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I’ve had a bad day….

  1. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Oh no! Hope everything is ok. Have a good Thanksgiving!

  2. spark! (Ada-Marie) says:

    Thinking of you, Camila. Sending a big virtual hug, sweetie.

  3. Monica the Bride says:


    Hope you feel better soon Camila!


  4. Flavia @ Estilo Home says:

    I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon and have a good Thanksgiving!

  5. Sarah La Rose says:

    Oh no! I'm so sorry you feel so badly. I do hope everything works out. Take care Camila!! I'm sending a hug your way.

  6. Arianna Belle says:

    I'm sorry to hear that 🙁
    Hope things brighten up soon!



  7. Faith J. says:

    I know that feeling well. It takes me a looooong time to get over a heart-break, but I find that when I pray and look to other's needs, it helps. Wishing you a peaceful and healing Thanksgiving weekend.

  8. Design Esquire says:

    I'm sorry to hear that something bad has happened. Please take some time for yourself, and I hope you're able to spend time with your family and friends this week.

  9. Terri and Bob says:

    I am so sorry… I read you all the time and don't leave a lot of comments, but you do need a bit of cheer right now… if I can be so bold as to say that whatever bad thing happened… that must mean something absolutely awesome is around the corner! I can't wait to hear what it is!

  10. Jessica says:

    So sorry to hear that! I hope you get feeling better soon… time will help heal the pain. Have a great thanksgiving!

  11. Paloma {La Dolce Vita} says:

    I'm so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs!

  12. vanessa says:

    I'm sorry. Hope this break helps heal your hurt

  13. Allison says:

    Thinking of you, dear.

  14. my favorite and my best says:

    so sorry to hear that. remember that a lot of us out here have been thru stuff (bad) and might be able to shed some light or help you thru it. whatever it is…divorce, miscarriage, death…you name it..we have all experienced it. i have anyway..so if you wanna talk..email me.
    but if you decide not to that's ok too…i am sending you a major positive vibration right now..do you feel lifted up? you should.

  15. Full House says:

    I hope you are able to bounce back soon. Have a wonderful holiday and feel better.

  16. RLG says:

    Nurture yourself. Everything else will wait. Thinking of you. xoxo

  17. Dobbygirl says:

    I'm so sorry, hope you are okay and feel better soon. Sending many positive thoughts your way and a big hug. Have a good Thanksgiving and we'll all be here when you return.

  18. urbansardines says:

    Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling broken-hearted. Take really good care of yourself, that helps a lot! Sending you a virtual hug and a hot cup of tea!

  19. Jennifer says:

    so sorry to hear that you're down. hope you can take some time this week to recharge! have a lovely holiday!

  20. Ms. Bright says:

    Praying you'll find peace and your "track" very quickly. Take care, sweetie!

  21. bluehydrangea says:

    I'm worried..hope everything will be OK. I am thinking about you!! Hang in there…

  22. Sara says:

    Saying a prayer for you this week! Hope things get better!

  23. :::Lyzz::: says:

    Be well.

  24. It's Jami yall says:

    Truly sorry to hear your heart is aching. Praying things get better for you real soon. Stay strong and lean on family and friends.

  25. MyLittleHappyPlace says:

    Dear Camila:
    I'm brokenhearted for you. Please take care, and know your blog family is right here with you, full of support.

    Take Care, my friend.
    alison g.

  26. Jaime says:

    I hope everything is ok and that you enjoy your thanksgiving. Happy early thanksgiving! 🙂

  27. Abbie says:

    Take your time! Everyone will still be here when you're ready to get back to blogging. Enjoy the holiday!

  28. Dallas says:

    Remember…you're a strong, awesome woman and you have a slew of fam and friends who support you. With an arsenal like that, I believe you can make it through anything. I'm thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way.

  29. Karen@StrictlySimpleStyle says:

    Whatever you are going through, just remember to rely on those who love and support you. They are the ones who will get you through the tough times.

    All the best.

  30. Katie says:

    i don't comment often, but have been reading your blog for awhile. i am sorry to hear that things aren't all that great with you right now, i hope you feel better soon. just wanted to let you know that you will also be in my thoughts and prayers.

  31. Lynett says:

    Oh no Camila! I hope everything is ok. Time heals all!

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  32. Brenda says:

    I am so sorry to hear that your heart is breaking. Whatever it is it sounds like you have a great support system. Big Hugs. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  33. Kylie says:

    Camila, are you ok? I'm sorry to hear that you are in such pain. Thinking of you and sending as many happy thoughts and hugs your way.


  34. Maria says:

    praying for ya honey, hang in there.

  35. LindsB says:

    I'm sorry you are having a bad day/week/ whatever. I hope that whatever it is it gets easier with time and that you are ok. You will be in my thoughts, and if there is anything I can do…anything at all, please let me know 🙂 xoxoxoxo Linds

  36. Averill says:

    I'm so sorry to hear about this — I hope you feel better soon and have a restful and restorative Thanksgiving, Camila!

