

  1. The Consummate Hostess says:

    Love, love, love this. It is sort of unexpected but absolutely fabulous! Happy Tuesday!

  2. Kerry says:

    Love it in the bathroom with the pink from House Beautiful… it's well… BEAUTIFUL!

  3. Shannon @ Sit.Relax.Gossip. says:

    I've been obsessed with this pattern too! I could practically live in those bathrooms I like it so much.

  4. Leah says:

    i'm also another person obsessed with this print! i've also found a few look-a-like fabrics but nada on wallpaper. if anyone finds one, let us know!! great post!

  5. TeachingInHeels says:

    I hadn't seen this print before. I like it, such a great alternative to the polka dot pattern.

  6. kerry says:

    LOVE this!!! Wondering if anyone has used a look-a-like and if so did you love it?

  7. Lavender and Lilies says:

    I have been loving this paper for a while and I want to use it in my bathroom. It's so amazing. I stared at the HB picture forever.

  8. Lavender and Lilies says:

    I have been loving this paper for a while and I want to use it in my bathroom. It's so amazing. I stared at the HB picture forever.

  9. 溫緯李娟王季 says:

    第一次來這裡 愛上你的部落格 感謝你的分享.................................................

  10. twolovelyspaces says:

    Love that Betsy Burnham bath. I think the fireworks are such a fresh take on black and white!

  11. white wave design says:

    i loveeee this pattern… works well in so many places!

  12. {Arianna Belle} says:

    Oh I love this pattern! Especially as used in the pillow in the last photo!

  13. Fran says:

    Love, love, love this pattern and saw it on premier prints too!! I desperately want to find a reason to use it. It shouldn't be hard!

  14. Bailey@ peppermintbliss says:

    Love 'em. Truly.

  15. Skifty says:

    I don't think the links work…I wasn't abe to get any of them to come up…

  16. Abbie says:

    I love it. It is so fun.

  17. Kelly Green says:

    You and me think alike!! hehe…..I was planning a post about this too! I love,love, love this paper!!!! KG

  18. LindsB says:

    I love it, I think its a fun pattern to use just about anywhere!

  19. Michelle says:

    Love the fireworks and the table!

  20. Pemberley says:

    Love the black and white!

  21. Sparrow's Nest says:

    I did this in paint to my bathroom on a much larger scale…I just recently painted over it as it look a little like a skinned dalmation (according to the hubby.) I still have pics up on my blog though, if you follow the link from the redone bathroom. ( =

  22. Sparrow's Nest says:

    Here's a link if you are interested.

    Like I said…I was on the fence for a while…but, decided in the end to move on. Now it only lives in pictures.

  23. Maria says:

    IM so glad you did a post on this because I've been noticing the same trend and it was also in Eddie Ross's winning window he designed for Elle, i think? anyway, LOVE it and so glad you found a similar fabric, thanks girl!

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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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