about me, baby

BABY THINGS 101: Registry Help

  1. Melissa says:

    Moby Wrap! It will make your first few months sooooo much easier. We really loved our Phil and Ted, but I think strollers have come a really long way in the last three years, so I’m no help there– in fact, everything we had for our last baby is probably totally obsolete now! I did find that my kids prefered swings/seats that were papasan style. I was/am a paranoid mommy, so the Angelcare monitor was one of my must-have items!

  2. Tricia says:

    orbit baby stroller is amazing!!! Must have. Light but so very functional.

  3. Katie says:

    Totally agree on the Moby Wrap! LOVE it! Also, for a space saver my husband and I purchased a Graco swing (although maybe you are considering the Mama-roo instead?) that has a removable bouncy-seat. My son is now 4.5 months and we have used both of these items OFTEN, and I have loved not needing the space to put both of them! Both great for some improptu napping! Also, you could hold off on some items until further down the road if you want your space for as long as possible. Highchair probably won’t be of use until 3-4 months, and an exersaucer, in my experience, is useless until probably at least 5 months. Also, be sure to get a stroller that works with your carseat! Either invest in a good travel system, or get something like the “Snap n go.” It makes shopping trips, etc. so much less of a hassle when you don’t have to wake baby with every stop to get him out of the carseat. Good luck!

  4. DJ says:

    Ditto on the Snap-n-Go. I had one for my 20 month old twins, and it’s a lifesaver- it’s feather-light, and super easy to open and close. Just make sure you choose on that’s compatible with your infant carseat. Skip the big high-chair in favor of a booster-type that straps to a chair. Skip the wipes warmer. YES to a bouncer seat, and YES to a swing (Fisher Price makes a swing that plugs in. Trust me, you don’t want the batteries to die in the middle of the night). Yes to a high quality crib mattress, no to an expensive crib (they chew the rails when they start teething). No to a Bumbo. Yes to a huge stack of machine-washable bibs. Good luck!

  5. Melissa says:

    With each of our boys we scaled down on the gear. We had everything for our oldest and I mean everything. We moved cross country with our second and unloaded half of the gear. With our third we were pretty light on the gear. It really does take over your home and storing it is a pain. So the basics, in my n are: , a good stroller. If you plan on a second then think about a stroller that can convert to a double. Snap and go was huge for me, it is light and so easy to transfer baby from car to home. Now that he is nearly 1 we use our phil and teds. A good sling, moby wraps are great but the ergo will be used for years. Glass bottles and a good pump. I will say that our insurance co. covered a hospital grade rental that was awesome. A play mat and bumbo seat were helpful. Oh and a bundle me for the car seat was crucial in the winter. I would say go light, don’t unpack everything, save reciepts and see where you are once the baby arrives. Oh and a diaper b ag that can hook onto the stroller handles is great. I love my skip hop bag. Buy your crib with a good company. We purchased our crib from pottery ran kids with our first and a plastic hook broke off when we put it together for our third. One call to ovoids and they sent us a new crib for free over night. Hope this helps!

  6. Karrie says:

    Well, my first should be arriving any day now so all I have is advice passed on to me. My sister in law is a mother to three and she bought the Fisher Price Rock N Play Sleeper (http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Newborn-Rock-Sleeper-Yellow/dp/B002M77N22) for her latest addition and loved it so much she wishes it had been available for her other two. We were lucky enough to have it passed on to us and I’m really excited to use it. Plus, if you search around you can find it in more prints and colors (although, I really do love the original yellow scheme). My BFF has a four week old and she loves using it for her little one as well.

    I see cloth diapers in your photo–we decided to rent our newborn diapers using Itsy Bitsy Bums. It’s a 12 week rental ($100 for new and $50 for pre-loved) and they are cute as a button–I received my rentals yesterday! It’s much cheaper than buying a newborn set and the all in ones seem huge for a newborn.

    And the last thing that I’m really excited about using is the Arms Reach Co-Sleeper (we bought the mini version so it’ll fit by our bed). It hooks to your bed to make night time nursing easier (from what I understand, they’ll sleep for 2-3 hours and need to feed again during the first month or two). Plus, I love the idea of having her so close during the first months of her life without having her in our bed (which we’d love to do that but we realize we’re both too paranoid to actually let her sleep in our bed so it seems like a good compromise).

    Good luck with everything! We tried to focus mainly on what we need for her the first few months and other items, we’ll shop for when we need it. It kept me from feeling overwhelmed because it seems like there are so many decisions to make!

  7. Sara says:

    BumGenius or Fuzzibunz cloth diapers are great/easy. One Size fits surprising well – I have a petite 17 mth old and these brands fit well. The one size diaper will save you some $$ and space (rather then buying different sizes). As a newborn, I used chinese prefold and cover, but not very often as they constantly were wet/needed changing, so we used disposables.
    I love my ERGO. That is more my style, then a wrap – it has been indispensable for hiking and dog walking. I used a front carrier (MacLaren) when she was an infant. I also had a Maya wrap for my first which was useful.
    I have a jogging stroller (Bob) and an umbrella stroller. Love the Chicco strollers. We use the LiteWay – lays flat with a boot, for sleeping infant. And good for a strolling around when they are older.

  8. The most important piece of baby equipment I purchased for my daughter was her swing. It’s a Fisher-Price Cradle ‘n’ Swing and it has made being a first-time mom a breeze. She slept in it the first week or two back from the hospital — she’s now 7 weeks), she naps in it while I work, and will just hang out in it while I putter around the house. It is THE BEST THING EVER.

