1. Who Is Lynda says:

    This looks great!!! I really love the pink table!

  2. Brooke says:

    Love the fabrics! The zig zag fabric on those chairs if just fab, and the throw pillows on the couch are great too. Great job Cam!

  3. Jenny says:

    GREAT job, Camila!!!!!

    Such a fun apartment – and for $350?? Genius!!

    Looks like lots of good material for, what was it? Decorating Divas?? 🙂 I laughed for a good five minutes when Caitlin told me!


  4. Scientific Housewife says:

    What a wonderful turnaround! It proves you don't always have to do something drastic to make a room look nice. I wish you were in Florida, I have rooms that could use spicing up 🙂

  5. Flavia @ Estilo Home says:

    Great job! I really like the zig zag fabric on the chairs, and those barstools. I'm always amazed at what New Yorkers find by the trash!

  6. Kathleen says:

    WOW that is amazing! Especially for only $350! Very impressive 🙂

  7. Loving life in Southern California! says:

    So I've decided that you need your own TV show! I love your DIY projects and your inexpensive and chic solutions! Great job!

  8. X says:

    As one of the clients (and Camila's sister) I'd just like to say how much we LLLOOVVVEEE our new apt! It's so chic and fabulous and it finally feels like home! We had our first guest over last night and she was amazed!!

    Camila, you are a genius! Thanks again SO SO SO MUCH! Love you!

  9. LindsB says:

    Camila tha place looks awesome!!! I wish I had a sister like you when I was living with my friends in the city to come and make it pretty!

    I'm obsessed with that table and chairs- it is PERFECT for three chic ladies- amazing job!!

  10. Dallas says:

    Love the stools and LOVE the dining set. You should be proud!

  11. Donna says:

    That pink table looks amazing and the zigzag fabric looks like a Rubie Green fabric…so cute!!!

  12. Daniela says:

    Camila it looks amazing!!! I'm so happy I got to see it firsthand because the pictures just don't give the fabulous full effect despite how gorgeous they are.

    Now its time for your next sister project? Upper East Side here you come!

  13. Katie says:

    I love it!!! I love the pink and green accents! So girly! 🙂

  14. Southern Aspirations says:

    oh my goodness, you did a great job! I can't believe just $350. Such resourcefulness. And it IS pretty!

  15. Delightful Dwelling says:

    It looks great! I love the pink table and the fabric on the chairs along with all the other fun touches.

  16. Averill says:

    You've done a great job Camila! I especially love the dining "set" and the striped bar stools. Amazing what some new fabric can do….

  17. Meg says:

    WOW. You are so talented! I absolutely love the chic fabric that you used for the dining room chairs and the oops paint table is to die for.

    And while my comment would be way too long if I complimented every thing I loved, I also feel it necessary to give a shout out to your thrift store find mirrors and art. Bravo!

  18. Victoria says:

    I can't imagine trying to decorate such a small space on such a tight budget…Great job!

  19. Dagny @ Beautiful Living says:

    LOVE what you've done on that non existing budget!! I want those foo dogs, where are they from???

    And what a coincidence with the vintage enlarged letters, there must be a case of great minds thinking alike!!! 😀

  20. Dobbygirl says:

    LOVE the pink table!! Looks great!

  21. Karen@StrictlySimpleStyle says:

    Any chance you'll give us the source of the green and white fabric? Love it!

  22. Sarah says:

    It all looks great. I especially love the dining area. The pink is so fun as are the chairs.

  23. urbansardines says:

    awesome job, Camila! I cannot wait to see your deets on the DIY projects! I am trying to do a little work on my place on a budget and I must say, hats off to you, cuz it's HARD to find both great and cheap stuff! I am especially wowed by all the work you did with fabric!

  24. Caitlin says:

    I love the colors and patterns in this space.

    Is the chevron fabric the paula prass one?

    I love the chalkboard cabinets too!

    SO darling!

  25. Abbie says:

    I think my favorite part is the dining area… and the fabric on those chairs. LOVE IT!

  26. journeychic says:

    Wow – I love the new dining set! The fabric you used on the chairs is adorable. I think the hallway gallery is my favorite though. Awesome job sticking to a budget and pleasing three young women – not an easy task. I wish my first apartment after college had looked this sharp!

  27. bluehydrangea says:

    Love both sets of chairs!! It all looks fabulous!!

  28. Claire Watkins, ASID allied says:

    Love the chalk board paint cabinets, all the new upholstery and completely heart the foo dogs! Bet all the girls are completely thrilled with the new space!

  29. inspirationnotebook says:

    Brilliant job!!

