Normally I’m a super organized person. Things are always put back where they belong and my house tend to look neat most of the time.
Well for some reason the same rules do not apply to my teeny tiny closet and on most days my it looks like this:
Back of the door:
Left side of closet: The previous home owners had shelves built on this side and I use them to shove my shoes. Due to it’s tiny nature I have two storage containers stuffed in there with all of my purses. You can’t seem them, because instead of nicely hanging everything back up I’ve just piled everything on top of the container!
Main overview of closet:
It’s nice to have a small shelve above the clothes, but it’s not wide at all so I can’t really fit much other and while I try and keep it organized up there it always looks messy.
I’ve just surrendered to the fact that it’s teeny and not much can be done to make it look pretty. It’s just a closet, right?
Wrong! I can’t live with the mess or lack of decor one more second.
Especially after seeing this:
All those stylish peeps at Kate Spade always knock it out of the park. They took a simple & small closet and made it stylish & chic with a little lining to delight you!
No need to break the bank on a quick fix like a little wallpaper.
Ebay has some fun vintage finds that would work in a small space:
I love what a fun pop of color it would be add to my dreary closet. I think it would make me keep everything nice and neat in there. Hmm we shall see what I do.
Please tell me I’m not the only one with a dirty little secret.
I can't believe it! I'm just going to pick up a floral wallpaper I bought on ebay for our guest closet. That's too funny. My closet is fairly tidy since we moved, but my fabric dresser in my office is a mess. I get dizzy just looking at it!
I would LOVE to do something like this in my closet – I do share it with Brian so not sure how he would feel about bright flowers, but maybe a funky stripe or something!
I'm afraid your closet and mine look verrrry similar :/
You're definitely not the only one-I'm the kind of person that likes everything you see to look tidy and put together; my closets and drawers are a totaly mess and it makes me crazy. I would love to have a pretty floral closet and adore your vintage wallpaper picks (also really really love the magnolia paper in the inspiration shot by C&S/Westwood- I want the rug version of that paper badly!!!) My favourite is the pink and orange floral- very pretty!
Please tell me that you are going to show us VERY detailed after pictures! I loved your vanity organization. I have a large closet, the rest of my house is tiny (900 sq ft), so I am always looking for fun & colorful ways to make it more fun. I like to think of it as its separate room that I like to hide in when life gets too chaotic.
WOAH. I'm sure you've got the itch to organize after your vanity post the other day. I did an overhaul on our closte a while back. It's very cathartic!
closet organization is probably my top project of 2011…I need to get it done. its mayhem..I think purely to keep my good bags and shoes from losing their resale value it needs to be a top priority. cant sqauash the birkin since George ate the box. I've been assembling pictures to get some inspiration..I wonder if my dad will "let" me use some it bad I still ask for his approval even though I own my place?
I had the same problem until last weekend! I spent my entire Saturday organizing my closet. For small spaces, I've found that a coat rack can be a cute way to hang and organize (and display!) accessories – I have used mine for bags and scarves, but retired it once I got a bigger walk-in closet
Nope, you are not the only one. In fact I just went nuts cleaning my closet yesterday because I found two holes in two BRAND new sweaters. I swear if I have moths I am going to FREAK! I am placing a bulk order or ceder blocks and lavender asap- those suckers need to stay out of my closet!
I saw recently on House Hunters or something where the room is a neutral and the closet is a bright pop of color like orange or green. It looked great!
No, you're not the only one :o) But I do absolutely love a well organized and pretty closet. If one has the space, closets have such potential! And if one doesn't have the space, it's a good opportunity to only keep what you truly like and need. Good luck with yours!
You are definetly not alone….mine is the same! Too small and all piled in there. I love this idea of adding some pizazz with wallpaper or even paint! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
What a fabulous and unexpected pop! I am with you, my closet is an official nightmare. Perhaps I should take this as a sign to get it in order with style!
One of the reason the KS closet looks so great is that there isn't much in it. It's tough for something to look organized if it's packed with clothes- it's a problem I know I have- I just have to keep purging and I even rotate stuff seasonally but still it's hard- it's really tough for me to get rid of shoes and bags especially!
Oh no my dear, I have a secret in just about every closet and drawer in my house,hehe. I am also in the mood to do some purging and re-arranging. It looks like we will both be doing some cleaning in the weeks to come I am not doing wallpaper but love the idea, can't wait to see yours, Kathysue
great wall paper choices. my closet is neat and sorted by items and color. i guess i am weird like that. i want to paint my RH silver sage, get an ottoman and cover it in RG chevron, add a rug (not sure which) and a pretty chandi. much luck with yours !
I love the idea of sprucing up your closet! You're in there so much in the morning and it would make me so happy to have it be clean and pretty. Thanks for the idea!