    I have small cars, so I needed smallish gear. And I’m not rich, so I needed gear that would last a while. I ended up going with a Britax Roundabout 55 car seat rather than an infant seat, Inglesina Zippy stroller, and the ErgoBaby carrier with the infant insert. For diapers, I switch between KangaCare Rumparoos which you can beat up and wash regularly (none of this Charlies Soap business) and they are super soft and wonderful and regular old Pampers swaddlers (Huggies didn’t fit on my narrow baby).

    I’ve been crazy happy and delighted that my gear has been perfect for my kid!

    Congrats and remember that none of it matters so buy what YOU like! (except a swing. holy crap. get a swing!)

  9. Hannah says:

    I also have a Phil & Ted stroller (like the first comment), and I am totally obsessed with it… you can buy it now and use if for one kid, and then if you have another, it can turn into a double stroller by using the jump seat. We also jog with it (even though it’s technically not a jogger), so it’s pretty much the only stroller you’ll ever need (besides a little umbrella stroller, those are always nice to have).

    I personally recommend borrowing a lot of things from friends, even temporarily, to find out what works for your baby, then you can buy whatever you like. I know that’s not very fun (it’s so tempting to buy cute, nice new things), but it would be such a waste of money to buy something and then what if your baby hates it? Some babies love swings, some hate them. Some like the Moby wraps, others scream the whole time. My first baby loved to be swaddled, the second hated it.

    One thing we do love is our Bumbo. Once the baby can hold up their head, they can sit in them and it’s so nice because now they can sit up instead of lying down all the time when you aren’t holding them. Unfortunately, the Bumbo colors are all pretty bad (at least they used to be), but my babies loved them so it was worth it. They also come with little trays now, which would be really nice.

    And like someone else said, try not to buy too much until you actually need things. We didn’t even buy a high chair until our baby was old enough to sit in one. We didn’t baby proof until we saw what they were getting into (for example, neither of my kids have cared about kitchen cabinets so we didn’t have to put the locks on those, thankfully… we just put the chemicals high up somewhere else just in case). The only thing we baby-proofed in advance was covering the plugs. We don’t have stairs so there’s no issue there. Also, don’t forget to anchor your furniture.

    Anyway, my point is that every baby is different so you’ll have to take cues from them about what to buy and what’s a waste. Good luck!

  10. Laura says:

    I agree with everyone on the wrap/sling! My daughter lived in it her first 6 months, and then I switched to the Ergo (much better easier with bigger babies, but not so good for small babies unless you buy the insert). But I recommend trying on a lot of wraps – and your partner as well.

    So my partner – the good academic that he is – did a TON of research into strollers. Everyone I knew had huge stroller, but we live in a small apartment with stairs (no elevator) and no storage. This means we need a stroller that is good for public transit, easier to fold and store. After months and months of research, we chose the CityMini (http://www.babyjogger.com/city_mini_lp.aspx). I can close it with one hand while holding my daughter, it fits through streetcar doors as well as buses and metro; what is more, it does not take up the entire isle of the bus/streetcar, so people can still fit through. And if the bus is really busy, I can just quickly fold it. And it fits so well in any trunk because it folds up to flat. The CityMini was our best buy!!

    One more piece of advice I will pass on from my Mom, who had five kids, is to only buy the essential until your baby is born, because a lot of times what works for someone else’s baby is not going to work for yours. Example, we bought a baby swing because everyone told us it is amazing – our daughter hated it. She hated the bouncy Fisher Price chair too. We ended up selling both . We took her shopping one day and tried in her several until finally finding one that she seemed happy in – the Peg Perego seat that she had to bounce on her own (http://us.pegperego.com/babyproducts-catalog/2011/Sdraietta+Melodia).

    My Mom sent me a list of what she considered the essentials. I can share that if you would like.

  11. Shelby says:

    I have an almost six-month-old and my word of advice would be to borrow as much of the big stuff as you can! We were able to borrow a really nice swing from a neighbor – and I’m REALLY glad we didn’t drip a lot of moola on one because Baby Boy was so not a fan. Also, hit up garage sales! I’ve found tons of clothes with the tags still on for dirt cheap. Good luck!

  12. La Monica says:

    I second a booster seat. We also have a teeny tiny house and knew we didn’t want to take up valuable floor space with a big high chair. We opted for the Fisher Price booster seat that we used with our 4 yo dd and now our 2 yo son is using it. It was one of the best purchases we made hands down. The great part is that it’s easy to fold up and take with you to restaurants or to grandma’s house.

  13. Colleen says:

    The things all my babies loved were a vibrating seat, swing and what they used to call a Johnny Jump up. All they really need is to be loved and I’m sure you’ll have that covered!!

  14. Holly says:

    Congratulations, Camila! I totally third the Moby wrap–especially for when you have more kids since it will give you two hands to deal with older children. 🙂 I tried/used many baby carriers and found the Moby to be the most comfortable (two shoulders help distribute the weight), versatile, and affordable. Plus, you can find cute colors and designs or commission a custom one with designer fabric from sellers on etsy.

    If I knew then what I know now, I honestly would have skipped the stroller altogether–or used a cheapie for long trips when they’re older. The Moby worked great for us for two years (until about 30 pounds) and once they learn to walk, the little rascals don’t want to be pushed anyway. Besides, strollers are a nuisance in stores and in airports (they have to be folded and put through the x-ray machine) anyway. Just a thought. Good luck!

