weekend recap

Weekend Recap: Office Chair found!

  1. paula says:

    It’s gorgeous! what a find.

  2. Ms. Bright says:

    You lucky girl!!! I have also been admiring that chair, but love the look of the bamboo version! It fits perfectly in your lovely office!!

    I’d love to have 2 of those for either end of our dining table!!


  3. Sara says:

    wow that was a lucky find! I love the chair!

  4. Danielle says:

    Wow, it is the perfect chair! What a great price too.

  5. Love that perfect chair, but the rest of the room is just as spectacular!

  6. It was meant to be! Who would of thought you would of found that chair so quickly on Craig’s list. Amazing. Are you going to paint it then or leave it in it’s natural state? I looks wonderful in your office. I was expecting a huge mess when you showed the real office, but heck, that looked clean to me!

  7. Sara says:

    Your office is so lovely, and the chair looks perfect!

  8. Heather says:

    Hi! I’m on LI, too and would like to know your source!
    Your blog is one of my daily reads-LOVE IT!

    • effortless says:

      Sorry the chairs are all gone. They were a craiglist find from a lighting shop on the island. I had a couple of emails early today and they remaining three have been purchased.

  9. Karena says:

    I absolutely love it!! Wow what a find. I am looking for a white ergonomically beneficial office chair…off to Craigs list! You never know!

    Come and join my Fashionable Giveaway from the French Basketeer!


    Art by Karena

  10. yancey says:

    Will you be painting it white? It’s fantastic as is, but white…..

  11. Julie says:

    This is messy? Haha, this is clean compared to the current state of our apartment, post-move. Love your new chair and the yellow parsons desk. So happy and cheerful!

  12. Oh goodness, I LOOOOOVEEE that chair- my mind is racing trying to figure out where I could put one- just gorgeous. I had a great shopping weekend as well- I posted a picture on my blog today of the gold bamboo flatware set I won on ebay for $48- service for 12. So excited!!

  13. Seriously love the chair and any story of a girl finding true love, cheap 😉

  14. No you did not! When things happen like that, it’s just so hard to believe! What a steal, thats goes to show, that you just need to be patient, and keep on searching! Gorgeous chair!

  15. Katrina says:

    What a fab chair!!! So glad you found one for WAY less the your 2nd option!! 🙂

  16. Melissa says:

    What luck! I love finding a deal. Your office is lovely.

  17. Jamie says:

    I love the shape of your white lamp. Can I ask where you got it?

  18. Jamie says:

    Awesome, thanks so much for the link!

  19. Kasey says:

    That is certainly a beautiful chair!

  20. Jade says:

    Seriously good score Camila!! I love it!

  21. Cuh-RAZY good find! Looks amazing!

  22. Kate Collins says:

    I love the chair – what a find!! I have major chair envy.

  23. OH what a great find! I’m so jealous! Your office is beautiful and bright! Where did you get your yellow parsons desk? I looove that color!

    Haymarket Designs

  24. Joi says:

    What a fabulous find! Congrats to you! 🙂

  25. Emily says:

    What an amazing find! Love the way it looks in your office.

  26. karin says:

    Love the chairs! Would love to see a post on how to be a savvy craiglist finder, as I have no luck when I have looked.
    Just moved into the house last friday after a month of demo/repairs…will send pics soon as I am working on styling the master (curtains are made, bench covered and pillows on bed are sewed) and starting on family room now. REALLY appreciate all your help

  27. Love it!! Great find! 🙂

  28. lindsb says:

    Perfect fit! Cant wait to see the REST of your office 🙂

  29. That is straight CRAZY!!!!!

    Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  30. What a fabulous find! Congrats to you! 🙂

  31. Seriously love the chair and any story of a girl finding true love, cheap 😉

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