design crush, inspiration, nyc shopping

Design Crush: Trina Turk

  1. charm home says:

    Hopefully you'll get cut from jury duty and you won't have to go through the trial. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    I loved seeing all of Trina Turk's stores that you featured. I so wish I could go into every single one of them in person. They look amazing. -Cristi

  2. Design Esquire says:

    Oh, good luck with jury duty!!

    And I love all the color in those images. Perfect for summer.

  3. Melinda says:

    I briefly worked at FShumacher, we even had an onsite store attached to the offices 🙂

  4. Scientific Housewife says:

    Good luck with Jury duty!

  5. MaxxSilly says:

    There is a great story about her and her husband's vintage styled home in this months Martha Stewart Living. The place is gorgeous!

  6. paula says:

    she just oozes fun! I am covering a bench in some of her outdoor fabric. can't wait to get it back.

    sorry about jury duty, blah.

  7. The Gimlet Eye says:

    Trina Turk Residential in Palm Springs really is to die for! It is out of control!
    …I also love pretty much every Tory store. Little jewel boxes!

  8. Isabella & Max Rooms says:

    She designs with HAPPY in mind! Such wonderful prints and designs…Janell

  9. Isabella & Max Rooms says:

    She designs with HAPPY in mind! Such wonderful prints and designs…Janell

  10. shawnadammit says:

    MAxxSilly beat me to it – definitely check out this months MSL. Great article and pictures are to die for. Her and her husband seem fun.

  11. Katie says:

    love it! Love her! It's all yummy!

  12. walrus studio says:

    very fun!! jonathan adler designed the new york store.

  13. the lady of the house says:

    Must be the month for it beause both my husband and I got called to Jury Duty Mind – County and his was State… I'm breastfeeding so I got out of it 🙂 him. not so much. Love Trina's design and vision for a room. Very chique.

    Oh btw, good luck with your chair search 🙂

  14. Maggy says:

    Hi Camilla,
    Im also a Trina Turk fan and was lucky to meet her earlier this month in California. We talked about lighting design and her store layout. I did a blog post if you want to see it.

    I have been to 4 of her SoCal stores and they're all so unique.

  15. The Girl and the Cupcake says:

    Oh my god, a pillow store???

  16. Helena - A Diary of Lovely says:

    Good luck with the jury duty!! I love all the trina turk fabrics and colors, don't they make you happy?! 🙂

  17. Chic Coles says:

    She is so talented…I have a plethora of her things (including some of her new jewelry). She is so talented!

  18. Home solar panels says:

    That is a beautiful. I can see many beautiful items. Thank you for posting.

  19. Hello Lover... says:

    I love love love her outdoor line! I've been ebay stalking a few fabrics I want to use on our deck – love that ottoman!

  20. LindsB says:

    she is my idol, all that color she designs- it just makes me giddy looking at it all!

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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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