  15. Jennifer says:

    So exciting! This is definitely an overwhelming time in the process. Babies need a lot, but they really don’t NEED a lot, if that makes sense. My girl was not into the swing so I was glad we got our’s from consignment. Many of the infant products (swing, bouncy chair, etc) are only used for a short time so if you can borrow from friends that could be really helpful (both for the wallet and your closet space!). Here are my tops:

    You definitely want something to carry the baby in as most newborns go through stages when they don’t like to be put down 🙂 I have a front carrier and that beautiful Serena & Lily sling. The carrier worked great but I think the wrap is too big (it’s not adjustable) and I’ve never gotten her comfortable in it – so disappointing! Next time I’ll try a Moby. Here is a helpful link on wraps: http://www.mamaathomeblog.com/2011/07/babywearing-journey.html

    Snap & Go stroller. Small and lightweight which is ideal for your recovery. Easy to maneuver in tight spaces (ahem, thrift stores!). Love this, still keep mine in the trunk of my car even though E is definitely big enough to use the MacLaren. My sister has a BOB jogging stroller which is DIVINE if you do a lot of outdoor walking/running. But the thing is a monster to stroll and store.

    Someone said no to the Bumbo, but I love mine! Easy to take around the house when I need to set her down for a minute (umm to go to the bathroom!). Makes a good portable high chair when the time comes for that.

    Something like this: http://www.target.com/First-Years-Deluxe-Fold-Diapering/dp/B003ZK5O4Y/ref=sc_qi_detaillink makes it easy to switch bags around (it’s a changing pad that holds diapers and wipes). Also good to have if you don’t want to bring the whole bag in (like the grocery store).

    Most of it is personal preference – you and the baby! Hope this is a little helpful! Congrats again, Camilla!

  16. Suzanne says:

    My daughter just had a baby, and her favorite things so far are~A battery operated bouncing seat! It’s a lifesaver. Also, a good changing pad to put in your diaper bag. And a big, but chic diaper bag.
    My daughter also just got a City Mini stroller, and she loves it.

  17. Tara says:

    Moby Wrap for definite!
    As for a stroller, as a formor Manhattan nanny, I have 2 recommendations. First, for getting around town when it’s a little bigger (6mos+) I recommend a Maclaren. TOTALLY worth the extra money as far as the easy of collapsing, weight, and durability. Then a jogging stroller for when you’re going on jogs or longer walks and he is smaller (you can recline the seats all the way) BOBs are great, but extremely pricey. I, personally, now have a baby trend expedition (it’s a double-wide for the twinners), but they made a single that’s similar and I’ve loved it so far.

    As for things around the house, it really depends on what your little guy likes. One of my girls LOVED the bouncy seat (still does 9mos later) and the other was a swing girl. Bouncy’s are cheap enough to get and see if he likes and resell, but swings can get expensive. If you can borrow one before buying, that’s what I’d do!

    High chairs really depend on your style and if you want a chair in your dining room, or if you don’t mind a baby chair strapped to one of your dining seats. I didn’t want to take up 2 of my dining chairs for the baby boosters, so I have 2 full high chairs. But many mom’s I know swear by the portable seats. I like teh Bumbo for travelling feeding!

    We use Smartipants cloth diapers. They’re teh same as bumGenius, but made by a smaller company and cheaper. They have a one-size diaper that fits from 8lbs to 35. I have 30 for twins, so with just 1 baby, I think they recommend 24? and we use Charlie Soap for our laundry.

    We skipped the infant carrier seats and went straight to a convertible car seat (MyRide 65 by Graco 5-65lbs). It means no Snap-N-Go, but I just use my regular stroller. Saved me money and the headache of uninstalling and installing new seats after a year. AND I’m not tempted to leave my kids in the carseat for naps and such which the nurses in the NICU told me isn’t very safe and I (and my sitters and friends) hold my babies a lot more. I am thrilled we went this route!!

  18. Amanda Eck says:

    Its been 3yrs since I’ve had a little one-and I am amazing out all the new fancy stuff thats out there. And yes the Moby wrap is a hit. The one thing I love was my moses basket basinet b/c I could move the baby from room to room while he slept and I could get work done.
    Oh and dont even think about getting your shower or your teeth brushed for the first 2 months! 🙂

  19. Whit says:

    Just had to comment – I was so excited to see my diaper bag on your list! I love it and have been using it for almost a year. It has tons of pockets and holds everything, plus it has a zipper pocket on the inside where I put the important stuff (i.e. wallet, keys, tape measure) so I don’t have to dig
    for it.

  20. Sweet Nothings says:

    did you see the missoni x target baby stuff. I want to buy it and im not dating, let alone married or anticpiating a critter any time soon. freaking amazing.

  21. Jenny says:

    Diaper geenie. Just throw the diapers in the trash and you’ll empty the bag every or every other day. No biggie! Wipes warmer. Seriously, who came up with this one? Swing. Borrow one if you can. Neither of my two kids liked them, so I’m glad we didn’t waste the money. Breast Pump. Wait to make sure b-feeding works out for you (I had supply issues with both kids and wasn’t able to b-feed like I had planned). The hospital ones are so much better to rent, anyways. We never used our pack n play, so skip that if you can, too!
    Fisher-Price Rainforest bouncer chair and obnoxious Tiny Love mobile. Did they fit in with my decor? No. Did they keep my babies entertained and engaged? Absolutely. Good luck on the rest of your pregnancy!

