For Christmas I gifted one of my sisters with a copy of (500) Days of Summer. 10% of my reasoning behind it was that I thought she would enjoy it and the other 90% was purely selfish, because I was dying to see it!
I don’t want to give too much away for those that have yet to see it, but I would say it’s a must see if only for the amazing soundtrack. I’m not going to lie I thought it was going to become my new favorite movie and had very high hopes, but in the end I simply just enjoyed it.
One reason that I’m very happy that the movie was misplaced when dear sister was trying to pack up all her gifts (aka it is now with all my DVDs! Ssh) was Summer’s apt. I fell in love at first sight.
Due to Summer’s (Zooey Deschanel) brilliant blue eyes she wears shades of blue throughout the entire movie along with blue also making a strong presence in her apt.
I love toile! Normally one would probably think it would be a little too overwhelming to have it above and below the chair rail in room, but in this apt it just works! It adds a wonderful charm to the space and works just right with her personality.
Summer has a great collection of artwork that in the beginning of the movie she has simply stacked in front of a faux fireplace.
As the movie progresses you see Summer’s apt change a bit. Now that she has fully moved in artwork has been hung and voila a bar cart has been added! I think the whole blog world would approve of that move.
Here you can catch more of the toile wallpaper that covers the main living area of the apt!
Love the twinkling lights on her headboard. Also blue!
I know this post is about Summer, but I must included a little sneak peek of Tom’s apt. My favorite has to be his chalkboard wall!
Here it is in the beginning of the film:
I love that the headboard is simply drawn in chalk.
Here it is later on in the film with some of his architectural drawings.
At one point Tom has, “ This is not a love story, but a story about love” written on his wall. This totally sums up the movie correctly.
I’m now actually itching to watch it again! I think I was perhaps too harsh with my first viewing. So, dear readers have any of you caught this film yet? Thoughts?
I just about died over Tom's chalk headboard. Just another thing pushing me towards a huge chalkboard wall in the new house. I was the same way – I built up the movie so much before seeing it that at first, I liked it but was a little disappointed. But then I watched it again (and again and again) and now I looooove it. Definitely give it another chance.
loved. loved loved loved. i think it is my new favorite movie. my favorite was tom's apartment though and now i really need a chalkboard wall… before i just wanted one. now i need one
I LOVED it! I agree about the sound track it just makes the movie for me. And what a great eye you have~I didn't even notice that Tom's headboard was drawn on with chalk. We received it last week via Netflix and haven't returned it yet so I think I might have to watch it one more time before sending it back!
I actually really loved the film (saw it in theater) and have been wanting to watch at home to take in all the details: clothes, apartment scenes. Thanks for your post!
I loved this movie!!! I loved the clothes, the apartments, the colors, the soundtrack pretty much everything about it! I bought the soundtrack on iTunes the day after I watched it. If I could find somewhere to buy it I would in a heart beat!
like you i thought the movie was just enjoyable. overall i just thought it was a clever attempt to make a pretty boring, seen it a million times story better. though it doesn't sound like it, that was a compliment. but i WAS in love with summer's apartment. those blue fairy lights sent me over the edge.
Loved the interiors in this movie too! Especially her little tree full of origami cranes. The movie wasn't what I had expected, but I still enjoyed it.
I thought the movie was good. Not amazing but it was worth seeing once. It seemed better in the previews than it actually was, I was a little let down. I don't know if I feel the need to watch it again though.
I watched Away We Go recently and loved.loved.loved it. It's a bit more adult but it blew me away. I laughed so often and it felt so real. I definitely see it again. People seem to have strong reactions to it though; either they loved it or hated it.
i have been dying to this movie!! better go and buy it soon! i've heard mixed reviews about it though, so idk. the scenes you showed look good though.. i love the blue lighs and the chalkboard headboard as well!
i just saw this movie, and now i must buy it. loved it THAT much. the soundtrack? GAWD. it is that good.
and i loved summer's apt. i have a thing for toile. i have toile dishes. they were my parent's first fight after getting married so they got packed up and bequeathed to ME!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chalkboard wall in Tom's apartment!!! When I first saw the movie over the summer, it was one of the main things I remembered from the film {in addition the the A-mazing soundtrack}…really enjoyed how he drew his headboard on it…I've since really considered doing this in my son's room, when he's ready to move out of the nursery in a few months.
