A couple of months ago my friend, Daniela mentioned that she had been chatting with her friend Sally and mentioned my blog. Sally mentioned that she read it and I was floored to learn that Sally was this Sally of Sally Steponkus Interiors based in the DC area.
This fabulous entry way designed by Ms. Steponkus has been making it’s rounds around the blog so I thought it would be fun to recreate it on a budget.
The mirror in the entry way is from my favorite guy, Jonathan Adler and comes in at $595.
My new friend Sally (yes that Sally!) Emailed me to say thanks for the shout out and a little FYI that mirror in her entry way isn’t by JA, but from here and it retails for $2,750!
I found a great look alike for $305.80
The wallpaper used above is none other than Philip Jeffries the it name in textured wallpaper. While their papers are lovely they can put a dent in your wallet so let’s recreate it.
My go-to source for inexpensive grasscloth is Steves Blinds and Wallpaper.
Here is a pick that could help us recreate the look above:
It is only $15.22 a roll. As you know though wallpaper is sold in double rolls so the cost is actually $30.43.
Now the paper above has a wonderful patterned on top of the grasscloth.
We can recreate that ourselves with a stencil :
I couldn’t find the exact same pattern, but I think this one gives a similar vibe for only $35.
It also comes in a larger quatrefoil for $25:
Lastly we need to recreate that amazing bench.
I found two options that could help us achieve that look.
First option would be to take this inexpensive bench:
For only $49 you can paint the base white and pick up a piece of foam at JoAnns and re-create the look.
Second option is a bit more expensive, but is already cushioned. I can’t grab a great image of it so you’ll have to check it out here for only $189.
Then we need some stripe fabric that coordinates with the grasscloth to cover the bench in.
A quick trip to one of my favorite online fabric shops and we have this:
Now I’ll have to leave the styling of those fab boots and handbag up to you, but I hope I helped with all of the rest!
A big thanks to Sally for being a constant source of inspiration. I hope she doesn’t mind my look alike take on her room. After all imitation is the greatest form of flattery.
*Big thank you to all that wished me well for my Spring audition. I made it to round 2! So now I need to make another video and then beg and plead all of you to head over there and say lovely things about me. I will keep you posted.
** FYI it’s the last day to enter the Selby book give-away.
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I love this entry- I wish I had a large enough space to re-create it because I would be all over this!
Looks great! Thanks for the tip on where to find grasscloth wallpaper. It has been hovering on my to do list for a while now.
WOW! What a compliment!
I was actually told that the editor of our local arts weekly is a fan of my blog…I almost fell over. You're on the "varsity" design blog team. It's no surprise that someone with Sally's reputation would be reading.
I have been looking for an inexpensive upholstered bench for my entry way. I never considered buying foam and recreating the look myself. Great idea!
I LOVE her work and can't get enough of this entry and home she did in the DC area. LOVE IT!
I love that look!
Thanks for the mention chica
LOVE, love, love Sally's work – and this entry is so fabulous!
Loved your look-alike! I'm also a big fan of Sally's (and that entryway in particular). The wallpaper is $$ and I loved your suggestion to just do a stencil on top of grasscloth…my only concern is I don't have a steady enough hand to get it to look right!
Wow, what a price tag! Its so nice when you can find something similar for so much cheaper! Love the look!
love this entry and your look for less.