1. Lynett says:

    LOVE the chair makeovers!

    I agree with you, spray painting sucks! I always start super inspired and then the hubs has to take over (it hurts my fingers)! LOL

  2. Southern Aspirations says:

    WOW. These are impressive! the fabric totally makes them.

  3. Lauren says:

    awesome camila!!!! they look great!!! so cute!!!

  4. Blair says:

    Oh, wow! It looks fantastic. Love your compromise on the pink/pebble.

  5. Sweet Nothings says:

    omg, they look adorable..esp the ballet slippers!! I need to do something in that color, just because.

  6. sarah says:

    so creative!!! i love it!

  7. Annie says:

    Love it! The chairs are so much fun!!

  8. C says:

    Fantastic Job!! They look awesome!

  9. Jackie says:

    OMG these look amazing! I would have never thought to sew fabric right over the mesh backing, what a smart idea! I just love that Ikea fabric with the pink frame. Great choices!

  10. TheBeautyFile says:

    ok, I am having a HEART attack about how much I love these!! wow…talk about creativity!!

  11. becolorful says:

    Great idea! I would not have thought to use the old fabric but what a great idea. Looks amazing!

  12. Kwana says:

    So cool. Love it.

  13. urbansardines says:

    Wow, Camila!!!! The chairs look so awesome! Really great job! And yes, spray painting is kind of a pain :-)!

  14. Re:Fresh Design Studio says:

    I love the striped fabric! Good work on the sewing!

  15. I *Heart* You says:

    they look amazing! what a wonderful job! love the pink!

  16. Erin says:

    Holy crap that is SO cute! You're amazing!!!

  17. thevoyageofv says:

    The chairs look great! I wish I were so crafty. Now if only I could sew…

  18. Happiness Is... says:

    Wow! They look great! I am very impressed!

  19. paula says:

    Great makeover, awesome job!

  20. Blueprint Bliss says:

    Camila- FAB-U-LOUS!!

  21. Miss Madras says:

    I would get the pink paint too. I can't wait to see the final result. It will look great!

  22. LindsB says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look of the chairs!! See, sewing is not that hard…well except when the damn thing stops working on you, thats annoying.

    I have to say, the pink is the way to go- sorry Jon. I dont even have to see the Pebble color to know that the pink rocks and all 4 chairs should be pink 🙂

    I LOVE an almost free project, way to go!!

  23. Freckles Chick says:

    If these don't say summer then I don't know what does. I LOVE how the snappy stripes play off the sweet pale pink! Lovely work, C!

  24. Eli says:

    Awesome!! They look great and so summery. Ready to be used while sipping lemonade 🙂

  25. mrosev14 says:

    That is oh so beautiful! I didn't even think about getting fabric from Ikea, great call. I think I'll look there for my other projects.

  26. Mrs. Limestone says:

    Great idea! I didn't even realize Ikea sold outdoor upholstery fabric. As if I needed another reason to go there?

    PS: A women posting as Lisa links to your blog as her own. Weird.

  27. New England Girl says:

    These are adorable!!! The makeover is really impressive, and so affordable! Can't wait to see how the pebble looks with these fabrics. 🙂

  28. bluehydrangea says:

    Great, great job!!! I am very impressed. I just love before and afters!!

  29. Haven and Home says:

    Camila you are a genius!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pink with that fabric!!!!

  30. ams says:

    That is AMAZING!!! What a great project, I love it!

  31. Brenda says:

    Love the chairs. The fabric choice is awesome.

  32. Paige says:

    Love it! You did a great job.

  33. Heather says:

    Good for you! This looks great! I can't believe you did all that so quickly!

  34. fromtherightbank.com says:

    You're amazing. I don't even recognize them.

  35. Centsational Girl says:

    Wow. Super Wow. Unbelievable Wow. Those look like they're straight out of a catalog ! All I need is a big tall iced tea and a croquet set and I'll just make myself at home – can I come over?


  36. Laura Casey Interiors says:

    Are you the new Eddie Ross or what? girl you are GOOD! Can you hop down to Charlotte and give me some lessons? now you are motivating me…

  37. simply seleta says:

    Great job!!!

    P.S. Just now went to my mailbox and opened your box! I'm eating my sinfully delish brownie crisps!!! Offspring loved them too. I lost your email, but had to track you down and say thank you so much. Sweet friend!


  38. pve design says:

    I love a DIY gal and one who knows how to add a little fun to the after…

  39. Susie (So Blessed) says:

    These chairs are great…what a fun project! I love to sew, too.
    I am Brooke's mom (Blueprint Bliss)
    and I enjoy reading your blog. I think it's great how you girls have become "blog" friends!


  40. down and out chic says:

    they look awesome! i love the pale pink frame and i'm sure the pebble color will be great too. fantastic job.

  41. LaurenH says:

    Fabulous! I love the fabric!

  42. Pink Wallpaper says:

    those look so great!! what a fab idea. i wish i could sew. i feel your pain about spray paint…when i did my chippendale chair we had to do 100's of small coats to keep from getting drip marks…total pain.

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