  22. Kris says:

    Congrats Camila! Sounds like people have some great advice and remember too that every baby is different; ours was not into the swing or the bouncy chair but some babies LOVE them! The things that were indispensible to us were:

    1.) The Ergo baby carrier with infant insert — I used this so much and for a long time.
    2.) Chicco Cortina stroller with lock-in pumpkin seat — loved this stroller and we used it
    for a long time, then we transitioned to the lightweight Chicco stroller and still use it (our son is 3).
    3.) Graco Pack N’ Play — our little one slept in this in our bedroom until about 3 months and then transitioned to his crib in his own room (we got a cute Jenny Lind from Target and he still sleeps in it). We used the Pack N’ Play every time we travelled until he outgrew it.
    4.) Baby Who0zit from Manhattan Toys — babies love this thing!
    5.) A handful of good books with lots of color.
    6.) Carter’s baby clothes
    7.) All natural washes, lotions and sunscreens (burts bees, earths best)

    I wish you all the best, this is such an exciting time!! Kris

  23. Ells says:

    It’s so fun to read what everyone loved and didn’t love – and a great reminder that every baby IS different! We have a 10 month old daughter and are expecting #2 early next year. I have four strollers in my garage (1 purchased, 3 hand-me-downs) – I am getting rid of all but one small Combi umbrella stroller and buying a Phil & Ted off of Craigslist this weekend for it’s awesome single-or-double capability.

    Our changing table is only as long as the curved pad that goes inside and I wish now that it had an extra ledge on the end, as my baby is long enough to kick the wipes by her feet. That extra 8-10 inches would be so helpful!

    We also LOVE our Snuggli hiking backpack, even for using around the house. Baby loves to be up high and able to watch what I’m doing over my shoulder, and it gives me two hands and puts her far from the stove when I’m cooking. A lifesaver!

  24. Moby Wrap is definitely a must! It has a learning curve but once you get used to it, it is awesome!
    I have the Phil & Ted’s Vibe and LOVE it! I bought it and the doubles kit and we use it a lot. I never got the snap n’ go but just added the carseat adapter to the Vibe and off we went.
    I borrowed (or bought 2nd hand) swings, playmats, etc that the kiddos grow out of really quickly.
    For space saving reasons for our 1st child, we never bought a full high chair. In stead, we just got the one that secured to an existing chair. My best friend has one that converts into a chair though which is helpful.

  25. Anne W says:

    Just a few quick thoughts, some of which you probably already know…craigslist/kid’s consignment shops are your friend! you can get stuff (including high-end clothing) for so much cheaper; it hardly makes any sense to buy most baby things brand new! If you plan to do much “baby-wearing” the ERGO carrier is a great one. While not quite as stylish as some, it’s easy to put on and has great low-back support. This is kind of random, but I didn’t have one until recently (and I have a 2/12 yr old) and I don’t know how I lived without it–a mirror that clips onto the seat that your baby faces! This way you can glance in your rear-view mirror and actually see your baby! I can’t believe I didn’t have one for so long. It’s great to not have to wonder if the little dude has nodded off or not 🙂 happy registering 🙂 xoxo

  26. Anne W says:

    I meant to type 2 1/2 year old (not a 12 year old! definitely wouldn’t need a mirror for a 12 year old 🙂

  27. ACG says:

    Now that I have moved from always walking NYC to a driving suburb, an infant carrier car seat with a “bundle me” and a cheap snap and go frame is worth its weight in gold, and wins the Most Valuable Baby Gear award. It makes everything – especially shopping and air travel- sooo much easier. It also eliminates the need for a pricy bassinet attachment that lets a regular stroller accommodate an infant’s floppy neck. The added plus is that you can delay buying your stroller until the baby is 5-6 months old, and you have a better sense of what you need for your baby-full lifestyle. The NY area CL is a wonderful source of high quality strollers at reasonable prices. I have bought a crazy number of strollers (snap and go, Quinny Buzz, single McL umbrella, double McL umbrella, and Urban Mountain (?) double jogger) via CL, and have always gotten a good deal.

    The best advice I got regarding gear was to forget about the ugly space-consuming high chair, and as previous commenters have mentioned, go with a booster seat that straps to a dining chair. I have the $25 Fisher Price healthy seat, and every mother that comes to my house says, “I wish I had done that.”

    My biggest baby gear regret is I wish that I hadn’t spent $500+ for the bassinet (that always seem to require a special sized mattress and bedding that you can’t reuse on the crib) to be used for the 2-3 months the baby slept in our room. If I had to do it over again, I would have just used a Pack-N-Play. The Pack N Play is more functional in that it folds up, so you can hide it in a closet or move it to another room when you need to, and you will be able to use it for travel until the baby outgrows it at 2.5 years, rather than the 3 months or so you get out of a bassinet.

    The splurge that I don’t regret at all was the higher-end (but not too high-end) stylish, well-built crib. It will be the centerpiece of your child’s room for 2-2.5 years (on average), and will be used by each child. I like walking into the room and seeing a nice looking piece of furniture that I know was manufactured in a responsible way – considering how much time they spend in there and how often they gnaw at the railing, I couldn’t deal with not knowing the manufacturer and trusting the paint they used. Also, I really like the idea of handing down a good crib to my sister, etc. It is such a sentimental piece of furniture.

    Once I had my first child, friends and family and neighbors come out of the woodwork trying to give me their barely used bouncy seats/exersaucers/swings/etc that they felt guilty throwing out but don’t want taking up space in their house.

    Good luck. I am sure that all the choices you make will be good ones!


