

Fall is the perfect season to host an outdoor movie night in your backyard! It’s that time of year when outdoor furniture is still outside and it gets dark earlier than the summer which means your little kiddos can enjoy the movie night as well. It’s so nice to transform your backyard with cozy blankets, […]

round up of budget friendly bar carts

Can you believe it’s already November? Before we know it Thanks No. 1 Modern bar cart with patterned sides that looks great as is, but would also look amazing painted a pop of color! Plus it’s only $157. No. 2 This lucite bar cart is a personal favorite of mine. Look at those chic lines! […]

For the longest time our backyard was mainly just grass and a little small area where we laid down some pavers so that we could set out a little plastic table/chairs during the summer. Not exactly ideal for entertaining. For the past couple of years we have wanted to build a deck and enjoy the […]

These past two weeks have been crazy. I’ve been swamped with work, but luckily Saturday morning we are venturing out of town for a little fun in the sun! Due to the madness of the last couple of days I need today to catch up on some laundry and get out bags packed! So instead […]

about me

Beach Bound

This week I’m sharing one of my favorite recent Look for Less items. Who doesn’t love a bold stripe? I know I do. A wide stripe adds a lot of visual impact to a space it’s great for people that are a little scared of bold patterns, but want to dip their toes into the […]

look for less

Look for Less: Striped Duvet Set

My sister works for an organization called Girls Inc of NYC. They seek out to inspire young girls to be strong, smart and bold. The Mission of Girls Inc. of New York City is to advocate for and improve the lives of under-served girls aged 6 to18 in the five boroughs. We pursue this mission […]

treat yo self

Treat yo self to a deal!

I simply adore D.Lawless. I found them a while back when I was searching for hardware to go on our new kitchen drawers. I knew I wanted something with a vintage feel and I knew that typically when anything is categorized as vintage or vintage inspired the price goes up a bit. Enter D.Lawless Hardwarewith […]


Giveaway D.Lawless Hardware

This weekend we are taking off for a short little get away with Jon’s family to Florida. As soon as I get in our rental car I’m hitting the road to West Palm Beach the land of furniture made out of lucite, bamboo and elephants. Ah pretty much heaven to me. One of my first […]


Hitting Dixie Highway!

This past weekend was full of work, work and more work. If it wasn’t work for clients it was work for the blog and if I got a break from that it was work on the house. I made up this to do list for house issues on Saturday: About 80% of the items were […]

about me, weekend recap

Scenes from my weekend….

Today’s we get to peek into the home of Rachel. Rachel is the blogger behind Pencil Shavings Studio and the designer behind the most swoon worthy etsy shop. Her shop features decorative cases for iphone cases,ipad,kindle, nook covers,lucite trays (that were just reduced to $58!)and melamine trays and plates. I literally want everything in her […]

effortless style, Uncategorized

Effortless Style by Pencil Shavings Studio

I still have a love/hate relationship with pinterest. Part of it is amazing, because I love getting inspiration from what others are pinning. The other part of it is just stressful. The hours in my day are already mostly spoken for and having to find time to pin items to my own boards and worry […]

design crush

Ruthie Sommers Pins

get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

ready to finally love your space?

stunning style for everyday living starts here.

yes! I'm ready!