  30. Rachel says:

    Wow! What a great job!! You took their teeny apartment and really gave it some style! Looks wonderful!
    And of course, like everyone else, I love that zig-zag fabric! Can't wait for that DIY.

  31. Sarah La Rose says:

    Camila, your sisters place looks fantastic!! I can't believe you did so much for them on such a small budget. I love reading your blog for the very inspiring budget friendly DIY projects you are so talented at doing. My favourites are the pink dining table and chalkboard cabinets. 🙂

  32. Amy says:

    I can tell that you put a lot of work into this! The dining chairs are my favorite part.

  33. Sarah - La Jeune Marie says:

    I LOVE it! Fave part… the dining table! SO lovely Cam! You did an amazing job!!!

  34. Casey says:

    My favorite part hands down is the hot pink table!!! LOVE IT! And the chairs. I have some folding chairs that I removed in favor of $6 chairs from the thrift store.. but I didn't think they could look like that! Maybe I'll recover them…

  35. Fee says:

    Ohh Camila, I am shocked that it only cost you that much.

    I love the hallway so much.. and them stools, lovely lovely lovely.

    So many great ideas.

    Fee x

  36. Ellie Gray says:

    This looks fantastic! It's nice to be reminded of the many ways there are to decorate on a budget. I especially love the stools – what a drastic change! Thanks so much for checking out Lady Gray mini mag (ladygrayminimag.blogspot.com)!

  37. Blueprint Bliss says:

    Camila- it looks great (as I knew it would!).

  38. Mary @ JPM Design says:

    I love the chalkboard painted cabinets! Also that pink table is awesome! So cute!

  39. Collins says:

    i love the green foo dogs. it's all lovely!

  40. Blair says:

    Umm..did you know that you are amazing!?! So incredibly impressed. That dining area is just spectacular. Ok, that is alot of superlatives–but all well deserved:)

  41. Sweet Nothings says:


  42. Jen says:

    Love the vintage subway maps, the pink table and the hallway gallery. Great job!

  43. Laura Casey Interiors says:

    looks great! nice work. I remember those days, I was at 72nd & 3rd!

  44. Paige says:

    What a great makeover! Love it!

  45. Carrie says:

    Love the make over that pink table is to die for really and the subway map very cool!

  46. Jenny says:

    I love the pink table! How fun!

  47. Lauren says:

    I cannot believe you did it all for $350!!! AWESOME.

    They must be thrilled- go girl!!!

  48. The DIY Show Off says:

    You did a fantastic job making their space feminine and fun! It's AWESOME! I love it!


  49. Yansy says:

    OMG, you did such a fabulous job! I'm super jealous of the dining room, I must say that was my favorite part.

  50. LizO says:

    I absolutely love to see projects that have tight budgets and then end results…this is going in my bookmarks for sure even though the style isn't mine. There are wonderful ideas to be had here!


  51. Chic Coles (Cole Design) says:

    The project turned out great. I really liked the way the narrow hall way, new pink dining table, stripe stools found curb side and the chalkboard paint looked. Great Ideas

  52. Ms. Bright says:

    LURVE that pink table with the lime/white zigzag!! Ow ow!

  53. Katie Darling says:

    Oh so cute! You are fantastic! I can't believe how much better those chairs look, and well the whole room. Good job!!

  54. Kasha says:

    This is my new favorite blog! I love to see what creative people like you can do with an area. I love before and afters, and I especially love what you did with this apartment. It is right up my alley. Thank you for stopping by my humble blog. I am so flattered and will now probably visit you frequently. I wish you all the success in the world.You are super talented.

  55. MyLittleHappyPlace says:

    Looks fantastic! Love all the little touches of our fave fabrics – great job, sista!

  56. Emily says:

    You did such a fabulous job!! That pink table is amazing and those striped chairs….GREAT touch. I bet your sister is so excited!

  57. Deliciously Organized says:

    It looks so wonderful! I LOVE the dining area! The bar stools, the table, it's just so well done. And I can't believe you did it all under $350!

  58. Rachel H says:

    You are SO good at this!! And to think you're budget decorating in NYC. Talk about a challenge! You go girl!

  59. Restyled Home says:

    What a fabulous make-over…and on a modest budget, no less! They must have been very pleased!


  60. Sarah @ Thrifty Decor Chick says:

    Next time we go to NYC, I'm planning on grabbing up a few extra subway maps to do just what you did! Love it!

  61. Anny says:

    I love it! You have a great eye for vintage finds 🙂

  62. Autum says:

    Wow! Great work and it's amazing that you did it for $350.

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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.

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