I love the wallpaper idea! Thank you for sharing :-)…and I so totally get the small closet challenge – this link might give you some ideas to run with! Your projects are practical, inspirational, and I always look forward to your posts. Thank you!!!
welcome, friend
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I can't believe it! I'm just going to pick up a floral wallpaper I bought on ebay for our guest closet. That's too funny. My closet is fairly tidy since we moved, but my fabric dresser in my office is a mess. I get dizzy just looking at it!
I would LOVE to do something like this in my closet – I do share it with Brian so not sure how he would feel about bright flowers, but maybe a funky stripe or something!
I'm afraid your closet and mine look verrrry similar :/
You're definitely not the only one-I'm the kind of person that likes everything you see to look tidy and put together; my closets and drawers are a totaly mess and it makes me crazy. I would love to have a pretty floral closet and adore your vintage wallpaper picks (also really really love the magnolia paper in the inspiration shot by C&S/Westwood- I want the rug version of that paper badly!!!) My favourite is the pink and orange floral- very pretty!
Such a fun, unexpected surprise…love it!!
Please tell me that you are going to show us VERY detailed after pictures! I loved your vanity organization. I have a large closet, the rest of my house is tiny (900 sq ft), so I am always looking for fun & colorful ways to make it more fun. I like to think of it as its separate room that I like to hide in when life gets too chaotic.
Cute idea! BTW, I sent you an email with instructions on how to make the Leontine Linen-inspired pillows. Hope it went through!
You're not the only one with a messy closet. I'm a neat freak but my closet it always a mess…what to do?
: O
WOAH. I'm sure you've got the itch to organize after your vanity post the other day. I did an overhaul on our closte a while back. It's very cathartic!
closet organization is probably my top project of 2011…I need to get it done. its mayhem..I think purely to keep my good bags and shoes from losing their resale value it needs to be a top priority. cant sqauash the birkin since George ate the box. I've been assembling pictures to get some inspiration..I wonder if my dad will "let" me use some it bad I still ask for his approval even though I own my place?
I had the same problem until last weekend! I spent my entire Saturday organizing my closet. For small spaces, I've found that a coat rack can be a cute way to hang and organize (and display!) accessories – I have used mine for bags and scarves, but retired it once I got a bigger walk-in closet
im sure you will do wonders!! the KS one was fab indeed, very impressed in general with the whole bedroom!! the red one is so cute!
haha, i have the same problem, my husband hates it! I have always wanted to wallpaper my closet, can't wait to see what you do!
Nope, you are not the only one. In fact I just went nuts cleaning my closet yesterday because I found two holes in two BRAND new sweaters. I swear if I have moths I am going to FREAK! I am placing a bulk order or ceder blocks and lavender asap- those suckers need to stay out of my closet!
I saw recently on House Hunters or something where the room is a neutral and the closet is a bright pop of color like orange or green. It looked great!
oh lord! that is tiny! i have 2 closets and use every last inch. it's so easy to let it get out of control….but it's so nice when it's all organized!
No, you're not the only one :o) But I do absolutely love a well organized and pretty closet. If one has the space, closets have such potential! And if one doesn't have the space, it's a good opportunity to only keep what you truly like and need. Good luck with yours!
You are definetly not alone….mine is the same! Too small and all piled in there. I love this idea of adding some pizazz with wallpaper or even paint! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
What a fabulous and unexpected pop! I am with you, my closet is an official nightmare. Perhaps I should take this as a sign to get it in order with style!
One of the reason the KS closet looks so great is that there isn't much in it. It's tough for something to look organized if it's packed with clothes- it's a problem I know I have- I just have to keep purging and I even rotate stuff seasonally but still it's hard- it's really tough for me to get rid of shoes and bags especially!
Oh no my dear, I have a secret in just about every closet and drawer in my house,hehe. I am also in the mood to do some purging and re-arranging. It looks like we will both be doing some cleaning in the weeks to come I am not doing wallpaper but love the idea, can't wait to see yours, Kathysue
great wall paper choices. my closet is neat and sorted by items and color. i guess i am weird like that. i want to paint my RH silver sage, get an ottoman and cover it in RG chevron, add a rug (not sure which) and a pretty chandi. much luck with yours !
that green closet is super cute and fresh i love it. also the floral pieces at last
i found one closest as messy as mine :p
i hate my flatmate touch my heels though they are mess in the closet, i know each pair of them
I love the idea of sprucing up your closet! You're in there so much in the morning and it would make me so happy to have it be clean and pretty. Thanks for the idea!
I love the wallpaper idea! Thank you for sharing :-)…and I so totally get the small closet challenge – this link might give you some ideas to run with!
Your projects are practical, inspirational, and I always look forward to your posts. Thank you!!!