Thanks for all your “release me early from jury duty” vibes, because it worked! I got out around noon! Woo hoo.
I was able to go to my seamstress and pick up a slipcover and do some client shopping. While walking around the mall I stopped in my tracks at the sight of Chiang Mai Dragon all around me!
I walked right in and had no clue what store I had stepped foot in. While I have samples of the print in fabric and wallpaper I had never seen so much of it. Turn out I was in the new Vera Bradley shop.
About 8 years ago I thought Vera Bradley was…farty! There I said it! Then about 5 years ago it slowly started making it’s way into my heart and I went nutty with it. All of my gifts to people ended up being Vera Bradley and I have quite a few of min. My obsession has died down these couple of years, but I still enjoy peeking at all of their pretty patterns and now store.
Normally I wouldn’t match Chiang Mai Dragon with country style, but it really looks great in the store.
Here is a peek that shows off their ceiling painted in a punchy green apple.
They had botanical prints sprinkled all throughout.
Walking further into the store I was met with another old friend. Do you spy what I spy?
The rest of the store was a bit more country, but still really enjoyable for me.
Has anyone else stepped into one of their shops?
* Sorry for the weird angles on some of the pictures. I was trying to be discreet with my iphone!
I had the same first impression of VB, but it has grown on me over the years. They've gotten a littler more girly and trendy with the patterns, and I really really really really want one of the duffle bags. Haven't been in a store yet – I get my stuff from the little local shop, but I'd love to see inside a store. It looks amazing.
Fabulous! I thought the same thing (old lady) and then once the Java Blue pattern was introduced a few years ago, things have turned around and I hopped on board. I've cooled off a bit too, but I still appreciate! Thank you for the photos, great store!!!
I've never been inside their shops, though I too have just sort of come around to the Vera Bradely look, or back around. (That and Pierre Deux bags were huge when I was in middle school.) Preppy chic now, but quite farty for a while there. Or are we just getting farty? Yikes.
I love the whole mix of colorful botanicals with the Chaing Mai Dragon. I'm really digging that bright green French check on the walls! Just reminded me of a post I started and filed away…
welcome, friend
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oooh so lovely! looks like a fun place to spend a friday
I NEVER imagined I'd see a trellis fabric in a Very Bradley! Wow. They've really modernized a few of their lines, too. I'm impressed.
Or maybe the south is really rubbing off on me.
I had the same first impression of VB, but it has grown on me over the years. They've gotten a littler more girly and trendy with the patterns, and I really really really really want one of the duffle bags. Haven't been in a store yet – I get my stuff from the little local shop, but I'd love to see inside a store. It looks amazing.
Fabulous! I thought the same thing (old lady) and then once the Java Blue pattern was introduced a few years ago, things have turned around and I hopped on board. I've cooled off a bit too, but I still appreciate! Thank you for the photos, great store!!!
wow – no wonder you stopped! Love it all – great spying too, well done! KG
I've never been inside their shops, though I too have just sort of come around to the Vera Bradely look, or back around. (That and Pierre Deux bags were huge when I was in middle school.) Preppy chic now, but quite farty for a while there. Or are we just getting farty? Yikes.
I love the whole mix of colorful botanicals with the Chaing Mai Dragon. I'm really digging that bright green French check on the walls! Just reminded me of a post I started and filed away…
lol on the weird angles, I know exactly how you feel!!
Haven't even heard of the brand, but that's probably since I'm waaay up North…
Am relaunchind the blog tomorrow, so you have to stop by and let me know what you think!!
have a fabulous Saturday!!
Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you will not have a leg to stand on. ....................................................
Well done!........................................
That is a lot going on but I love it. Vera Bradley does have some great patterns!
I can never get enough of that Chiang Mai print and especially in that blue!
I love going out and stumbling on a "surprise." And, boy, are you good with the iphone or what!!
This store looks so cool!! I love the Chaing Mai dragon on the walls – and that huge overscaled check is fun too.
I've only ever seen Vera Bradley things carried at boutiques around here, so thanks for sharing pics from the store!
I would love one of those big weekend bags, I find "Vera's" prints so cheery! Love your photos.