Yesterday was an exciting day! We finally got to find out the baby’s sex. I tried getting a peek during my 18 week appointment, but the Doctor wouldn’t budge and I had to wait. Of course we made sure to get the first appointment they had so that we would know right away.
I’m one of 3 sisters and Jon has two sisters as well so our families are very populated with the ladies. At my own house though I’m surrounded by boys with Jon and our two dogs (Moo and Bear) so I must admit I was leaning a bit towards girl and Jon was leaning a bit more towards boy.
I honestly had no idea one way or another. We tried out all of all of old wives tales and some would come up girl and others boy. Around week 12 we got antsy and bought intelligender a baby gender prediction test and got this:
It was fun to take, but we still weren’t convinced.
We hadn’t seen the baby since 12 weeks 5 days so we were excited to see the little peanut and find out if it was a she or he.
Turn out we are having a:
{What? Don’t you all have fake mustaches randomly stored in your house. }
Then I thought we should take a more serious shot. I mine we are about to be parents and all. Plus I couldn’t handle the thought of you all seeing me with a mustache and not without one.
It looks like my reign as the only lady in the house continues!
I finally started to get a bit of a belly last week so here is a belly shot as well:
We are both really excited. I must admit I’m a bit scared to have a boy since I don’t really know anything about being a boy, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out. Any words of wisdoms for me?
YAY!!! Thats awesome! I came from all sisters, and so did my hubs and now we have 2 boys. I’m a big believer in “you get what you need”, and having boys has taught me SO much. They are so much fun, and I know you will hear this a lot, but they love their mommy. Congrats Camila!
Congratulations, Camila!!! That is so exciting. As a mama of three boys I can promise you you’ll love having a sweet little guy. They really are unique, amazing little people and oh boy(!), do they ever love their mamas.
Yay!! I’m so excited for you guys My first (and only baby so far) is a little boy. He is an absolute handful, but also the best thing that ever happened to us. Enjoy!
i have one of each, and let me tell you the mother son bond is like no other. of course the mother daughter bond is also like no other. but my son, who is about to turn 6, looks at me like i am the most amazing woman in the world…. and he can certainly melt my heart and make me feel better when i am down with just one kiss or one, “love you, mom”. you are in for a treat…. lie i said mine is almost 6 and i am already dreading the day that i am no longer the woman he looks at like that.
What fantastic news! Little boys will steal your heart. You guys are going to have a blast! Congrats to you and Jon – can’t wait to see what you do with the nursery!
Boys are wonderful! (So are girls, I have one of each!) There is nothing like a mama and her son’s love Congrats to you both. Many blessings! xoxo ps. can’t wait to see your nursery plans!
Congratulations! I came from a family of 3 girls and now my husband and I have three boys! They are amazing and sweet and I’m more grateful for them every day. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy and your son when he’s born – time flies by TOO fast!!
Congratulations! Oh my gosh, boys are so much easier! I have heard this time and time again and now that I have one of each at the exact same age, I can testify….boys are great! Don’t get me wrong, I love my high maintenance, in charge of all, little mini me!
And it will be nice if you have a girl down the road for her to have an older brother to take care of her!
Congratulations on your little boy! I have to say, boys love their mommies – you will have SO much fun with him. I was nervous to have a boy because I was used to lots of little girls with my sister’s kids. Boys are fun. Just yesterday my 3 year old told me that I was his girlfriend and he wanted to marry me. So sweet!
Congratulations! You look great! Boys are fabulous. I was worried, too because I’m an only child and such a girly girl. My son is a rough-and-tumble little bruiser who causes trouble daily, all the while smiling with wicked charm. I LOVE it, especially when he shows his sweet side by snuggling me or a big teddy bear. I hope I have a girl someday just to experience that, but would also be totally happy to have a houseful of boys. Can’t believe I’m saying that, but it’s true!
Yay for Boys!! I’m surrounded by them myself. (husband, son, dog) My 15 yr old son Caiden has been an easy child since day 1. They love their momma’s. Their clothes aren’t as expensive, and life isn’t “LIFE or DEATH!!!” like girls his age are. Enjoy! I’m so happy for you and Jon.
