
Sadness: Holding Court

  1. Averill says:

    It's just awful.

  2. Yelena says:

    i found earlier today.
    how sad. how terrible.
    may she rest in peace.

  3. Dumbwit Tellher says:

    So hard to hold back the tears. I know God has a plan but hard to imagine why she was taken? My heart breaks for her entire family, especially her two young children.

  4. Sweet Nothings says:

    🙁 so sad. her and her loved ones are in my prayers

  5. Michelle says:

    OMG! ….what the heck? This is so sad…what a loss for everyone…a great soul.

  6. Things That Inspire says:

    NO! I can't believe it, I simply can't – she always had such lovely things to say on every single post of mine and countless others. Her family is in my prayers.

  7. Elizabeth says:

    i dont think i followed her blog, but this is such sad news to hear. rip.

  8. MyLittleHappyPlace says:

    Oh my gosh. I am a relatively new reader of her blog, but found it so lovely. This is just so terrible to read.
    Prayers to her family.

  9. LivingLivelier says:

    I'm so devestated for her family, and those beautiful children. What a wonderful tribute her husband took the time to write on her blog. So sad and unfair.

  10. Hamptontoes says:

    How very sad and tragic, there are no words.

  11. Tonia @Chic Modern Vintage says:

    Tears as I type….Thanks for such a beautiful tribute. She will be missed,

  12. La Dolfina says:

    I've been heartbroken all day and can't get her beautiful family out of my head or heart. I'm sure her husband Cory must be comforted by all the love flowing to him and his children from blogland where his lovely wife touched so many.

  13. Preppy Little Dress says:

    How sad! My heart goes out to her family! How tragic!

  14. Cristin says:

    my heart is broken and prayers with Cory and the kids.

  15. Jules says:

    What a tragedy. This is the sort of unspeakable loss that will keep me up nights.

  16. 姿柯瑩柯dgdd憶曾g智曾 says:

    After a storm comes a calm...................................................................

  17. Helena - A Diary of Lovely says:

    a big tragedy….

  18. Ludmila {creamylife.com} says:

    so sad. Marija's family is in my thoughts…

  19. Amy says:

    I couldn't even comment yesterday when I read his post, I too was in shock, why such a beautiful young life was taken, just heartbreaking. *Amy

  20. pve design says:

    I just had to illustrate her home for her family. I know she would want to have that for her family. She inspired me that she went back to school to pursue something she was passionate about and that her husband was supportive too.
    I love that she made such an impression on each of us.

  21. thelovelylifestyle says:

    I too heard on Twitter, but could hardly get through Cory's tribute. So tragic.
    -Rachael Anne

  22. The Lil Bee says:

    I knew of her but I don't know if we ever read each others' blogs. Still, as you said, she was one of us. It hit very close to home to hear that news. Someone directed me to her blog where I read her husband's post. I feel for her family so much and am thinking of them.

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