My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.
Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.
On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.
so helpful!!!! i had no idea about this!! good luck finding fun stuff!!!
check out my little giveaway on my blog!!
Cool! I hate using Craigslist for that very simple reason that you have to click through every single link. Problem solved. Thanks!
This is the best news ever!! It bugged the hell out of me that I couldn't see pics unless I clicked on the description…I'm off to check it out!
wonderful tool! Thank you! I shy away from it as well bc of the same reasons. I'm on the other end right now, with a lot listed and people are just weird with wanting info NOW and then not responding back.
wow, craiglook is really cool – thanks for the tip!
LOVE THIS, thank you!
Also – you can go on craig's list and go to furniture, then click on "owner" on any listing then you'll get a page with pictures next to the names.. I guess this is good for only private owner ads, not dealers. This is how I do it – but its limited to furniture.
I can't imagine how awesome Craig's list New York would be. Great finds. I've tried it in several cities – Washington, D.C. has especially good stuff on the "List"!
Thank you! This is so helpful!!!!
NO way! this is sooo rad!
Wow, I love this and can't wait to check it out – what a time saver! Thanks so much for sharing!
OK, this is gonna make it a lot easier…thanks!
good idea!
Where have I been?!? I just told my husband about it and he looked and me and said 'I use it all the time'… well, why the heck didn't he tell me?!
You are killing me with this information ! That is so incredibly helpful, but now I am even more doomed, so perhaps I should be mad, but in truth, I am so delighted with this tidbit ! Thanks for sharing !
Oh, this is not what I needed. As someone who gave up CL for Lent, and then w/i a week after Easter bought another dining room set, not what I needed at all…
What a great find! Thanks for sharing Camila. In San Francisco, it's quite the same, the items go so fast. Especially chairs! You won't believe the troubles I've had with chair deals gone bad. It bugs me when people say they will sell chairs separately and then they decide they want to "hold out" on the whole set, gets me everytime! I'll be sure to check out Craiglook
You are the best!! I have the same prob in LA. This will make me fall in love with Craigslist all over again!
Oh! This is fantastic! Thanks for the info. Can't wait to go hunting and not have to pull my hair out.
Thank You!! How helpful. Working on a shelter redesign project and have spent many hours getting beyond frustrated on Craig's list!
interesting tool – i'll have to play around w/ it and see if it works for me
a new trend i'm seeing over here is people not putting a price in the price box but in the title – so when i put in a max. price i get all these things higher than i'm looking for – really getting on my nerves
Craiglook looks awesome! I will have to give that a try. My husband just scored a Big Green Egg (smoker/every man's dream grill) on CL using Google alerts ( Just enter something specific you are hoping someone'll be selling and set the site to your local Craigslist. Then it will send you an email within hours of someone posting it. It has helped us stay ahead of the game in the competitive DC CL market.
Yes! I use Craiglook and it's made all the difference in finding stuff on CL.
Ok. This is revolutionary. I had no idea this existed. So much easier! Thank you!
YAY, this is what I need, even though I don't live in NYC – I still feel – the its how many miles away!! And i'll be able to weed out all the junk much faster, thanks so much for sharing
I know the feeling as I'm typing now I have about 146 posts to look through. I will definitely check out
great information I have the same problem with the NY Craigslist–I seem to spend hours and not really get anywhere!
I'm so frustrated with the DC CL because I get dozens of spammy responses to everything I list for sale. It's such a pain to try to figure out which ones are from truly interested people. I'd love a service that can sort that for me!
This is new to me, Thanks! I have something Im looking for and this will make it much easier!
THANK YOU for sharing! So amazing :). I have the same frustrations with Craigslist and I did not know about Craigslook!
Great tip. I have the same problem with Craigslist and I never heard of this.
Now if only they could make one for Apartment Therapy so I can keep up.