weekend recap

Weekend Recap: Kenya dig it?

  1. Christen says:

    Kenya? How exciting! What is she going to be doing there?

    I love the idea of a baking business! Would you be shipping? Because I am no good in the kitchen but I definitely know how to put down a few (or a dozen) brownies 🙂

    A little bit of shopping, a lot of laying out by the pool and a sweet at-home dinner date made up my weekend!

    Thanks for posting!

  2. High-Heeled Foot in the door says:

    My sister works for Human Rights Watch. They are setting up someone new in their Africa division and apparently that person's laptop needed a personal handler so my sister got the job to go and drop it off and then is staying for a bit longer to go on Safari. To say I'm jealous is an understatement.

    I would totally be shipping the brownies. So don't you worry!

  3. Magchunk says:

    I'm totally with you on the WW thing… I did it for several months before plateauing and just couldn't get the motivation to get up off another 20 pounds! But my experience was that I ALWAYS gained slightly before a big drop. I really need to get focused on that again (I'm sitting next to a latte and pastry right now, bad).

    My man was gone all weekend, so I got a lot of little apartment projects done and went to a craft fair at the Seattle Center.

  4. Shannon says:

    that's a really cute name for a baking business! if you did nothing but brownies with edges, I'd be a loyal customer.

    I, too, spent the weekend indoors avoiding the torrential downpours but didn't leave the couch and the Weeds marathon that was in front of me.

    i want a fun safari outfit! for the jungles of philadelphia.

  5. LindsB says:

    Sounds like a fun weekend to me! And umm, can I PLEASE have some of those brownies right this second- they look divine!

  6. meohmyoh says:

    Sometimes your metabolism needs a little jump start after dieting for a while… it eventually starts to slow so the OCCASIONAL indulgence is actually good for you :] The trick is to keep it occasional and not convince yourself that your old habits were "occasional" (like me lol)

  7. Gwen says:

    What an exciting job she has!

    I would have been really excited to tour the stadium, but I am a baseball fan.

    will be looking forward to the brownies.

  8. Lauren Jade says:

    um…wow how exciting and cool is that!?

  9. Tamstyles says:

    girl 930 is early…you should see my timeline…BAD!

  10. urbansardines says:

    Baking biz?! That's awesome! I love the name! My weekend involved too much work to speak of :-). And good for you on your weight loss! Congrats, that represents a lot of work!

  11. Caitlin says:

    Brown Eyed Brownies? How cute is that.

    I just got back from the beach yesterday so although my weekend was fabulous, I'm now dealing with mountains of laundry.

  12. Devon says:

    Ummm, totally yes on the brownie baking business. I'm envious beyond belief and hope you blog about your business creation journey!

  13. PS~Erin says:

    How very exciting about the possibility of your "brown-eyed brownies". Looking forward to hearing more!

  14. Sweet Nothings says:

    Congrats! I am 47% at my goal..keep up the work! dieting is such a struggle, isnt it!!

    i'm dying to go see the new stadium..I'm also hoping to get back for a giants game this fall before they leave the meadowlands( or heaven, as my dad says)

  15. Yansy says:

    I'm dying to go on a safari, that's so exciting. Congrats on your WW success. Love the name of the new business, you should totally go for it.

  16. Sarah - La Jeune Marie says:

    MMM! I would buy some brown eyed brownies for sure! Yum!

    Good luck to your sister in Kenya!!

  17. Couture Carrie says:

    Love this post! Fabulous luggage!


  18. pve design says:

    Kenya! Can I come too….
    I would like to order a batch of "Brown-eyed" brownies. I know just how delish that they are!
    I love that you have your fingers in many bowls!

  19. Blueprint Bliss says:

    Brown Eyed Brownies? Too freaking cute.

    Can't wait to hear more.

    xx- Brooke

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