Oh my goodness! Congratulations! Baby boys are absolutely precious and so different than little girls. You will enjoy everything about having a little man in your life.
You are SO STINKIN’ CUTE!! This is going to be one darling little dude, I just know it! I guess we have about 5 more weeks until we find out the sex of this (our third!!) one. I’d like it to be a boy, but something tells me we’re going to further outnumber my husband with another girl.
Congratulations! I am so happy for the both of you, this baby boy will be truly blessed to have you two as parents. Can’t wait to see what you do with the nursery!
Boys are the BEST! I’m a mom of 4 boys, then God’s little surprise at the end turned out to be pink, and she’s a different creature altogether… My best advice??? Boys need to be OUTSIDE, the sandbox is their friend. Enjoy, time passes in the blink of an eye. My first son is going to college in a couple of weeks (sniff), and I’m suffering. He was my chubby-cheeked little guy only about 10 minutes ago. It’s so bittersweet.
I recently linked to your blog via Tobi Fairley’s, and must say that I am surely hooked now! I studied design in college, but have been living the stay-at-home mommy life in the meantime. As I prepare to dip my feet back in to the design world (and decide what I actually want to do when I grow up), I am constantly checking out other designers’ and decorators’ blogs to feed my obsession, and love your charming posts. I must say that the new mommy facet, of course, adds even more interest for me! Kids and design- all of my loves in one blog! I wish you the absolute best- all of the healthiest and happiest! There will be nothing so difficult that you will even remember it when you see your precious boy’s smile, and little boys LOVE their mommas! Congratulations!
yay Camilla! Although I have brothers, I was/still am clueless about little boys. BUT I do know, Boys love their mamas! We’ll have to plan a playdate with our little men next summer:)
Congrats!! I hoped for a girl my first time too since I grew up such a girlie girl. I have to say, my first was a boy and he is precious and so sweet and easy. And my second was a girl….and she is….a mess!!!!!! so here’s to you having a momma’s boy!!!
Congratulations on your boy! As far as being scared because it’s a boy, don’t worry. I thought the exact same thing when I found out my first child was gonna be a boy. “But I don’t know how to play with trucks, and balls, and swords, and super-heros!!!” But the truth is, whether it’s a boy or a girl, what you’re getting is a BABY. It’s all the same at first. It’s not like you’re giving birth to a 5-year-old, you know what I mean? You’re gonna get to know him from the get go, you’re gonna be there for every phase – whether it’s Spiderman or Pokemon cards – and, trust me, you will know the name of them all. Every. Single. One. And one day you’ll look back and wonder why you were ever scared…
I have 3 sisters, my first child was a girl and I was sure #2 was going to be a girl. Surprise! Out popped a boy. I looked at my husband and said, “Oh no, I don’t know how to take care of boys!” Today he is a 29 year old successful attorney at a large law firm and I just “played it all by ear”. CONGRATULATIONS!
Oh FUN we’re both having boys! Congrats. I’m a little nervous too, but EVERY momma of boys echo the same thing- they’re easier than girls and they LOVE their momma.
Ah congrats!! You are going to absolutely adore having a boy- I was scared too when I found out my little guy was a he but I of course, as soon as I saw him, it was instant love. Boys are so cuddly and mushy and they just love their mommies… I’m so so happy for you.
Congratulations. Hopefully as your son gets older, he will see you as a positive female role model and treat ladies with the same respect he has for you.
So happy for you, Camila! We are expecting #2 around New Years and are on pins and needles to find out the gender. Can’t wait to see your nursery inspiration. So excited for you!
Congrats to you both! We’re expecting our first ( a little boy) in less than 2 weeks-whoo hoo! I know my husband and his mom are SUPER close and he even got her designer eye, so here’s hoping your little guy will do the same! Well-wishes for a continued healthy pregnancy and let me know if you ever want to mommy chat! *Amy
Congratulations! I’m new to your blog, and had to weigh in because I have two boys and also did not grow up with boys in the family. Neither did my hubby, who only had sisters!
