weekend recap

Scenes from my weekend…

  1. Heather says:

    I love that you used naptime to rearrange furniture.
    Yesterday my husband took our girls to skyzone; while he was gone I set the table with the fancy china and took pictures. He thought I was totally crazy!

  2. Alyson says:

    I love those lampshades. I wish we had an ikea in Richmond. Our closest is about 1.5 hours away. They would be perfect lamps in my living room.

  3. debra goerner says:

    Waiting on that grass cloth entry table tutorial. I have been trying to figure out how I could use the Ikea Malm occasional table in my front hall (perfect dimensions but the plastic white is a bit much for the space). You are so good at explaining things that I will go pick up the table and put it together but I won’t start the project until I know what to do.

  4. Katie says:

    Oh my, you make me feel so unproductive! I actually found myself saying yesterday, “what is it about the weekend that just makes me want to crash on the couch and watch tv all day?” So Curious George with the kids it was! Ugh. I justified my actions with the gloomy weather. (I did, however, have a huge hole knocked out in my living room wall last week to open up our space a bit and had a busy week of chasing kids and keeping them out of the mess). Next weekend- painting. No excuses!

    Now that I think about it, do you have a favorite cream to gold shade? We currently have a buttercream shade that is starting to feel a little too yellow to me, so I’m wanting to go just a little more golden, but still want light and fresh AND versatile. Thoughts?

  5. sarah k says:

    Great post! Loved reading about your weekend. Breakfast for dinner is always a favorite around here.

  6. christine says:

    Oh how I love getting your blog post emails. You inspire me to be creative and not just sit and watch the toys pile up. As a mom to my now 4 yr. old son David, I love watching Hudson grow up. I find myself talking to you (crazy i know) throught the computer saying ,”oh just wait til…” I really want to make the grasscloth covered table but since I am completely void of any talent in that department ,I will look for one I can cover. Sorry I have never commented before, I should know better. But I do read your blog religiously.
    Thank you for all the great inspiration!

  7. Mallory says:

    I was just in Ikea and missed those lamp shades somehow…so sad! (even more sad ikea is 4 hours away!). Love the free console too!

  8. That tulu textiles fabric is insanely gorgeous! How much is it? Where are you getting it from? I checked the site but they don’t sell online. Let me know! 😉

  9. janie walker says:

    Love your blog! I have been eyeing those mini-prints. How are they framed? Did you do that? her etsy shop makes it look confusing how they come!

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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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