design crush

I heart Nate Berkus

  1. ERIKA says:

    I heart Nate, too! I love the fact you got a chance to meet him in person. If I catch him in Atlanta, I'll be dragging him home with me 😉

  2. Anne-Marie (10 Rooms) says:

    That living room with the green tufted sofa is going straight into my inspiration files – it's gorgeous!

  3. Anne-Marie (10 Rooms) says:

    That living room with the green tufted sofa is going straight into my inspiration files – it's gorgeous!

  4. Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality says:

    Me too, I love Nate too! My post will go up after Noon. Can't wait to see what happens with all of this. I would love to be in that audience too.

  5. Morgan says:

    Awesome post! I love me some Nate as well. Who doesn't!?

  6. Dumbwit Tellher says:

    Now that is a serious list of great bloggers to tribute Nate the great today. Fab idea and you posted so many of his greatest designs. He had me a lacquered doors and mid-century brass light fixtures. Great fun today, thanks!!

  7. Bailey@ peppermintbliss says:

    Well how did I not know it's Nate Day. My favorite gym buddy 🙂 If this blogger audience thing happens I HAVE to go! I wanna meet all the bloggers and being a ChiBlogger myself?? I mean come on! Plus, Camila, if you are in Chicago…you could always stay with me! I'm no Nate, but I think I'm pretty cute too!

  8. Hello Lover... says:

    Love him! so jealous you actually got to meet him!

    here is my post for Nate Berkus day!

  9. Pink Frenchie says:

    Amen! Nate is an inspiration! I just don't think I could choose just one favorite room. In almost every space he pulls together, I gush over his eclecticism and elegance.

  10. Jaime @ La vie...J'aime says:

    He is just the cutest! Can't wait for his show this fall 🙂

  11. Visual Vamp says:

    Great Nate round up!
    I loved the Elle Decor cover and editorial.
    Check out my Nate Valentine too 🙂
    xo xo

  12. Brooke says:

    OMG Cam I seriously remember that day like it was yesterday! And I posted pix from the book signing too!

  13. ~Mendie~ says:

    oh he is dreamy…both to look at and to have decorate for you! That's awesome you got to see him up close and personal.

  14. Helena - A Diary of Lovely says:

    Great picks Camila!! We all love Nate!!

  15. Averill says:

    Great pics — a lot of these I haven't seen before (always fun!). I'd say my favorite project of his though is Katie Lee's home…or maybe his sister Marni's….or…

    So hard to choose!

  16. Dagny @ Scandinavian Chic says:

    The last two rooms are AMAZING!!

    love love love Nate!!


    PS – We're hosting a giveaway with Norwegian Elle Interiør for a full year's international subscription!

  17. Pamela Terry and Edward says:

    Incredibly talented, and cute as a button!

  18. Hamptontoes says:

    Love Nate Berkus…his style is right up my alley! And, he is easy on the eyes!

  19. Creategirl says:

    FANTASTIC, I love your long connection to Nate! Those last 2 rooms are not ones I have seen yet today. Love the rug too! Thanks for joining in on our NateDay fun!

  20. Jen of Made By Girl says:

    I like billy joel's ex wifes dining room (townhouse) design! 🙂

  21. ghost chair says:

    Nate is great! I love his work – excited he's getting his own show!

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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

ready to finally love your space?

stunning style for everyday living starts here.

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