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Vow Renewal pictures!

  1. Lindsay @ hlsd says:

    awww! congrats to you, your mom and dad and your whole family! How fun & special. 🙂 Love the colors of your dresses too. And your mom looks beautifuL!

  2. Dumbwit Tellher says:

    Camilla your parents vow renewal & everything about it through pictures was incredibly lovely. What a truly special day for them and for your family. Your parents created a beautiful family; you all were stunning. Thank you for sharing this happy time with us all.

    Cheers ~ x deb

  3. Nichole@40daysof says:

    Beautiful wedding! My husband would have joked around just like Jon. Too funny!

  4. vicki archer says:

    Congratulations to your parents….they look wonderful, xv.

  5. Hamptontoes says:

    Very sweet! And, I love your hair pulled back…quite elegant looking!

  6. Katie @ Noodle and Boof says:

    They are so cute! Great pictures! Love the blue dresses!

  7. Nuit says:

    how lovely!!!!!!!

    You and your sisters looked beautiful 🙂 congrats to your parents! x

  8. Mrs. Limestone says:

    How sweet is this??

    And your mom made a beautiful bride!

  9. Sweet Nothings says:

    omg adorable. soo cute.
    and love the hot pink shoes 🙂

  10. Ludmila {creamylife.com} says:

    Your mom is gorgeous! Love the entire idea of this renewal! The pictures are beautiful!

  11. Gareen says:

    So beautiful! I love seeing other peoples' parents who are also as in love as they were when they first got married. Gives me hope :). The bouquets turned out fantastic!

  12. Jade @ Flip Flops + Pearls Design says:

    It looks like you guys had a great time! Everything looked beautiful, from the ceremony to the dresses to the flowers! Thanks for sharing!


  13. Splendid Sass says:

    Well your hard work definitely paid off! It was beautiful and so sweet.

  14. sparrowsandsparkles says:


  15. Mary says:

    What beautiful renewal pictures!
    But I'm curious to see their original wedding day picture also.

  16. Holly says:

    holy moly, this is just so adorable. first, your mom looks BEAUTIFUL. what a pretty bride. and having her son in law walk her down? ahhhhh. im gushing! thanks for sharing this.

  17. layersofmeaning says:

    Congratulations on a lovely family!

  18. Kelly and Sara says:


  19. {Amanda} says:

    How beautiful! You have such a good looking family! And I love the dresses that you & your sisters wore! Great job on the bouquets too! ♥

  20. Tammy says:

    Great pictures of a beautiful event! The colors are fantastic! Everyone looks gorgeous!

  21. Lindsey says:

    How sweet and special!! Great photos and I am loving the blue dresses!

  22. kayce hughes says:

    Great photos! Such a special day.

  23. Helena - A Diary of Lovely says:

    so pretty! you can feel the love!

  24. paula says:

    this is beyond sweet. Everything and everyone looks gorgeous. I am melting 🙂

  25. pve design says:

    Bliss….to the "newleyweds!" Mwah!
    You all look gorgeous.

  26. Francine Gardner says:

    Beautiful family and such a wonderful event. Your bouquets are truly perfect

  27. Erika at BluLabel Bungalow says:

    Such a beautiful and touching event! The photog did a wonderful job of really capturing the moment.

    P.S. Your entire family is gorgeous. What a great gene pool you have!

  28. CK says:

    The pink shoes! Love.

  29. Scientific Housewife says:

    Great photos and I love the blue dresses!

  30. Robyn says:

    Congratulations to your parents! Your mom looks beautiful and your dad is so handsome. You and your sisters really won the genetic lottery. Thank you for sharing such a special day with us.

  31. Third Avenue Style says:

    What a lovely day for your family. You all look spectacular by the way.


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My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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