about me, the martha rules

The Martha Rules: Rule 2

  1. cassandra @ coco+kelley says:

    And I'm enjoying you reading the book and bringing it back to us! These are wonderful tips and I'm going to start applying them to my own biz as well!

  2. Erin says:

    Another fab tip in another inspiring post!! I had never heard of the book until you mentioned it, so I ordered one for myself last night. I can't wait to read it and for your upcoming posts!

    (More gorgeous pics again too!)

  3. Revival says:

    GREAT POST! This book is now officially on my amazon wishlist. These business tips seem simple enough but I know how easy it is to get out of control. Thanks for keeping us grounded and inspiring us with those great photos.

  4. Full House says:

    I'm really enjoying your Martha posts…makes me want to go get the book.

  5. vanillapress says:

    Lovely blog!

  6. Loving life in Southern California! says:

    Yes, thanks for doing the "leg work" and providing all this great info! These are fantastic insights and have inspired me to take a second look at my business! Thanks!

  7. Milltini says:

    these are all very wonderful ways to think about becoming an entrepreneur! thanks so much for sharing.

  8. Flavia @ Estilo Home says:

    This sounds like it's a great book. I also love the pictures in this post!

  9. Karen@StrictlySimpleStyle says:

    Great post. I really appreciate you giving us the cliff note version.

  10. Erin says:

    Great post… I've been thinking about exactly this with relations to my blog lately…

    "Whether you are selling a service or a product you really need to sit down and take a moment to figure out what it is that makes you stand out. "

  11. LindsB says:

    What great advice- I love reading your take on her rules as it applies to the design world!

  12. Averill says:

    I'm loving this series on The Martha Rules — not only are Martha's rules spot on, but your own application and discussion is so thoughtful and interesting. Hope you keep walking us through the book!

  13. Ms. Bright says:

    Such a great series. Looking forward to Rule 3!

  14. Miss Wendy says:

    Seriously, I am getting this book. Thanks for posting excerpts.

  15. Re:Fresh Design Studio says:

    Thanks for posting about this, I love it! I think I'll have to read the book sometime! It's so interesting to hear you relate it back to your business. I can't wait til you have your website up! We're working on mine now.

  16. Liz says:

    Definitely making me want to rush out and buy this book! Martha definitely has the secret figured out, and I could definitely use those tips in my business!

    ~ Liz @ It's Great To Be Home

  17. Red Lipstick Style says:

    This is wonderful. I'm in process of getting a business venture together so it is very timely.

  18. Sarah - La Jeune Marie says:

    Great tips! Thanks for breaking the book down like this. Very inspiring.

  19. Lavender and Lilies says:

    I love the tips! I always toy with opening my own store or small cafe and these are awesome.

  20. Cristin says:

    Great tips – I will have to read this book.

    I struggle with how to charge clients too and also offer some DIY options.

    Thanks too for dropping by my blog!!! I need to start following yours.

    cristin @ simplified bee

  21. white wave design says:

    Love the wallpaper in the top picture!! This was a great post – just what I needed today. thanks 🙂

  22. Sweet Nothings says:

    yeah i need the wallpaper in the top pic!

  23. Deliciously Organized says:

    Ok, I'm convinced that I need to go buy this book now! You are selling me! And I love the photos you picked to go along with the rule!

  24. nestegg says:

    Great tips! I'm going to need this book. Seriously, Martha's business strategies are DEAD ON. She's made all the right choices (well, except for one. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing! I'm on the same page as you- but in Nashville rather than New York. Would love to switch cities for a day.. 🙂 Wouldn't that be fun?! xoRH

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