– Cover up during diaper changes, to be sure. No one likes getting sprayed.
– Coarse humor rules. My kids love to see someone get piddled on (the ad for diapers that had the baby spraying down a whole room had them rolling on the floor, every time), punched, burped at, or otherwise insulted by bodily function.
– Read some of the books at your local library about bringing up boys. They really are totally different from girls! I especially liked Michael Gurian’s books.
– They are TOTALLY BUSY. All. The. Time. But you live through it!
– Record them. My dad, bless him, took about 2 minutes of video every week, on Saturday usually around lunchtime, for the first 2 years of each of my boys’ lives. So fun to watch those! Now that they’re almost 6 & almost 9, they even enjoy watching themselves.
i had five sisters growing up and my little brother was born when i was in college. i knew nothing about boys. and then my hubby and i decided to start a family and all i could think about was having all girls – just like my childhood. and i got a boy. and i was nervous and scared and totally out of my element. and when he came i fell in love. and when he was two we added his little sister to the family and i love her as well. but there is nothing quite like that little man i’m raising. his love is so simple, uncomplicated and tantrum free. seeing boys from this angle has changed me, made me better, made me wish i had had brothers growing up – you know, taking the mystique out of it all a bit. anyhoo, congrats from a blogstalker. you will love being a mama to a boy.
welcome, friend
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get inspired with our own home tour
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Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.
On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.
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YAY!!! Thats awesome! I came from all sisters, and so did my hubs and now we have 2 boys. I’m a big believer in “you get what you need”, and having boys has taught me SO much. They are so much fun, and I know you will hear this a lot, but they love their mommy. Congrats Camila!
Congratulations, Camila!!! That is so exciting. As a mama of three boys I can promise you you’ll love having a sweet little guy. They really are unique, amazing little people and oh boy(!), do they ever love their mamas.
Best wishes-nelya
Yay!! I’m so excited for you guys
My first (and only baby so far) is a little boy. He is an absolute handful, but also the best thing that ever happened to us. Enjoy!
Congrats! I just found out last month i am having a GIRL! Such a joy to know what the little one is!
i have one of each, and let me tell you the mother son bond is like no other. of course the mother daughter bond is also like no other. but my son, who is about to turn 6, looks at me like i am the most amazing woman in the world…. and he can certainly melt my heart and make me feel better when i am down with just one kiss or one, “love you, mom”. you are in for a treat…. lie i said mine is almost 6 and i am already dreading the day that i am no longer the woman he looks at like that.
Congratulations! How exciting! I have two boys and it is such fun! = )
What fantastic news! Little boys will steal your heart. You guys are going to have a blast! Congrats to you and Jon – can’t wait to see what you do with the nursery!
How exciting!!!
Congrats, Camille! Boys are so very sweet to their mamas. Mine has certainly been a blessing
And, I just realized I typed Camille–CAMILA! It’s early, I’m tired
Boys are wonderful! (So are girls, I have one of each!) There is nothing like a mama and her son’s love
Congrats to you both. Many blessings! xoxo ps. can’t wait to see your nursery plans!
Congratulations! I came from a family of 3 girls and now my husband and I have three boys! They are amazing and sweet and I’m more grateful for them every day. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy and your son when he’s born – time flies by TOO fast!!
woo hoo, exciting!! love the pics of you guys, you are incredibly sweet and look so happy!!
Congratulations! Oh my gosh, boys are so much easier! I have heard this time and time again and now that I have one of each at the exact same age, I can testify….boys are great! Don’t get me wrong, I love my high maintenance, in charge of all, little mini me!
And it will be nice if you have a girl down the road for her to have an older brother to take care of her!
Congratulations! Boys are so wonderful and LOVE their mommies! I can’t believe that gender predictor was right.
Congratulations on your little boy! I have to say, boys love their mommies – you will have SO much fun with him. I was nervous to have a boy because I was used to lots of little girls with my sister’s kids. Boys are fun. Just yesterday my 3 year old told me that I was his girlfriend and he wanted to marry me. So sweet!
