
The Ultimate Love/Skate Relationship

  1. I *Heart* You says:

    Toe pick!!!!!!

    I love that movie. It is so bad – yet so good. 🙂

  2. Kaitlyn's Momma says:

    I freakin love that movie!

    My fav stay at home movie has to be Steel Magnolias- and Clueless too.

  3. Kwana says:

    Can’t wait to see the tree. The Cutting Edge is a fun movie. I love Notting Hill and Love Actually. The are so many more that I have to think a bit. Oh and BBC Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth all day long!

  4. Alicia B Blogs says:

    that is the best movie of all time. My sister’s apartment was broken into and besides the Bose stereo, she was most mad about Cutting Edge being taken!

  5. silverdot says:

    I do love that movie too. I also like to stay in and watch Funny Face with Audrey Hepburn. Oh and I could watch Amelie a million times and never tire of it.

    And, true confessions, I do like the Lifetime Channels Christmas movies. They are great for when the weather is really bad outside and you don’t want to leave the couch. eek I can’t believe I admitted that.

  6. ginger says:

    Love, love, love that movie! That’s so funny other people like that movie too! I’ve always wanted to go to a New Years Eve party like the movie…you know, the sparklers, the twirling around pecking your closest friends. P.S. Who names their kid “Hale”? Ha!

  7. High-Heeled Foot in the door says:


    I was going to make Toe-pick my post title, but then I found the tagline from the movie and had to use that instead. Don’t you love all the pins she wears in the movie. So funny she is always wearing a different one.


    I love Steel Magnolias as well. It makes me want to live down south. I actually saw it on Broadway a couple of years ago.


    I would so be like your sister. I would be outraged over my favorite movie being missing.


    I love Love Actually. It’s one of favorites. I could watch it over and over again.


    I love anything with Audrey Hepburn so I’ll agree with you on funny face. I also adore Lifetime Movies. Not sure what it is about them, but they hook me in everytime. I just saw commercials for a new Christmas one with Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing!

    I love that scene with the sparkles. I agree I would love to go to a fancy New Years Eve party. I’ve never been to one. I love that scene plus I also love the NYE party scene from When Harry Met Sally. So someone invite me to a fancy party!

  8. Lauren says:

    OK this is one of my favorite movies of all time. In college I made a weird mix tape of all of my favorite movie scenes (yeah, I know- way too much time on my hands! 😉 & the last scene was their final routine & "Just remember who said it first."

    and ok- I have to bring it up- has anyone seen Girls Just Wanna Have fun? not as good but more 80s teen.

  9. High-Heeled Foot in the door says:


    You are too funny. I wanna see that mix tape! My only problem with the Cutting Edge is that it just ends. I mean I’m assuming they win the gold, get married, have kids and open a skating school 🙂 , but I would have loved to know more.

    I also love Girls Just Wanna Have Fun it is in my collection as well. I love all of the movies from the 80s. Another one of my favorites is Teen Witch and I found out a couple of weeks ago that she is actually sisters with Blake Lively from Gossip Girl!

  10. Jessica Claire says:

    toe pick!

    the tequila scene when she gets drunk is so cheese but so fun- what a rebel Kate!

  11. Lauren says:

    Oh my gosh!!! hahaha I was going to bring up Teen Witch too- Ok, so do you love the Legend of Billie Jean?!! I need to get my hands on teen witch. Did they put it on dvd? Also have a thing for Troop Beverly Hills. Those are my comfort movies. 🙂 Ok, the favborite parts tape was definitely odd- but my friends borrow it when they need cheering up- It’s got all those great music/ dance scenes from movies like Girls Just Wanna Have FUn, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the final skate in Cutting Edge, the Edelweiss song from Sound of Music, I could keep going but I don’t want to scare you- hahaha 😉 oh yes, and ps- I definitely put the “Ride on Time” song from Cutting Edge on my preggers work-out mix hahaha

  12. High-Heeled Foot in the door says:


    We were went to be friends. I love Troop Bev. Hills. I actually posted about it a couple of weeks ago. I think that Teen Witch is on DVD so that’s exciting.

    I have never seen the Legend of Billy Jean. I must get my hands on a copy!

    P.S. I just died laughing when you said that “Eide on Time” was on your workout mix. ha ha i die. The horrible soundtrack is my absolute favorite part of that movie!

  13. Lauren says:

    hahaha yeah, I got off the computer last night after I wrote that last commment & told my husband I met my blogging soulmate!! Every time I go to make a comment on someone else's site you've already been there & said what I wanted to say- usually about the same pictures too! haha You will LOVE the legend of Billie Jean.

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