  28. Love my City Mini stroller! So easy to fold and light – best gift we received.

    Also – video monitor (saves you sleep to know if babe is actually awake versus making noises), vibrating chair and/or swing chair (both get our little one to sleep when she refuses to nap in her crib) and kimono-style onesies (no pulling over the head of a fussy baby). I really love the Petit Bateau ones. Lastly – MAM pacifiers actually fit a newborn’s mouth (given to us at the hospital). You can find them at Target (along with Aden & Anais blankets, which we use for everything).

    Oh . . . and breast pads are a must. Lansinoh makes great ones.


  29. Laura L says:

    I’ve got a 6 month old (wish I’d read some of this advice first!)

    Here’s what I have loved: Moby wrap saved my life. City Mini stroller is super easy to open/close. LOVE the Baby Bjorn high chair; small, sturdy and easy to clean. I heart my Timi & Leslie bag (we must have the same taste!) though it’s a little on the bulky side. Miracle Blanket swaddles were sooo much easier to deal with at 2am than trying to fold my own swaddle. I was given a play mat as a gift; I didn’t think I’d need it, but it’s gotten so much use. (I have the horribly-named Tiny Love Gymini, but I don’t think the brand really matters.) Also we got the Baby Bjorn travel bed for trips, and love it. So small and easy to set up. Diaper Genie has also been awesome. Oh and this is more for the momma, but I got one-line-a-day 5 year journal that’s been really nice. I’ve wanted to record these first months, and it hasn’t felt overwhelming to keep up on short daily thoughts.

    Here’s what I got but sort of regret: I love the Mama Roo (see, we do have the same taste) but my little guy never really liked it. I wish I’d tried him out in different things first, cause that’s not something you really need right away. Same with the Bumbo chair. I wish I’d borrowed one first to test out how he liked it. Also I bought waaaaay too many 0-3 month clothes (especially hats, for some reason). Didn’t like my Serena & Lily sling. It was too uncomfortable to wear.

    Anyway, congratulations! Babies are the best!

  30. *Diaper Genie II Elite – the one with the foot pedal
    *Munchkin disposable changing pad covers to go on top of your cloth changing pad cover
    *Playtex vent-aire bottles
    *Thick cloth diapers for burp rags (there’s a really thick kind you can buy; they’re not all the same). You will want these if you have a pukey kid
    *Paci wipes (they are specifically food grade) if your kid takes a paci
    * A dim lamp or nightlight for the nursery or nighttime changes and feedings.
    *Swaddle blankets with the velcro

    Good luck and have fun registering!!

  31. Brooke says:

    1. Combi stroller- you pop the carseat in and out, it is VERY lightweight, small to go down store isles and EASY to open and close with one hand.
    2. Booster seat for the table. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4282469. we bought one for my son when he was little and he is 5 and still sits in it sometimes. We also bring it for our 2 year-old for restaurants, so she doesn’t have to sit in the nasty ones they have there that are dirty!

  32. jennifer says:

    Keep it simple. so much of the stuff on the market looks cool but it is not helpful. Diaper wipe warmers, really? You just want that diaper changed! In a small space, try to find items that will work at home and on the go. Keep your stroller as light weight as possible but one that the baby can lay down in or sit up. (You may find that you like the ones that hold the baby carrier because then you don’t wake the baby moving him/her from place to place. I also didn’t want just everybody holding my baby and having the baby in the carrier was a natural way to keep unknown hands at bay.) I love Peg Perago strollers…they are a little more costly (as are McLaren’s) but both are sturdy, light weight, easy to get out and up. A bumbo seat for when they are a few months old is a wonder I wished they had when my little guy was a baby. They allow the baby who can’t sit yet to sit supported. Great hands free for you but good, safe activity for them.
    I live in an area where we have consignment sales twice a year. They are invaluable to getting things that you would like try but aren’t sure you baby will use. For example, my first baby loved a swing, my daughter wouldn’t sit in one at all. You can find nearly new items at a fraction of the cost. Look in your area. I know it is so nice to get new…especially for that first baby but this was really a blessing to me. It’s also a great help for the extra car seat or things for grandma’s house .
    Have FUN! You have plenty of time! That sweet little bundle is just going to sleep and look around the first little bit. You will be amazed at how much stuff just a bed, diapers and clothes can take up. Blessings!!

  33. Caroline says:

    My 2 cents would be to really consider breastfeeding your baby. I nursed both my kids each until about 1 years old and aside from the huge savings on formula, the multiple health benefits for both baby and mom (can I say “rapid weight loss”) it was so convenient not having to worry about bottles, bottle warmers, bottle cleaners, the bottle dryer, insulated bottle carriers, bottle nipples, stage 1, 2,3….phew! If you are nursing as long as Mommy is there, the baby has food. So when you are registering all you would need is a starter set of bottles and, my favorite, the Avent pump so Daddy can have a turn, i.e. the 3AM turn!! Good luck with rest of the pregnancy!

  34. Jen says:

    YAY for baby!

    Depending on if you are planning to b-feed or use/supplement with formula, have some bottles on hand so that others can feed you baby. We used Dr. Brown’s bottles for all 3 of our girls. Also buy one of the Dr. Brown bottle racks. The bottles have an internal system to eliminate gassiness, and this rack is a great way to organize the pieces. Buy 1-2 dishwasher baskets to hold the inside parts in the dishwasher.

    A vibrating bouncy seat is a must.

    And while there are a lot of books out there on sleeping, etc., we were huge fans of the “Happiest Baby on The Block.” Register for some good cotton blankets for swaddling…I preferred ones that were soft and stretchy like a think t-shirt material. My favorites were from Carters.