Congratulations! You look great! Boys are fabulous. I was worried, too because I’m an only child and such a girly girl. My son is a rough-and-tumble little bruiser who causes trouble daily, all the while smiling with wicked charm. I LOVE it, especially when he shows his sweet side by snuggling me or a big teddy bear. I hope I have a girl someday just to experience that, but would also be totally happy to have a houseful of boys. Can’t believe I’m saying that, but it’s true!
So exciting!!! Boys are wonderful. As the mom of two of them sometimes I just laugh because they’re so nutty and wild. I wouldn’t change a thing.
what great news! congratulations! i love how you presented the news….SO darling.
Congrats, boys are awesome and they love their momas !
Yay for Boys!! I’m surrounded by them myself. (husband, son, dog) My 15 yr old son Caiden has been an easy child since day 1. They love their momma’s. Their clothes aren’t as expensive, and life isn’t “LIFE or DEATH!!!” like girls his age are. Enjoy! I’m so happy for you and Jon.
Oh my goodness! Congratulations! Baby boys are absolutely precious and so different than little girls. You will enjoy everything about having a little man in your life.
You are SO STINKIN’ CUTE!! This is going to be one darling little dude, I just know it! I guess we have about 5 more weeks until we find out the sex of this (our third!!) one. I’d like it to be a boy, but something tells me we’re going to further outnumber my husband with another girl.
Congratulations! I am so happy for the both of you, this baby boy will be truly blessed to have you two as parents. Can’t wait to see what you do with the nursery!
Congratulations on your sweet boy! I can’t wait to see how you decorate the nursery.
Boys are the BEST! I’m a mom of 4 boys, then God’s little surprise at the end turned out to be pink, and she’s a different creature altogether… My best advice??? Boys need to be OUTSIDE, the sandbox is their friend. Enjoy, time passes in the blink of an eye. My first son is going to college in a couple of weeks (sniff), and I’m suffering. He was my chubby-cheeked little guy only about 10 minutes ago. It’s so bittersweet.
Congrats! Little baby boys are the best! Trust me I speak from experience!
Yay for boys! I myself have a girl, but I also have 3 nephews whom I adore. Girls may be more fun, but the boys are WAY lower maintenance. Have fun!
just love him… will be a great mommy
I recently linked to your blog via Tobi Fairley’s, and must say that I am surely hooked now! I studied design in college, but have been living the stay-at-home mommy life in the meantime. As I prepare to dip my feet back in to the design world (and decide what I actually want to do when I grow up), I am constantly checking out other designers’ and decorators’ blogs to feed my obsession, and love your charming posts. I must say that the new mommy facet, of course, adds even more interest for me! Kids and design- all of my loves in one blog! I wish you the absolute best- all of the healthiest and happiest! There will be nothing so difficult that you will even remember it when you see your precious boy’s smile, and little boys LOVE their mommas! Congratulations!
yay Camilla! Although I have brothers, I was/still am clueless about little boys. BUT I do know, Boys love their mamas! We’ll have to plan a playdate with our little men next summer:)
Yay, yay. yay!! I am so happy for you two! I’ve been waiting for your post.
Congrats!! I hoped for a girl my first time too since I grew up such a girlie girl. I have to say, my first was a boy and he is precious and so sweet and easy. And my second was a girl….and she is….a mess!!!!!! so here’s to you having a momma’s boy!!!
Congratulations on your boy! As far as being scared because it’s a boy, don’t worry. I thought the exact same thing when I found out my first child was gonna be a boy. “But I don’t know how to play with trucks, and balls, and swords, and super-heros!!!” But the truth is, whether it’s a boy or a girl, what you’re getting is a BABY. It’s all the same at first. It’s not like you’re giving birth to a 5-year-old, you know what I mean? You’re gonna get to know him from the get go, you’re gonna be there for every phase – whether it’s Spiderman or Pokemon cards – and, trust me, you will know the name of them all. Every. Single. One. And one day you’ll look back and wonder why you were ever scared…
congrats! i would be a bit nervous to have a boy too, but i’m sure you will figure it out and be great!