I really liked Summer's apartment too…especially all the art…it was the perfect backdrop for her character, but I was sooo drawn to Tom's place. Must be my love for more masculine, architectural details.
Anyway, great post! I always really love seeing how the character's stories/personalities in movies are supported with the set design…what an art!
I love most anything from Nick Hornby. I need to take advantage of the rainy days predicted for this coming week to catch up on films, like this one. Cheers!
I Loved her apartment as well, it made me want to throw wallpaper up instantly. If you have ever seen her cotton tv commercial, it will make you want to throw out all your clothes and buy hers!
You beat me to it! I ondemanded it while I was home sick this week and couldn't wait to find some pictures and write about it…I absolutely LOOOOVED his apartment in the movie, and have always had a huge girl crush on Zooey Deschanel. Hope you're good…xoxo
Hey this has to be one of my fave movies still! i cant go a week without watching it! Tom's apartment is my favourite espec the blackboard but have you see the poster on his wall "bon chat bon at"? i have been looking to get this but cant find it anywhere! anybody know where i can get it?
The astonishing touch of this movie is Joshua Gordon-Levitt’s enigmatic fetish for buildings. The blackboard scene with him drawing his dream buildings exceeded my expectations, making this film silently as blatant as an art film. Depicting the beauty of NYC, short term apartments where they live, and the view which are translated as their favorite spot are wrapped as topnotch. In addition, Deschanel’s sly acting transforms Summer’s role into a realistic one, unfathomable as it may seem, that there’s a girl as beautiful as she, living in a New York apartment ―rental, short term ―having multitudes of awful boyfriends has fallen in love with a writer, actually, a greeting card writer. Anyway, can I raise my hand here? I also love toile.
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I just about died over Tom's chalk headboard. Just another thing pushing me towards a huge chalkboard wall in the new house.
I was the same way – I built up the movie so much before seeing it that at first, I liked it but was a little disappointed. But then I watched it again (and again and again) and now I looooove it. Definitely give it another chance.
loved. loved loved loved. i think it is my new favorite movie. my favorite was tom's apartment though and now i really need a chalkboard wall… before i just wanted one. now i need one
i actually saw this film as i was transitioning from my college apartment to my first real life apartment.
i loved how young, exciting, and unexpected both characters' living spaces were. i obsessed over the chalk board wall for about a week after….
what a great film! maybe i'll pick it up to watch again this weekend
I'm going to get this movie and watch it, thanks for the tip off.
I LOVED it! I agree about the sound track it just makes the movie for me. And what a great eye you have~I didn't even notice that Tom's headboard was drawn on with chalk. We received it last week via Netflix and haven't returned it yet so I think I might have to watch it one more time before sending it back!
I started watching it (prepared to LOVE it, like you were, but never finished it..). Maybe it's time to try again??
LOVE this movie too! I thought the story, the clothes, the music & the decor were all lovely.
I'm trying to devise a plan {as i type} to steal the film from my best friend's house this weekend
I did love her apartment! The movie, ahhh not so much…XXOO
Have not seen this yet but not I am itching to do so!! Looks SO cute.
I actually really loved the film (saw it in theater) and have been wanting to watch at home to take in all the details: clothes, apartment scenes. Thanks for your post!
I loved this movie!!! I loved the clothes, the apartments, the colors, the soundtrack pretty much everything about it! I bought the soundtrack on iTunes the day after I watched it. If I could find somewhere to buy it I would in a heart beat!
like you i thought the movie was just enjoyable. overall i just thought it was a clever attempt to make a pretty boring, seen it a million times story better. though it doesn't sound like it, that was a compliment.
but i WAS in love with summer's apartment. those blue fairy lights sent me over the edge.