    And the best advice I ever got was “trust your gut.” YOU and only YOU (as in you and your hubby) will know what is best for your baby. Trust your intuition…you actually know more than you think you do. 🙂

  35. carla says:

    The Orbit stroller is WELL worth the investment. Its swivel base in the car and on the stroller is SUCH A WONDERFUL THING. We also went for a BOB stroller which is perfect for longer hauls, especially outdoors, on any terrain. And we also purchased a smaller Phil & Ted’s umbrella-type stroller that is used almost daily now that she is almost 2 – it is light and easy. I know – ridiculous to have 3 strollers, right? She’s also my first and I researched, researched, researched and we have used them all A LOT.

    I also love the Minui Handysitt that we use on a tall stool at our kitchen island where we eat most of our meals. It came with a cushion insert that we later took away when she got bigger. An extender is also available if you want to make it into a stand-alone high chair.

    Our baby was born in January and it was SO COLD that winter. I cherished her little sleepsack that she slept in every night those first few months. I never had to worry about her getting cold. Aden & Anais blankets are great, too.

    The BabyCook is a wonderful tool in the kitchen – ours is worn out from making those early foods that she was ready for about the time fresh veggies harvested that summer.

    Our swing turned out to be a waste of money since she didn’t like it. Such was also the case with the Bumbo seat. She did, however, sleep very well in a moses basket on a rocker right next to our bed those first couple of months.

    And we purchased a PRIMO tub – a simple white one – that sits in our tub. It’s a larger tub, and we have used it since the beginning and still today. She simply switched to sit on the opposite side when she could sit up on her own. It’s been the best. We got it at Babies R Us.

    Best of luck! Enjoy!

  36. kate collins says:

    Okay, so I have no suggestions because I don’t have kids myself. I know, so not helpful.

    I just wanted to say once again how excited I am for the both of you to have a little one. You two as parents puts a huge smile on my face. I can’t wait for the baby post in December.

  37. Emily says:

    Hi! I am a mom of a 5 month old. One piece of advice I would give you for registering is if you get to a section (like bottles, in particular) that you aren’t ready to make a decision on, and the number of choices is overwhelming, just move on to the next thing on your list. You can always go back and add after you make a decision.

    We received a Fisher Price “my little lamb” bouncy seat in a very neutral color and blended in quite well in our living room. My sweet boy has been using it since we came home from the hospital. One thing I didn’t think we would need that he ended up loving was a playmat. It has earned its keep at our house!

    Additionally, I noticed other people mentioning a snap ‘n go stroller but also looking for one that is expandable if you plan on having more than one child. Our stroller combines all of those things – the Uppababy Vista. It comes with a bassinet (with a Bugaboo, you must buy it separately) and the regular child seat. We bought the infant carrier adapter for it, so it doubles as a snap ‘n go. Later on, you can buy a rumble seat for a second child. It rides nicer than my car! Highly recommend.

    Have fun!

  38. Sarah says:

    Yay! So exciting!! Registering is definitely exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. One thing I’ll add is that I would HIGHLY recommend a video monitor over an audio-only monitor. (The video ones are more expensive, but if you can get someone to give it to you as a gift, do it!!!) It is soooo much easier to be able to hear the baby crying and look at the footage to see how she/he is doing without having to get up every second. Maybe in the beginning when they are a newborn, its best to head into the room to check on them anyways, but after a few months, especially if you do any sort of sleep training, the video monitor is key!!! Good luck, you’re getting lots of great advice so far:)

  39. Katrina says:

    love the serena and lilly sling, i have one, its super pretty!! I havn’t used mine yet, our little guy is just 2 mos, i plan on using soon 🙂

    Just be practical, some things like swaddle muslin blankets are a MUST, and we love boon and skip hop products

  40. Sarah says:

    ikea! We love the simple white crib (gulliver?) and high chair. Friends have spent so much on these two item and it’s totally not necessary.

  41. Gaby says:

    Wow you got tons of suggestions! In my opinion the best baby related purchase I made was the Maclaren Stroller. Is very light, easy to fold and compact. We live in Toronto in a tiny condo so for me it was key to have something small. Also I do lots of walking around the city and I needed something not too bulky to make my subway and streetcar experience easier. Besides the Maclaren (which my baby used since the first day) I got the BOB Revolution as a jogging stroller (from 8 months) and LOVE it.
    Loved the baby bjorn, and love boon and skip hop products. Used tons of swaddling blankets and burp cloths (got a package of white cheap ones at Target and just a couple of nice ones for outings).
    Hope this helps a little bit and I hope you don’t get confused with so many suggestions 😉

  42. alaurable says:

    i found you your dream diaper bag!
    1) bright happy colors
    2) elephants
    3) not a diaper bag
    4) oil cloth so it wipes clean, lasts a long time, and always looks great (i am a nanny/postpartum doula and haul my fossil keeper everywhere and it survives playgrounds and seattle rain)


  43. Sarah says:

    Eek! Congrats Camilla on your peanut. I have two boys so I hope I am a bit of help.
    Britax are the best car seats, well worth the $. Make sure you purchase a stroller that has a universal adapter otherwise you’ll have to take your sleeping baby out of his carseat to put him in the stroller. Also like the head support of the britax infant seat. I love the bob because it is rides so smooth although that missoni bugaboo is beautiful. For 6 plus months I recommend the maclaren umbrella stroller since it’s lightweight and easy. I loved using Aden and anias lightweight blankets to cover the top of the stroller so baby can sleep as well as a swaddle blanket. Also since your wee one is coming in December the JJ Cole urban bundle me it will keep baby warm in the car seat or stroller. I am a big fan of the Babybjorn, I just felt like it was safer. My go to diaper bag is the miabossi it’s so playful yet chic. I would highly recommend a fisher price cradle swing, this will be a lifesaver! Also, the arms reach co sleeper is so helpful when baby needs to eat at 2 am. Baby monitors help a lot especially ones with video. My peg perago highchair lasted two boys and was adjustable which was so helpful. I considered cloth diapers but went with pampers and am really happy. If you go with diapers a diaper genie is a must. Bottles, born and advent are great and bpa free.
    I could go on and on… Last thing when bathing your baby cover his wee wee with a washcloth same goes with changing diapers. Boys pee travels. Best of luck.