Congratulations Camila! I have a little girl so maybe we can set them up one day
congrats! no advice, but I can’t wait to see how you decorate the room
how exciting. no advice, sorry. i have only girls! just watch out when you take the diapers off for a stream of pee in your face
I have 3 sisters, my first child was a girl and I was sure #2 was going to be a girl. Surprise! Out popped a boy. I looked at my husband and said, “Oh no, I don’t know how to take care of boys!” Today he is a 29 year old successful attorney at a large law firm and I just “played it all by ear”. CONGRATULATIONS!
Oh honey bunches..they don’t say Momma’s boy for nothing. I seriously LOVE LOVE having boys. Congrats!!
Congrats! Boys rock! You look so great – cute little bump!
Oh FUN we’re both having boys! Congrats. I’m a little nervous too, but EVERY momma of boys echo the same thing- they’re easier than girls and they LOVE their momma.
Ah congrats!! You are going to absolutely adore having a boy- I was scared too when I found out my little guy was a he but I of course, as soon as I saw him, it was instant love. Boys are so cuddly and mushy and they just love their mommies… I’m so so happy for you.
Congratulations! I have 9 nephews. You and Jon are in for the ride of your life! Enjoy!
Congrats!! Baby boys are the sweetest!
Congratulations. Hopefully as your son gets older, he will see you as a positive female role model and treat ladies with the same respect he has for you.
So happy for you, Camila! We are expecting #2 around New Years and are on pins and needles to find out the gender.
Can’t wait to see your nursery inspiration. So excited for you!
Wow congrats!!! I can’t wait to find out what I’m having too. I am predicting a boy, but my hubby thinks it’s a girl hehe
Congrats to you both! We’re expecting our first ( a little boy) in less than 2 weeks-whoo hoo! I know my husband and his mom are SUPER close and he even got her designer eye, so here’s hoping your little guy will do the same! Well-wishes for a continued healthy pregnancy and let me know if you ever want to mommy chat! *Amy
Congratulations!!!! This is so exciting!
I bet you two are very excited, and can’t wait to meet him :)))))
I have three boys. I love it. Advice? Watch out at diaper changes – be quick or cover “it” up because they will pee all over everywhere!!
Congratulations! I’m new to your blog, and had to weigh in because I have two boys and also did not grow up with boys in the family. Neither did my hubby, who only had sisters!
– Cover up during diaper changes, to be sure. No one likes getting sprayed.
But you live through it!
– Coarse humor rules. My kids love to see someone get piddled on (the ad for diapers that had the baby spraying down a whole room had them rolling on the floor, every time), punched, burped at, or otherwise insulted by bodily function.
– Read some of the books at your local library about bringing up boys. They really are totally different from girls! I especially liked Michael Gurian’s books.
– They are TOTALLY BUSY. All. The. Time.
– Record them. My dad, bless him, took about 2 minutes of video every week, on Saturday usually around lunchtime, for the first 2 years of each of my boys’ lives. So fun to watch those! Now that they’re almost 6 & almost 9, they even enjoy watching themselves.
Best of luck to you both!
yay!!! Isn’t it so fun once you know!? Glad to see the intelligender worked for someone!! Congrats on a beautiful boy!!
Just got back from Sri Lanka and saw this and yelled out loud! Soooo happy for you and Jon and I cant WAIT to meet that little man when he comes out!!
Super cute announcement! Congratulations!! You will love having a boy! My son is so snuggly and sweet, and boys love their mamas :)!!
i had five sisters growing up and my little brother was born when i was in college. i knew nothing about boys. and then my hubby and i decided to start a family and all i could think about was having all girls – just like my childhood. and i got a boy. and i was nervous and scared and totally out of my element. and when he came i fell in love. and when he was two we added his little sister to the family and i love her as well. but there is nothing quite like that little man i’m raising. his love is so simple, uncomplicated and tantrum free. seeing boys from this angle has changed me, made me better, made me wish i had had brothers growing up – you know, taking the mystique out of it all a bit. anyhoo, congrats from a blogstalker. you will love being a mama to a boy.