
Case of the stripes…

  1. Amanda says:

    I am obsessed with stripes! Planning to stripe an armoire I have and possibly my little man's bathroom. Love love love 'em. I'll be sure to share when I finally get around to those projects. 🙂

  2. Katherine @ Grass Stains says:

    I think you found a picture of the approximately ONE time this would work. Congrats! (I love it.)

  3. Ms. Bright says:

    I like stripes but after reading this I realized I only have them on my DR chairs! I've used them alot in projects, though. Maybe I just don't want to live with them? That image is fun!

  4. Chic Geek says:

    I LOVE stripes and did a post on how I painted a striped feature wall in my home! I am big into horizontal stripes but have seen vertical done well too!

    p.s. love the striped mugs from TJ Maxx that you posted about


  5. Hissyfits & Halos says:

    I love stripes, too. I plan on using striped walls in my bedroom, but wouldn't add anything else with it. I see it as being the "bold statement" in a room, that would have that "too much" look if other strpies were added. I love the colors in this room. Beautiful!

  6. Hissyfits & Halos says:

    I love stripes, too. I plan on using striped walls in my bedroom, but wouldn't add anything else with it. I see it as being the "bold statement" in a room, that would have that "too much" look if other strpies were added. I love the colors in this room. Beautiful!

  7. C.J. says:

    yup, another stripe lover. lol

  8. Tara says:

    If I did stripe on stripe, I think I would have to vary the stripes a bit more than in this photo. I think the Matchy-Stripe is a bit much for me actually. This picture is nice, with the wall stripe being much more subtle, and it's nice and novel to look at a picture of, but there's no way I could look at it every day. I'd go nuts.

  9. Haven and Home says:

    I can't believe the stripe on stripe doesn't drive me crazy but I love it! Monday I posted this room I did with crazy stripes on the wall, I LOVE LOVE LOVE stripes!!!!

  10. One Love says:

    I love stripes but I think I would only go one way or another. I think stripes going every which way would drive me a little nutty!!

  11. Beth McC. says:

    I LOVE it! The striped furniture is too cute!!!

  12. Averill says:

    I'm all about mixing stripes with other patterns but have generally shied away from using different stripes in the same space…that picture definitely has me rethinking that though!

  13. Christine says:

    Doing it in my dining room right now and hope to be finished by the weekend. Here's hoping it looks as good on the walls as it does in my head 😉

  14. Scientific Housewife says:

    Those chairs are gorgeous! What a great room 🙂

  15. Elaine says:

    Give me the chairs! I am in love too. I too many stripes would make me kinda batty though. But i'm drooling over the chairs.

  16. Lavender and Lilies says:

    I would totally use striped chairs! They look amazing.

  17. Mackenzie says:

    striped kitchen, beat that 🙂

  18. Janet says:

    I love this room, but I don't think I could live with it everyday.

  19. Chic Coles (Cole Design) says:

    Love love love stripes! The combination of the stripes is great.

  20. Katie says:

    I LOVE THIS!!! I found it and blogged about it…will be posting in a couple of weeks! 🙂

  21. Slumber Designs says:

    OMG… I'm loving these stripes!! Such inspiration! Thanks for sharing.



  22. Sweet Nothings says:

    i really love this. i love how the walls and chairs are insync. its lovely.

    did i mention i LOVE this??

  23. compulsively compiled says:

    I have no stripes. I think I'd love some big, bold stripes. I have a friend who loves stripes. So much so, that I have to reminder her when making new purchases, no stripes!

  24. compulsively compiled says:

    I have to add that "A Bad Case of the Stripes" is one of my favorite books and I say that only because your title makes me think of it. Hopefully that's what you intended. I'd hate to sound foolish!

  25. paula says:

    Definitely adds some character. keeping it all in the same color category definitely keeps it looking good.

  26. Emily says:

    I just posted about this same room. Sarah's House on HGTV. She's so great! Love those stripes too!

  27. Stephanie Sabbe says:

    I like it. They are going different directions.

    I am contemplating 2 chevrons. eeeks, may be too much. But I like to try and fail over not trying at all. And I like to change stuff, so a do over is always good with me:)

  28. terry says:

    I love this room. Is it Sarah Richardson? She is the Obi Wan of stripes and has me hooked on putting horizontal stripes on the walls. So fresh, so clean and so modern. Brings a traditional room up to date in such a stylish way.

  29. Bromeliad says:

    Hmmh. I think I would skip it on the wall in this case.

  30. shi(f)t says:

    i love the stripes! if i had the guts (and patience!) i would stripe my bathroom…

  31. terry says:

    This room IS Sarah Richardson (Design, Inc.). I would never have thought of hanging wall paper horizontally but this room is done in a rather restrained manner and just works. My daughter just bought a house and we're going to do this (with paint – soft yellow) in the sitting room just off the master bedroom. If I live through it, I'll post pictures.

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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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