  44. Melissa says:

    You know, there is a group in my town called the Tot Toters– they have group time when you can try on carriers and then check them out for a few days (like a library!) to decide which one is best. Maybe a good thing to look for once the baby is born. The backpack-style carriers are constantly evolving– Ergo was the big brand, but I hated how insecure it felt putting it on, so I found a brand called Becco (way cuter fabric, too) and since my Becco another brand called Boba (or Bobo, not sure?) has come out, as well as a bunch of other kinds. I still swear by the Moby for a newborn (slings carry some breathing risk to the baby, and Bjorns are bad for the hips) but after that you want to find what is most comfortable for your body and your baby!

  45. Angela says:

    Congratulations on the new bundle! I have 2 girls and I couldn’t live without my BOB stroller. We are very active and run/walk all the time. It’s the best jogger. I could also not live without…. the bundle me (we live in MN), aden and anais swaddle blankets, AngelCare baby monitor (truly is a must), and my top must have baby item are the baby bella booties. http://www.bebebelladesigns.com/booties.html The booties are my hands down go to item. You honestly won’t regret it.

    I agree to skip the diaper genie and wait a bit on the “big” items. Neither of my kids enjoyed the swing, but you just never know.

  46. Rhi says:

    We’re expecting our first baby in November, so I can’t be of TOO much help. But, a friend recommended a book called Baby Bargains that was super helpful in creating our registry. It goes through and rates car seats, pack and plays, cribs, etc. Also, it talks about how many of each clothing item you’ll need in each size. I quickly learned that we have WAY too many newborn clothes.

  47. Lexie says:

    The Serean and Lily slings are all on sale now. I love mine!

  48. Holly says:

    We really love our Bumbleride Indie stroller but it’s pretty bulky – it’s a great all-terrain stroller though. And I also really love the Aden & Anais blankets and bibs – you can get those at Target and they are really great. Best wishes to you and your baby! I’m a newer reader to your blog.

  49. Katie says:

    I can totally see the reasoning of the moms who recommend waiting on the “big items.” However, when it came to my own registry, this is what I discovered. Just register for it! The fact is that it is just preferable to let someone else (or maybe a few people who can join together) pay for the big ticket purchases. They can always be returned later as long as you keep them in the box. People are going to buy you gifts regardless of whether you register or not, and unless you can count on a lot of gift cards from your friends and family, you can expect A LOT of clothes and other cutesy things that people just have fun buying! If the day is nearing, and you have still not received the items you think you need most, then return the others stuff and pick up necessities. I realize some people do not go the baby shower route and foot the bill for these things anyway, whether sooner or later, but since you ARE registering, I say let the registry do its job and help cover some of the items with more burdensome pricing . You may discover later that you did not need some of the things you received, but maybe you’ll have better luck with a future child (if that’s a possibility), or could sell on Craigslist or at consignment. Even if you do choose to wait on these items, I would definitely recommend getting at least ONE thing that will enable to sit baby down, entertained, for a short time while relatively unattended. A mom HAS to sit baby down at some point, and they are not always content to just stare at the ceiling at go to sleep. Better to have something like this early on, I think, so it is at hand as soon as you decide you need it. (My mother would be horrified if she knew I was giving this advice! She is of the school of thought that says registries are tacky, but as a new momma on a tight budget… take advantage!)

    Another little bit of advice: For the first few months, don’t give yourself any extra headaches by PLANNING on getting things done on a given day, unless you have some backup from hubby, or other. There will be days when you feel like you can conquer the world, get it all done with baby at your side, and other days when it is just not possible! If there is something you absolutely have to accomplish in a certain time-frame, call for reinforcements. It might not end up being necessary, but on those OTHER days, you don’t want to let yourself go to bed feeling defeated, and should just be able to focus on the little guy without a million other things on your mind.

  50. Anna says:

    My favourite purchases were;

    1 . My super-light, one hand opening pram (http://www.productreview.com.au/p/peg-perego-aria.html#). When choosing a pram make sure it is one that can get on a bus/train or in your car boot easily (whatever applies). My friend bought a lovely pram that she had to return as she couldn’t fit it in her car! Make sure you can lift and fold it easily as it is something you will be doing over and over again. I love the super-light, one handed opening
    feature of mine as it allows me to hold my daughter in one arm whilst getting the pram out the boot and set up with the other.

    2. Flutterbug (by Infantino, my daughter was hypnotised by it when changing her, she ADORED it – even at 2 years old she still lies still and I am sure it was the flutterbug that helped her form that good habit! I put it away when she was about 8 months old as she kept ripping the wings off, but have put it back recently and she still loves it).

    3. Moltex Nappies (or diapers as you would call them). I had grand ideas of only using cloth, then a screaming, non-sleeping baby hit me and brought me right back to reality. I used Moltex disposable nappies – they are biodegradable and have much fewer chemicals than regular disposables. They are brilliant, I love them. I tried 7th Generation but hated them, it’s just a matter of trying until you find the right nappy for your bub. Going to give the next bub a shot at the cloth – as long as I get one that sleeps for more than 20 minutes at a time next time!

