treat yo self

Treat yo self: Week 8

  1. Lee'Or says:

    I have had 3 babies and gained exactly 40 lbs with each. It was so hard losing the baby weight. After baby #3, Beyla, I immediately started walking again. Most of her morning naps were taking in the jogging stroller. I cut out all the white stuff and starting eating tons of fiber. That was a huge switch for me, the fiber, that helped the pounds melt away. My menu is basically the same every day, it was boring, but I felt safe doing it that way. And now when I stray, I do not feel guilty & am able to get right back to it.

  2. Ashleigh says:

    Those donuts look delicious! I might need to…

    After my son was born, I lost an additional 20 pounds (like, below my pre-preg weight) by removing dairy and wheat from my diet (while still nursing). I did it because he’d shown food sensitivities (he’s fine now – no allergies) and so I took a drastic approach. It was easier than I thought it would be, and the weight loss made it so worth it. I’ll do the same once #2 arrives, even if she tolerates dairy and wheat really well.

    Good luck! And they say 5# more will drop when you stop breastfeeding so keep that in the back of your mind as well!

  3. Cristina says:

    Remember it took nine months to get the weight on…so give it time. You will have to put in some hard work though! I’ve had four little ones and am just a few pounds away from my pre-preg weight (baby is 13 months). In the meantime buy some clothes that fit and keep up the exercise. Remember slow and steady. Don’t worry about your chest being extra big if you are breastfeeding. They will diminish when you quit (maybe more than you like), in my case anyway.

  4. Quiana says:

    Those donuts look SO good! I had blood orange pinkberry the other day and am now obsessed with the flavor. About the baby weight, breastfeeding is what made me lose the weight and get well below my pre-pregnancy weight. My 19 month old is still breastfeeding and the lbs keep falling off. I know it won’t last forever so I’ll switch over to exercising more when she weans.

  5. BridgetG says:

    One year. Walking.

  6. Katie says:

    Uggh! I gained about 40 too! Those last few pounds just really crept up! I think I might have taken advantage of my belly situation and indulged a bit more than I should have. Honestly, I never felt like it looked like THAT much, but I definitely felt it when trying to get rid of it all. Like you, I dropped a pretty good amount right away, and a little more when I stopped breastfeeding (I felt like I was constantly eating at that point to keep up the supply), but the last 10 or so were nagging. It took me all of 8 months to drop that last bit. I admit, I was not very aggressive about the weight loss. I do a lot of walking, but that is about the extent of my exercise in these baby-days, so the loss was VERY graaaadduall. However, when I finally lost the last bits, I lost about 5 extra pounds, too, without any effort. BONUS! Good luck, and hope it goes a little quicker for you!

  7. Stacey says:

    give yourself time to lose the weight. your baby is only, what, 3 mos. old? these things take time, despite what the latest celeb mom says on the cover of the supermarket tabloids 😉 with my first, it took me 6 mos. to get back to my pre-preg weight, which was pretty quick. with #2 and #3 it was a MUCH slower process, even with breastfeeding.

    now that the weather is changing and it will be lighter out later, try taking walks w/ the baby. he’ll love the fresh air/scenery and you’ll burn some calories.

  8. Betsy says:

    I gained over 70 pounds. I dropped gluten and dairy as well. It took about 4 months but all 70+ came right off. I walked but it was probably mostly due to breast feeding. Back down to 125. I gained a few pounds back after I stopped breastfeeding so… Just keep that in mind too. Those extra calories sneak back on…

  9. Colleen says:

    I gained almost 50 with my first, and I’m only 5’2″…I would say it took me about 6 months to drop just the weight. I felt like it was about 9-12 months for my shape to return to (somewhat) normal.

  10. Lorie says:

    Those donuts look so good!!
    I gained 30 lbs. I breatfeed and am ashamed to say I drank Slimfast, but it did work. It takes time, don’t sweat it!

  11. 54! Lost all but 3 pounds of it by baby’s first birthday party. But that was 25 years ago and no one seemed to care so much about how long it took. Give yourself a much deserved break! If we were all celeb Moms and had the trainer come to the house every day, and the personal chef on hand 24/7, then we’d all lose that baby weight in 4 weeks!

  12. amanda says:

    Are you still breastfeeding? I never got completely back to normal after either pregnancy until I stopped breastfeeding. My other piece of advice is Zumba! Best workout ever and tons of fun!

  13. six months to one year. But dont compare yourself to other women – our bodies are all different. I gained 30lbs my first pregnancy and am still waiting for the final total this time around (due June 2012). What helped me the first time was joining Baby Bootcamp bc I could work out with my baby. Set realistic expectations and treat your body nicely. You just made a person!

  14. Heather says:

    I lost all but 6 lbs by my 6 week appointment. I think it was because I was too busy to eat and I hated being couped in the house so I walked A LOT and tried to find every hill in my neighborhood. I lost the last 6 by the time my little guy was 4 months by running consistently in the morning before the baby got up – I think breastfeeding helped a ton. Once I got moving, it just fell off.

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