Being at home has it pros and cons.
Pro: I’m now my own boss. Sweet.
Con: Hmm I don’t pay myself very much. Ok it’s zero at the moment so that’s not so great.
Pro: I get to dress comfy everyday, because my commute to the office is only next door.
Con: Today I actually started my day still in my PJs. Don’t want to make this a habit so I only checked a couple of quick emails and then went to get dressed.
Pros: I get to spend more time with my pups.
Con: My co-workers (aka pups) can be pains in the you know what. Always wanting to play when I need to work, but they do up my staff at Effortless Style Interiors to 3!
Pro: I can come and go as I like. If I want I can go get some fresh air, run errands, shop etc
Con: I’m trying to keep my work the schedule the same and stay in my office 9-5, which means I don’t really take advantage of coming and going as I please and I’m never done at 5. I had been feeling a bit uninspired this week with my lack of communications with the outside world, but that changed yesterday.
I took advantage of my latest pro and decided to take a break yesterday and went off with my MIL for a spa appointment and lunch date. Don’t worry I wasn’t out spending lots of $$$$. My MIL was able to purchases these packages from promo company smart circle She only paid 39.99 per card that came with 4 spa treatments! What a treat. I went in for a massage and she got a facial. She got us each our own card so I still get to treat myself to 3 additional services!
After the spa we headed a couple of doors down were we had lunch at, Besito The food was delish, but what stopped me in my tracks and totally inspired me was the artwork that filled the restaurant.
There were amazing prints of photographs by Roberto Dutesco(His brother owns the restaurant). The pictures were part of a series he shot called, The Wild Horses of Sable Island.
Here is a peek at what I saw:
Here are some shots of his works hung up:
All of the above images are from Dutesco Art
In the past I had never really been bitten by the equestrian kick, but lately as I’ve been studying design more I’ve really started to love it. I knew I was smitten when Michelle posted about her latest endeavour with photographer, Patrick Cline called Lonny.
Here are two of my favorites from Lonny:
Ah they are all so beautiful! Hopefully one day soon I’ll be able to have an excuse to purchase a print for either myself or a client.
It was nice to get outdoors and explore. I need to remind myself to take some productive breaks and not go veg in front of the TV, but go out and experience things.
My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.
Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.
On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.
In our new home, the basement was completely unfinished. It was literally one of those dark spaces that you see in horror movies and are terrified of getting locked into. However, with the square footage in this house, I knew I needed to make the basement another workable and liveable floor of the house instead […]
What to look for when it comes to picking out kitchen appliances: Leave room in your budget for appliances. When it comes to kitchen renovations everyone knows that the cabinetry and the labor of demoing and installing cabinetry is going to eat a lot of your budget. However, the second most expensive part of a […]
I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that designing a kitchen is an overwhelming undertaking. I’m an interior designer and even I find it stressful to iron out all of those details. So, when it comes time to design a kitchen I always like to partner with a kitchen designer to make sure I’m remembering […]
I cracked up when you counted the pups as employees.
Those photos are amazing.
I could totally use a day at the spa, sounds so relaxing!
Love the photos, they are beautiful
Are you going to tell us about your secret project yet??????????? xoxox
I call Moo my receptionist and Bear is my furniture mover. We make quite the team.
I know I was totally in love the second I stepped foot into the restaurant.
You are funny. I’m working on it. I will reveal soon. Maybe I’ll start giving out hints. Hmm I’ll think about it.
As for the spa you should check out smartcircle and put in your zip code and see if there is anything in your area. It was a great deal.
I LOOOOVE days when I work from home. Sometimes I dont get out of my slippers until quitting time, and I probably take WAAAYYY too many trips to the fridge, but overall it is so nice not to commute to the commercial office. And my doggie keeps me company all day. Now I just have to convince my colleages that I can bring her in to my real office!
i love love love those photos…how amazing.
thanks for sharing the artist!
Sounds like the perfect work situation to me!
That photography is AH-mazing! Horses are such magical creatures.
so beautiful!!! great eye.
you're doing great- i have an 11:00 rule: must be showered & dressed by 11. (sweats count as being dressed for me
As a Kentucky born and bred gal, these make me long for my old Kentucky home. Horses, Blue-grass, fried chicken and things like that come to mind.
Great post!! Yup – lots of pros and cons working at home,but puppys? now im just jealous! lovely art prints too. xx
Working at home definitely has its pros and cons…you outlined so well. Loved the equine photos…beautiful.
Wow, those images are amazing. As someone working for herself from her house I completely understand all your pros and cons. So, if I count Harry now I have 2 employees!
You are funny! Great post.
These photos are gorgeous!!!!