DIY Library

  1. Debbie Evans says:

    New here. Not a designer, just a home owner who loves to save money. Sometimes that includes repurposing items I’ve had for years, to more aesthetically pleasing to the eye “works of art”. Could you find some brass, yes, I said brass, items and make them beautiful? I haven’t thrown it all away. Candlesticks my grandmother brought back from Ireland, a lamp I love , and a few more odds and ends. What do you say? Give it a try? Thanks! Love your blog, btw! ~Debbie~

  2. Katie Bird says:

    Hello! So, not sure if this really belongs in the DIY Library… but maybe it does! Either way I figured I’d give it a shot:

    I’m looking for a way to make my non-working fireplace look cute. It’s currently empty, and it used to be a working fireplace but the gas is no longer hooked up. I could just get some gas logs and pretend… but I’d like to do something a bit more eye-catching and fun. Any ideas? Also- we rent our (adorable!) home, so I can’t do anything too permanent.

    Also.. TGIF, amirite?!

  3. ashley says:

    I love your DIYs! The way you explain all the steps is very helpful, so keep it up! I have inherited some very boring, yet useful bookcases for my home office. They are very basic, dark cherry wood towers with adjustable shelves. Probably 7 ft high x 2 ft wide x 2ft deep. They happen to flank an equally boring cherry wood desk that could also use a facelift!

    I would love to see your ideas for these sad little pieces!


  4. Amy says:

    I know that you have done painted floors, but, lately I was thinking of painting my laminate flooring. Our house was built in the late 70’s, and those floors, not so hot. Anyway, I am not sure just how different a project it would be, I need to do a little research.
    BTW, I love your DIY section! I recently made the Kate Spade Ampersand, and blogged about it here, Next I am interested in the matted frames.
    Thanks for all the inspiration!

  5. Kara martin says:

    Would love something about how to create a table vignette.


  6. I would love to see different uses for mirrors. Whether it be covering a piece of furniture with them, making your own mirror from glass or framing a piece of mirror in a vintage frame.

    Second, I love that you don’t sew (neither do it), so it would be really interesting for you to look at trim treatments for your past new sew projects — revisit how could you jazz them up.

    Last is DIY about making your own lamp shades or recovering the shades. I see tons of DIYs on the easy shades where it’s just a circle but what about those that are cones or non uniform shapes.

  7. Hallie says:

    I love visiting your website for design ideas! I live in a very small condo, so no space goes to waste. I would love a DIY on how to create storage spaces. Benches with storage, or table skirts that hide extra boxes etc. I have no attic space so even things like luggage and christmas wrapping have to be hidden somewhere. Thanks!

  8. Sarah says:

    Hi! I would love to see a DIY screen project. I have a corner of Stuff that I need to cover up (bikes, christmas tree box, as yet unframed prints–all odd sizes that dont lend themselves to a wall unit, baskets, etc) and would love to cover it with a screen. Most I am seeing to buy are a bit too asian-style for me. Any tips for a DIY contemporary screen would be most welcome. Thanks! Love the blog

  9. Sara says:

    Oooh, I agree with Courtney about lampshade idea.

    I would also love to see more re-upholstery projects (I know you’ve done ottomans, headboards, etc.), but maybe something more complicated, like a chair?

    Thanks so much for sharing all your processes!

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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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