before and after, effortless style, my work

After: 12th Street Living Room

  1. EJR says:

    It looks fantastic already!

  2. miss katie says:

    i can't WAIT to hear about the DIY ottoman. i've been dying to put something together at the foot of my bed, so hopefully this will inspire me! looks great, i'm lovin the blues!

  3. SecondStreetEast says:

    It looks so good so far! Can't wait to see more pictures. Also, looking forward to see the breakdown of the DIY projects you did!

  4. The Girl and the Cupcake says:

    Yay for DIY ottoman talk! Can't wait, I have so much fabric to use up.

  5. Jen C. says:

    Simply love, love, love it when it all comes together. A fab redo for sure! The blue stripe slipcover is awesome! I want to be bold like that!

  6. Mandy Mae says:

    Oh, I am SO glad you posted this! We just purchased our first home, and the front room is just a completely dead space (intended to be a formal dining room, but is open to the front door, just like this room.) We're not formal folks, so this room just gave me an overload of inspiration to convert my dead dining room into a lovely sitting room! Thank you!

  7. Kerry @ First Time Fancy says:

    Looks great! Seriously love that ottoman – gorgeous! That fabric is FANTASTIC! The button detail on the chair is so cute, I love things like that. We did something similar with ribbons on our dining room chairs! Looking forward to your DIY posts!

  8. One Love says:

    Absolutely fantastic! Great job C!

  9. Starfish and Sundresses says:

    Looks great! The ottoman is GORGEOUS!

  10. Three Owls says:

    looks lovely… good work. I am looking forward to the DIY as well…

  11. Helena - A Diary of Lovely says:

    I love the blue jar and the buttons, so cute! great job! congrats!!

  12. Jaclyn says:

    Love, love, love it! I have so many faves – the ottoman, "buttoned" slipcover, blue jar! Thank you SO much! Can't wait to see how you transform the rest of the house! 🙂

  13. Hello Lover... says:

    Looks great! I'm loving the ottoman!

  14. Katie says:

    fun! I can't wait to hear how the tables and ottoman were made!

  15. Blueprint Bliss says:

    Camila- looks great!

  16. Living Livelier says:

    Looks great! Especially excited to hear about those amazing DIY tables!!!

  17. Nakiya @ Taste of Baltimore says:

    The room looks soooo great!

    Where did you get your curtains???? They look light and flowy, yet still substantial enough to block out peeping toms 🙂

  18. other-option says:

    Looks great! Thanks for taking the time to share this room – even though you were super rushed!
    – Danielle
    other-option AT hotmail DOT com

  19. Design Darling says:

    camilla, it looks amazing! the little nook with the two chairs is my absolute favorite. i can't wait for the DIYs!

  20. Amy Hadley says:

    I second (actually, ninth) the eager anticipation for DIY posts!
    Curious: how often would you say you put your own DIY-ing elbow grease into your clients' rooms? And would you say as a designer, the ROI on your time is worth it? Love that you do it!
    This was my first design job, and did some DIYing, too, but probably spent too much time. Couldn't help myself!

  21. LindsB says:

    It looks amazing already- what a complete turnaround from the storage room before. And those side tables- I LOVE THEM!

  22. Shannon @ Sit.Relax.Gossip. says:

    A DIY ottoman? You are seriously the queen of DIY. I can't wait to see the how to.

  23. Laura@JourneyChic says:

    It looks gorgeous! You've got mad skills. 🙂 Of course it doesn't hurt that blue is my favorite color!

  24. Janna says:

    GORGEOUS!!!! Looks like a BH&G photo shoot 🙂

  25. the lady of the house says:

    Beautiful Job Deary! I love the buttons on the back – so fun! and the lines of those two chairs… very nice.

  26. Scientific Housewife says:

    Love it! The ottoman makes the room!

  27. Cupcake Interiors says:

    So beautiful! Where are the nailhead chairs and pierced ginger jar from?

  28. Kelly Green says:


  29. Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality says:

    I love what you've done! Looks great & the blue looks so fresh. I do believe that blue is gaining popularity once again. I've got it in our master bedroom & bath & love seeing it in different hues.

    Great job on this space, that striped chair is SO cute!

  30. C @ Project Pretty says:

    Beautiful job, Camilla! Definitely quite the feat to pull off in 3 weeks!

  31. Marija says:

    How totally fun … you've made such a huge difference at this space. Love the mixture of blues…

  32. MyLittleHappyPlace says:

    Love all that crisp blue! Well done, girlie!

  33. Sara @ Russet Street Reno says:

    It's so pretty!

  34. Susie @ Maddie's Nest says:

    Love the after….especially the nesting tables! Great job!

    Where did you get the blue ginger jar…love it.

  35. Debbie@Vintage Scout Interiors says:

    Can't believe you threw that together so fast! Do you have a stash of finds or big inventory?
    (chairs, pillows, etc) Love it! Anxious to hear about how you did those tables… I am trying to figure it out in my mind- they are so cute, I just can't wait.

  36. Karen@StrictlySimpleStyle says:

    It's so much brighter and airier (is that a word?)Great job!

  37. Kelle Dame says:

    The blue stripe slipcover is beautiful! Great job so far! I can't wait to see the rest! I hope my living room will look as good…I have the blue and white thing going on too.

  38. PS~Erin says:

    NICE JOB! It looks so pretty! You worked their wall color in so well.

  39. Lauren says:

    It looks awesome Camila!!! So sorry I'm late but beautiful job!!!

    love the ottoman fabric!!!

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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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