies
Thanks so much Camila…and how nice of you Carlee, Linda nad Rachel…I'll be stopping by your blogs to check them out!
Thanks Kelly…I'm glad you like your rendering :)You are so sweet!
I'm endlessly curious about how others fill their day…this series is so fun to be able to take a peek
Evan's graduation was fun…his video was amazing, and I hope to post it on my blog soon! He is now looking for work in post sound…the real world as they say.
Thanks again Camila…see you in December!
I love those paintings! And I agree…a total triple threat. I'm jealous, oif I'm honest.
Thanks for sharing a walk in Michelle's shoes…or boots, rather. 'Cause I love the fabulous black buckled ones she bought in Amsterdam!
Wonderful work, you have made a Style Consultant happy and inspired!Your work here is done, go conquer the world and become a style super heroine!!Tee hee, seriously though really enjoyed knowing about your life, such fun.Sharon xxoo will be checking out her work.
I enjoyed getting to know Michelle. Interesting comment about the boots/scarves. Made me wonder if we American girls can stake claim to some fashion accessory. cheers -s
What a fabulous feature! I love it- Michelle is so talented! I am in love with her sketches! Thanks for giving us a look in the day in the life of these designers and bloggers-it is so much fun to see what others day is like!
have a fab weekend!
Michelle Zuniga
That Michelle is the sweetest thing.. and so talented !! Such a treat to read In Her Shoes !!
Love her work and am honored to have one of her renderings of my home! She sure has a ton of energy…I want some new boots now!
What a great "Day in the Life"….Thanks, Michelle, for sharing.
I've been to Grandville Island…What a great place. And, the houses around that area? Delish…I love them.