
Two for the Road

  1. two for the road has always been one of my favorites! beautifully inspired

  2. Love it! Lucky client…

  3. Janell Beals says:

    Love that movie, I went through a phase where I would rent an old movie each week, being a very LONG phase I went through a LOT of movies. They are such fun to watch and full of inspiration! Janell

  4. Deanna says:

    I’ve never seen that movie, but I’m a sucker for chartreuse, so I absolutely adore the color palette. I’ll definitely watch it sometime soon, though!

  5. chic coles says:

    We have never seen this movie.don’t you love watching movies for inspiration! Great job with the inspiration board. Love all the chevron and those great chairs.Have a great weekend.

  6. Mary Kathryn says:

    I am in love with everything in this room! I’m a huge Audrey fan myself (I have a daughter named Eliza after her role in My Fair Lady) and currently have a Breakfast at Tiffany’s poster framed in our living room/playroom. I’m loving all the yellow/turquoise combos you’ve put together here- it makes me want to change my decor!

  7. carmel says:

    I love old movies too! I’m always looking at the furniture and decor so sometimes I miss the actual plot the first time 🙂 I also really love throw-backs. I thought the set design for Down With Love was perfect!

  8. lisa says:

    i haven’t seen the movie, but i love love love the mood board! i feel like you’ve taken the ideas swirling my head for our bedroom and put it together to show me that it can work. thanks for all your great inspiration! 🙂

  9. Vicki Archer says:

    I just love this movie…thanks for the reminder to re-watch it….xv

  10. Love the colors… that’s a great poster!

  11. Elizabeth says:

    Love this room! Can you share where that amaing Zebra rug is from?

    • effortless says:

      Hi Elizabeth,

      I’m sorry, but since those are design boards for paying clients I can’t give away information in the post. I hope you understand.


  12. RNM says:

    @Elizabeth. I just bought that rug! I’m thinking it’s the same one. I originally saw it on horchow and was about the pull the trigger when I randomly came across the same exact rug on smartbargains.com for about 40% cheaper (for the 5×8…the difference is even bigger at the 8×10). Don’t yet know how it is, it’s being delivered Monday, but I’m excited.
    Oh, and it looks like it’s another 20% off rugs at SB right now:

  13. jenn says:

    LOVE this mood board! That yellow striped curtain (shower curtain?) …. where is it from?

  14. This is sooo pretty! I love it, I just bought a tray from ISuwanee yesterday that would look perfect in the room! Have a great weekend!

  15. Janie says:

    I love this room! I have tried to look at pictures and try to put things together and they always look goofy afterwards. I want to paint but my husband says no because we live in a trailer and don’t have normal walls. I think it would make a great change to start with. What would you do?
    Thanks and God Bless

    • effortless says:

      Paint is the easiest most inexpensive thing you can do to change the look of a room. I’ve never worked with trailer walls so I’m not sure how they would take paint. What about a wall of curtain panels in the same color that you want to paint?

      It would add texture and color to the space and the fabric can be moved out the way to make room for a window,etc when needed.

  16. Ruth says:

    Very first time on this site for me and like it much!! Reply to Janie and “painting trailer walls” – YES, it can be done! What’s more, if you’re into wall paper? That too! I lived in a large mobile home for a few years several years ago. Got tired of feeling like I was ‘living in a cave’ (seems like it’s always so dark no matter how many window’s you have), and did both! What’s more, it’s even easier now with all of the newer supplies out there! As to painting: Make sure there is NO polish, or ‘finish’ that a regular satin paint will not adhere to. Wash down with mineral spirits if in doubt. (Foregone conclusion: Make sure they are clean of grease, or other residue first.) You might want to try this in a small out of the way area first if in doubt. Any GOOD Satin Latex will go right over it. If very dark, may take two coats, or prime first. If you’re a really DIYer at heart and have a ton of patience? You can even fill in the ‘cracks” in the paneling first with a proper paintable caulk. As to wallpaper, there is a special backing you can buy, hang first, and it will cover those darn little grooves in the paneling. Then put a GOOD heavy vinyl paper over it! I did one wall in my living room that way and painted the rest to compliment it. Did the same in the dining room and even put up a painted chair rail! WHAT A DIFFERENCE! Writing a book now entitled, “It’s Only Paint”! God Bless!

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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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