    4. HAMMOCK. Just a plain old cotton, adult sized hammock. The ONLY thing my little darling would sleep in during the day when she was younger. Discovered out of sheer desperation (we tried EVERYTHING). The mechanical swings are great but just don’t have enough movement for some babies – nothing beats rocking them in a proper hammock. I almost had her swinging 360deg some days and it did the trick.

    Finally, leave some option for people to choose what to give you. Just like you are asking here what to get, your friends and family will have some good ideas and old favourites. I gave a friend a flutterbug which she raves about to everyone – she never would have asked me for one as she didn’t know what it was.

  51. Julia says:

    i’d say gender neutral and easy to store is best, my kiddo is a minimalist because I am… I wouldn’t spend tons on cloth diapers or anything else. Babies are picky sometimes, so best to try things as you go.

  52. Christine says:

    Hi, I read your blog a lot and its great! Just had a baby boy in june and am now 6 week into parenthood.
    after a huuuuge amount of researching before purchasing, we have ended up with the following items that we love:
    1: ERGO babycarrier, (not babybjorn, its not as good for your posture and babys hips a the ERGO. http://www.ergobabycarrier.com/ )
    its amazingly comfy, and baby falls asleep when we put him in it even before we start walking. This can be great for running around town/popping to the shops quickly. We bought the classic, with the infant insert and he LOVES IT!!!!! My friend has a 2 year old and is still using hers.
    2: Bugaboo: We have a Cameleon, but the Bee is probably best for your busy lifestyle/in n out of cars etc…
    The only thing with the Chameleon is that you can buy carseat adaptors and just put your MaxiCosy carseat onto it when your out and about, so you don’t need to always bring the actual buggy/bed bit with you. Expensive stroller but i know people who use it still when the child is 3-4 years, so the cost might even out in terms of not needing to buy relacements as baby grows.
    3: Moses basket: I bought a plain one and made my own covers, but he is already growing out of the basket at 6 weeks. perhaps consider a small bedside cot instead for longevity.
    4: Cot Bed that transforms into a childrens bed with time, with nappy changing unit on top of the bedframe (space saving) and a large drawer underneath. its like a detachable little table top that you can lift of the bed when needed. saves you having drawers and you can get a taller cabinet instead for that space, to fint more things into if space is at a premium. We bought adinning room cabinet from IKEA with a glass door front, (that I covered in fabric from the inside a la Kelly Wearstlers blue boys room.)
    5: Dont fall for multipack buys of diapers type offers, your baby might grow quickly and will need to change nappysizes quicte frequently, which will only leave you with lots of nappies you cant use anymore if you buy too much of one size.
    6: Tons and tons of muslin/soft cotton squares for burping. You really cannot have to many of these, leave them all over the house as you will need them frequently.
    7: a rocker type chair keeps him/her interested and quiet for long enought to get a shower/clean the house a bit etc…is a lifesaver.)
    8: Be strict and selective when people offer you their old stuff, we are in a flat so space is at a premium, we onyl take what we really like, and need, dont be afraid to politely turn down offers if you feel you will end up with too much random stuff you dont actually need.
    9: dont listen to other peoples scary stories/ not-always-helpful advise (although i realise Im now giving some which is a contradiction in itself 😉
    Just get to know your baby and do what feels right for you/baby as you go along. We have not read a single parenting or baby book and have one of the happiest, calmest, sleeps all night & gfeed really well from birth babies I know, and I think it is because we just listen to his habits and needs and follow them as we go along.
    10: just buy lots of cotton clothing/other easily machine washable clothing as they need changing all the time, from leaking poo stains to burp and milk stains to random dribble.
    The washing machine and drying rack will be your new best friend 🙂
    all in ones with feet included in coverage is preferrable to footless babygros as they kick their socks of all the time, so end up beeing barefoot in open foot ones. Gap has some nice styles of babygro’s, with feet on, in cotton that is so soft and feels like its been washed lots alrady, like splendid t-shirts type softness. A scandi brand called Polarn & Pyret is also great, I bought loads on ebay.co.uk from them.

    Best wishes for you and your family,
    Kind regards from me in London, UK

  53. Trindy says:

    I have a 10 mo. old after much trial and error here are some things I found useful and some that were a bust.

    Stroller – My son didn’t like the infant seat he wanted to see the things around him so instead of the bulky stroller I switched to the lighter Lightway plus by Chico. Its a umbrella type stroller that accepts the Chico carseat (which has the most padding in the bottom)

    Swing – Borrow first some babies don’t like them. Get one that plugs in if your baby likes it, it will be a lifesaver. Graco makes a swing that is also a bouncer and plugs in try and get items that have more than one purpose.

    Bassinet- I wouldn’t, get either the co-sleeper or my fav was the FP sleep and play. This one is bed heght and has a raised head recommended for acid reflux, its lightweight and portable so it can be moved easily from room to room.

    Bottles – get some even if brest feeding, try and get the same nipple style this will help u avoid nipple confusion. This also applies if using a paci, my son refused the bottles I had since they weren’t like his mam’s I had to purchase all new mam bottles.

    Bumbo – again try and borrow or get used, this isn’t used very long but we used ours daily we even used it for his first haircut it was a lifesaver.

    Anyway every baby’s different it’s trial and error w most of their stuff but it can get expensive in most cases the less expensive items work just as well, sometimes better than their pricey counterparts. Try to borrow or buy used when u can.

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My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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