Loved the interiors in this movie too! Especially her little tree full of origami cranes. The movie wasn't what I had expected, but I still enjoyed it.
I loved her wallpaper… so cute. Great movie! Hope it wins at the Globes this weekend.
I noticed the toile and the chalk headboard when I first saw it and thought that was great! I love this movie
I thought the movie was good. Not amazing but it was worth seeing once. It seemed better in the previews than it actually was, I was a little let down. I don't know if I feel the need to watch it again though.
I watched Away We Go recently and loved.loved.loved it. It's a bit more adult but it blew me away. I laughed so often and it felt so real. I definitely see it again. People seem to have strong reactions to it though; either they loved it or hated it.
i have been dying to this movie!! better go and buy it soon! i've heard mixed reviews about it though, so idk.
the scenes you showed look good though.. i love the blue lighs and the chalkboard headboard as well! 
i just saw this movie, and now i must buy it. loved it THAT much. the soundtrack? GAWD. it is that good.
and i loved summer's apt. i have a thing for toile. i have toile dishes. they were my parent's first fight after getting married
so they got packed up and bequeathed to ME!
I can't wait to see it – it's on my Netflix queue. I love the toile walls and Zooey Deschanel is my favorite!
I just saw this movie tonight, and I noticed their apartments and clothing a lot- just like you!
However, this movie, for some crazy reason, made me sob uncontrollably at the end. I just felt awful.
I am too hormonal.
I absolutely loved it! I had no expectations and I was very pleasantly surprised at how much I loved it.
My husband and I saw it and we BOTH loved it. We love that is a "romcom"-esque movie from the man's perspective. It's really a Guy's Romance.
They decorating and clothes are all very hip and give this young, energetic vibe to the entire film. It's on my "want" list!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chalkboard wall in Tom's apartment!!! When I first saw the movie over the summer, it was one of the main things I remembered from the film {in addition the the A-mazing soundtrack}…really enjoyed how he drew his headboard on it…I've since really considered doing this in my son's room, when he's ready to move out of the nursery in a few months.
I really liked Summer's apartment too…especially all the art…it was the perfect backdrop for her character, but I was sooo drawn to Tom's place. Must be my love for more masculine, architectural details.
Anyway, great post! I always really love seeing how the character's stories/personalities in movies are supported with the set design…what an art!
I love most anything from Nick Hornby. I need to take advantage of the rainy days predicted for this coming week to catch up on films, like this one.
I Loved her apartment as well, it made me want to throw wallpaper up instantly. If you have ever seen her cotton tv commercial, it will make you want to throw out all your clothes and buy hers!
You beat me to it! I ondemanded it while I was home sick this week and couldn't wait to find some pictures and write about it…I absolutely LOOOOVED his apartment in the movie, and have always had a huge girl crush on Zooey Deschanel. Hope you're good…xoxo
Great movie. I thought Zooey Deschanel looked gorgeous in it.
I loved that movie! and yes.. the music was GREAT!!
I like this movie a lot, it reminds me of someone. Good.. Good..
Hey this has to be one of my fave movies still! i cant go a week without watching it!
Tom's apartment is my favourite espec the blackboard but have you see the poster on his wall "bon chat bon at"? i have been looking to get this but cant find it anywhere! anybody know where i can get it?
The astonishing touch of this movie is Joshua Gordon-Levitt’s enigmatic fetish for buildings. The blackboard scene with him drawing his dream buildings exceeded my expectations, making this film silently as blatant as an art film. Depicting the beauty of NYC, short term apartments where they live, and the view which are translated as their favorite spot are wrapped as topnotch. In addition, Deschanel’s sly acting transforms Summer’s role into a realistic one, unfathomable as it may seem, that there’s a girl as beautiful as she, living in a New York apartment ―rental, short term ―having multitudes of awful boyfriends has fallen in love with a writer, actually, a greeting card writer.
Anyway, can I raise my hand here? I also love toile.