1. Geezees Custom Canvas Art says:

    Love the look of vintage pics, whenever i go to my grandparents house, i always look through old pics…love the big family one!

  2. MadameMim says:

    When I was in 9th grade we had to do a genealogy project. My grandmother's house had burnt down over that previous summer and they went to live in my great grandmother's old house. We had spent lots of time as a family sorting through my great grandma's closets and trunks, finding all kinds of fascinating things…including pictures. That was when I started collecting family pictures.

    Just in the past month or two, I've finally started displaying them. I've been wanting those 12"x12" frames for scrapbooks, but the cheapest I'd found them was $8 and I couldn't justify spending that much (I wanted around 10). I found some on sale at Micheals for $4 and bought all 7 there. I got some pretty paper in blacks and whites and some black corner picture holders (no clue what the real name is). So far I've done one for my grandma solo as a young adult and one for her family shots from her childhood.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of different families. Most are either my mother, grandmother, or great-grandmother, straight up the girl line…maybe these things just normally get passed down to daughters?

    Sorry for the rambling, long post!

  3. Save the Date for Cupcakes says:

    I love that pic of your grandmother and her sisters. The first one of your grandparents is my fave. Reminds me of mine! Makes me want to go dig up my grandparents photos as well!

  4. Lissa @ After Adornment says:

    Vintage photos are always fun to look at. I love looking back at the styles, and the sheer size of families! Great pics. Can't wait to see the completed wall!

  5. Janell @ Isabella and Max says:

    I have some wonderful images of my grandparents and mom, they sit on my dresser in the walk-in closet. I am strange about photos in my house, I like them in the personal spaces of the home but not in the more public areas. Just my thing…Janell

  6. Janell @ Isabella and Max says:

    p.s. love the photo of your grandmother and sisters!

  7. christine {bijouandboheme} says:

    I too love the one of your grandmother and her sisters- very cool! I just came across some amazing black and white pictures of my inlaws wedding that have inspired me to get framing- I am thiking of doing a picture wall display of all my vintage pics over the desk in the office- I like the idea of looking up at vintage pictures while working- kind of inspiring. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the pics!

  8. ~Lisa says:

    We have pictures of my mom's grandparents sitting on the mantle. They're actually in the original wooden frame from the Philippines and have carved flowers on the sides. It's really pretty.

  9. Lorie says:

    I love the idea of vintage picture's hung on a wall. My husband and I have them throughout the living room on a couple of walls. Some of the photo's are the only known photo so instead of hanging the original (for fear of the sun fading them), I take the old black and white to Kinko's Copy center and make a color copy of it, which looks exactly like the b&w original. I love the way they look on a gallery wall, mixed with current photos all in the same style frame and mat.

  10. Stephanie Sabbe says:

    I have a bunch of Bryan's family in an envelope. I really need to do something with them!

  11. Amy R. says:

    I love vintage photos! I have a few classics that I just wouldn't trade for anything. I am not sure where I want to display them.

    Amy R.

  12. Katie @ Noodle and Boof says:

    loooove old photos! i have a ton! gallery wall, sprinkled in bookshelves, everywhere!

  13. twolovelyspaces says:

    I love the old photo's you shared. It is so amazing to look back. My grandparents were Spanish so their clothing was lovely. And yes, did catch Mad Men which was amazing. Can you believe he proposed?? Seriously cannot wait to see what they come up with next.

  14. Lonely Wife Project says:

    I have the most amazing vintage photos of my husband's grandparents on their wedding day framed in our living room and currently in the process of framing other ones I've recently come across. Just got some of my mom when she was 15 playing on her all girls basketball team. The uniforms are too cute. These photos are amazing because of the stories behind them. Great post!

  15. barbara@hodge:podge says:

    I have been collecting old photos as well. My MIL is really into genealogy and has put together a scrapbook for my hubby. We also go to raid her extra photo box this summer and I grabbed some really neat photos.
    Can't wait to hang them up as well!

  16. Today Hilary... says:

    Great photo!

  17. Jessica says:

    I love old black and white photos! It is especially great when they are of your family. I recently went through my Grandma's photos and made a photo wall of old pictures. Your family looks like it has so much culture and history. So lucky!

  18. abby jenkins says:

    I adore old photographs and am concerned that when our grandchildren want to peruse our picture memories decades from now they will have none to hold and flip though. Reminds me to print out some of my digital pictures and create a 'real' photo album.

  19. LindsB says:

    I love old family photos, I have a bunch around my house and they are some of my favorite items!

  20. Miss Mac says:

    I just love this idea! I just did a similar post about unique picture walls. Check it out if you get a chance. I would love your expert opinion.

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My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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