  37. Sarah A. Ireland says:

    I hope things are getting brighter everyday…I am sure we are all missed your daily blogs 🙁 I hope it lifts your spirits to know how much of an inspiration you are too so many…look at all of these comments! 🙂

    Take Care,

  38. Emily Arrison says:

    I'm so sorry to hear you are in pain. I don't comment often but read your blog daily. I just wanted to lift you up and let you know that this Thanksgiving I am thankful for creative people like you who fill my day with beautiful things and ideas. Thank you so much for sharing such a delightful blog and view with the rest of the world! You have such a talent. Feel better soon!

    – Emily

  39. Christine says:

    I'll be keeping you in my prayers.

  40. Design A-Peele says:

    Girl I am so sorry! I'll definitely lifting you up in my prayers right now.

  41. Dragonfly says:

    Take care of your heart and soul this week 🙂

  42. Dumbwit Tellher says:

    Camila – It is amazing how much the heart can hurt. At times it feels like it could explode. I'm holding you in my thoughts, my prayers and sending the glimmer of warmth that you are never truly alone.Like Jenny said, most of us have been through it all.

    Xx hugs

  43. Alicia B. Designs says:

    I'm so sorry that you're hurting. I know that feeling of actual heart break, like you can feel it breaking. You are an amazing person with a great support network so take care of yourself!


  44. Cristin says:

    praying for you!


  45. Rachel says:

    I hope things are starting to look a little brighter for you! I'm so sorry to hear that you were in pain – Jenny from MFAMB is right, I've had my heart literally "hurt" before too, so I sympathize. It's no fun.
    But having all the support and love around you that you do – it will get better with a little time.

    I hope you have a great Thanksgiving – and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next week!

    Take care 🙂

  46. My Notting Hill says:

    I will be thinking of you. XO, Michele

  47. Scientific Housewife says:

    So sorry to hear about your heartbreak, please feel better!

  48. thewelcomehome says:

    Sometimes you just need to take some time for yourself. It sounds like you are surrounded by supportive people. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  49. compulsively compiled says:

    Sending you positive thoughts your way, hang in there.

  50. Hopeless Chest says:


    Sorry to hear you've been dealt some lemons.

    Take care!

  51. Nakiya @ Taste of Baltimore says:

    I'm really sorry to hear this, Camila. I truly hope you feel better soon.

  52. Sweet Nothings says:

    were senfing our love and prayers.

  53. nikinikinine says:

    feel better soon. Lots of positive vibes your way.

  54. Re:Fresh Design Studio says:

    Hope you feel better soon. Praying for you!


  55. Michelle says:

    Thinking of you Miss Camila. I hope it's not what I think it is and sending lots of virtual hugs your way.

  56. pve design says:

    Oh no, and Mercury is not even in retrograde…yet.
    I know, it seems that this year, there are lots of bad things happening to good people.
    I do hope you can see your way clearly.

    Enjoy your thanksgiving.

  57. Emily says:

    I hope you feel better soon! Just got some bad news myself and it's always tough during the holidays.

    i hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and my thoughts are with you!

  58. Sarah says:

    I am so sorry to hear you're having a hard time.
    I hope things look up soon.

  59. Haven and Home says:

    Love you, please call me if you need anything.



  60. Michelle says:

    I'm sorry Camila…hugs to you…I will miss your posts.


  61. Becolorful says:

    So sorry Camilla. It's difficult to have these things in our lives at any time but the holidays can complicate things even more. Hugs and a prayer for you. I will be anxious to hear from you again when you are ready.

  62. Blueprint Bliss says:

    Camila- praying for you. Just rest in knowing that God is in control. xx- Brooke

  63. Christen says:

    My heart is breaking for you. I hope you are feeling more like yourself by now and will be able to enjoy the holiday tomorrow. I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  64. prashant says:

    I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon

    Work From Home india

  65. C.J. says:

    Camila, whatever it is I know that God is there with you. Realize that and rest. Take good care of yourself and we all look forward to seeing you when you are up to it.

  66. erika says:

    Praying for you Camila!!! I hope Thanksgiving was a day of rest and healing for your heart.
    Lots of love and hugs,

  67. My Passport to Style says:

    Hi there sweetie,sorry to here you have had a rough time, some time life hurts, but those with a beautiful soul always bounce back!I hope this cheers you up a little I have awarded you the Passionate Blogger Award over @ My Passport to Style, pop over and collect it. I hope you like it. Your blog is full of inspiration and drive, I love it!! Happy Thanksgiving. Sharon xox

  68. Dagny @ Beautiful Living says:

    I'm so sorry. Hang in there, and try to stay positive – I know it's difficult. I'm thinking of you, and stay strong. 🙂

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My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

ready to finally love your space?

stunning style for everyday living starts here.

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