inspiration, pink interiors

Pinking of you…

  1. LindsB says:

    I am tickled pink- I wish my BF liked pink like I do…what is it with men and pink? Its a great color!!

  2. The Southern Lady says:

    I adore the pink-especially in the bedrooms. So dreamy and sweet. Kind of like cotton candy!

    Our daughter is a complete tomboy, so pink is a color that simply does not exist in her wardrobe or bedroom (except in small accents). Should we be blessed with another daughter during our next pregnancy, however, I'd love to think these rooms will serve as a direct inspiration for her uber feminine nursery.

    Thank you!

  3. C says:

    I'm not a huge pink fan, but there are some cases where it just works! The pictures you posted would be some of those!

  4. down and out chic says:

    i like it pale and bright (just depending) but always in small amounts.

  5. urbansardines says:

    That domino room with the venetian mirror is to-die-for! Also, loving the mirrored bedside table with the pink…I have to say, I really have become enamored with the combo of pink + mirror… my boyfriend would DIE if I tried to put that anywhere in the house, tho. Sigh 🙁 Hopefully, I'll have a daughter one day so I can enact all my girly-style decor ideas 🙂

  6. Mrs. Limestone says:

    One thing to note about pink rooms – its extremely flattering on most skin tones. So its a great color for a dining room or anywhere you entertain (if you are brave enough to coat your walls in it!)

  7. Blueprint Bliss says:

    Love pink in small doses. Light and airy for sure.

  8. PS~Erin says:

    I'm not crazy over pink, but it's probably bc I know that it would never make the decorating cut in my house. My hubby is pretty laid back abt what I choose, but he'd totally veto pink.

    I do love that second to last living room!

  9. mrosev14 says:


    I was going to paint my new vanity white because my Prince thinks pink would be a bit much, but this just settled it. Pink is it! I am going paint it light pink and put crystal knobs on the drawer pull. I'll post pictures when I'm done. 🙂

  10. says:

    I love all shades of pink. It's a hard one to put into practice though because the boys are all so scared of it. Boo!

  11. Miss Madras says:

    I have always liked pink but recently have become obsessed with it. These rooms are beautiful.

  12. Michelle says:

    These are stunning, but the truth is, I'd like them in a different palette. Just not a pink kinda girl. They are all amazing spaces…do they come in brown and red? LOL


  13. lavenderandlilies says:

    I love pink and I'm really into bright pink now. I really love pink and grey together. So cute. Thanks for the post.

  14. Vitania says:

    Some really lovely photos of pink in there.. very soft, and feminine yes, but we all need a little space to call our own don't we?

  15. california dreaming says:

    I love pink – I have not always been that way, it is now an aquired taste that has developed over the past 5 years or so – (right around the time I fell in love . . .) and I really like the contrast of different shades of pink in a room or design. Thanks for sharing

  16. Porchlight Interiors says:

    That last pic makes me feel like eating cake – its delicious! Love a bit of pink in a room – makes it interesting! Tracey xx

  17. Lauren says:

    oh i love the soft pale pinks hyou showed. so pretty

  18. Haven and Home says:

    Man I have been in a pink mood lately!

  19. annechovie says:

    Ah, I am always drawn to pink, no matter how much I've tried to fight it! Hope all is well! XX

  20. New England Girl says:

    Gorgeous rooms. I too am beginning to warm up to the idea of pinks outside of a nursery setting… the results can be fab! So glad you shared your chair project, as well as these rooms, with all of us. 🙂

  21. Blair says:

    Oh, I so love pale pink and girl color these days! Funny-I never thought I would like it after I decided I was "too old" for it at 12:) Happy Weekend. xx

  22. Jolena says:

    I love pink.. and I love pink and black together.. very chic… I prefer the light and airy.. and I have to say.. I clicked on your chair link and I love it.. but when I saw your label at the bottom that said "trash to treasure" I gasped and then laughed.. My fiance' teases me all the time about my love for "trash to treasure"! I use the esact saying and it is seriously my favorite hobby! I am so glad I found your blog and am adding you to my blog roll!

  23. Mademoiselle Frou-Frou says:

    thank you for posting my bedroom (frou frou fashionista) on your site!!
    just when i think i'm drifting away from wanting to decorate in pink, i get sucked in big time!
    my entire room is pink, white and gray.
    i LOVE that bathroom pic you posted – it's been in my inspiration files for a while.

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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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