favorite things, give-away

Favorite Things: Emerson Made GIVE-AWAY

  1. Erin says:

    gorgeous! I love the dahlia sash but the napkins are pretty cool too.


  2. Scott and Rebekah says:

    Cute blooms – love the clutch!!

  3. Claire Watkins, ASID allied says:

    Sign me up for a clutch, please!

  4. Bitch, Bitch, Bitch (Amanda Mac) says:

    I love the clutches


  5. Bitch, Bitch, Bitch (Amanda Mac) says:

    I love the clutches


  6. Peckish says:

    No way. Just no way! I <3 her store!!!

    I would ROCK that clutch!

  7. Meg says:

    Oh I LOVE Emersonmade. Definitely the Dahlia sash.


  8. lime says:

    Oh.my.gosh. I am freaking out right now. I LOVE EmersonMade–I follow her blog too. I love the 7" BIG poppy–I want one, just can't afford it. Oooh, I hope I win!


  9. Re:Fresh Design Studio says:

    I love the Dahlia sash and the white clutch. So cute!! I've tweeted as well!


  10. Simply Squeaky says:

    I looooooove the clutch!!! Checked out her store too and OMG all so cute!

  11. other-option says:

    Nice! I like the napkins and the clutch.
    – Danielle
    other-option AT hotmail DOT com

  12. my favorite and my best says:

    i love them all. can't wait to see the balls outfit.

  13. Sara Lang says:

    I love the Eat napkins!!

  14. Chic Coles (Cole Design) says:

    This is so hard to choose! I love everything. If I won, I would probably pick either the flower clutch or the Dahlia Stash!


  15. Wendy says:

    Napkins all the way!

  16. Becky says:

    I absolutely love Emerson Made products! I am a Maid of Honor for my best friends wedding coming up in Spring and she wants the large flower to wear with her dress and I would love to accessorize with that clutch!! Love, love, love!!

  17. Chelsea says:

    oh my. I LOVE the sash.

  18. inthetweeds says:

    Ooh I love everything! I think it's a tie between the Dahlia Sash and the Clutch!! Pick me! 😉

  19. Emily says:

    LOVE the clutch!

  20. Jessica Hills says:

    I LOVE those flower clutches! jessicahills22@gmail.com

  21. Nutty says:

    The clutch is amazing!

  22. Nikki says:

    I have been drooling over these forever! Please pick me. I am a sucker for the dahlias!


  23. Holly says:

    hard to pick, but i would love the dahlia sash!!!


  24. Meagan says:

    I love the Sash & the Napkins! Its hard to choose … but hope I win the Napkins 🙂


  25. Allison says:

    I love that poppy!! thank you!! Merry Christmas too!

  26. Michelle (Three Men and a Lady) says:

    Love the Dahlia Sash!

  27. bug says:

    It's a tough call, but I would go with the clutch!
    ashley.masi (at) gmail.com

  28. Design Esquire says:

    I love the clutch! Great giveaway!! I hope I win.

  29. Kathleen says:

    All very cute, but I'll have to say the clutch!

  30. Kristin says:

    Those clutches are so lovely!!

  31. sheila says:

    Love the clutches! The Poppy is splendid!

  32. K says:

    Love the sash! gorgeous!

  33. RAENOVATE says:

    i'm a huge emerson made fan! happy holiday's!

  34. Teri says:

    I adore the dahlia sash!


  35. mootsie0109 says:

    I love the clutch!


  36. Dobbygirl says:

    I love the flower clutch!!!

  37. Ali says:

    Love the clutch!

  38. Kristan says:

    Love the clutch and the Eat napkins! Fabulous.

  39. Lemondrop Marie says:

    Oh my how I adore the lovely flower brooches, I would wear one DAILY. Cutest thing EVER.
    I am a new follower~

  40. Down and Out Chic says:

    oh yay, loveeeee emersonmade. i'd have the hardest time choosing but i think i'd choose a clutch. they're so pretty!

  41. I am Stacey... says:

    What gorgeous items! I'd go for the dahlia sash.


  42. Abbie says:

    Love every bit of it!! I would pick the dahlia sash.


  43. Abbie says:

    I tweeted…



  44. journeychic says:

    Those little clutches are divine!

    journeychic @ gmail dot com

  45. Denise says:

    I'd be so happy with any of these items, but I do love the clutches!

  46. paula says:

    oh my, I absolutely adore her line. i would say the clutch or maybe the napkins. oh boy, this is a tough one:)

  47. nauticalandsouthern says:

    I would love the napkins! (I think they'd get more use) but also love the dahlia sash–


  48. Kate and Geoff says:

    Oh my. Oh my.
    I just found your blog today and had to follow you instantly after glancing through your most recent posts.

    That yellow clutch with the navy flower just made me weak in the knees. I can't breathe a little. Is that normal?

    The only trick would be testing myself to see if I could actually give it to my best friend (who would literally pass out) or if, in a moment of weakness, I would have to keep it for myself.

    Or… you could save me from having to decide and give me two??


  49. Jen Scott says:

    do i have to pick? they are all so beautiful!

    i love the clutch though!


  50. Lauren says:

    i love the white dhalia!!!! so beautiful!!!


  51. Katie says:

    The clutch is darling. Thanks!

  52. Scientific Housewife says:

    I am a follower and I love the flower clutch. My email is butterflychk500@yahoo.com and I tweeted this as well!

  53. Betsy says:

    flower clutch please!

  54. shaye says:

    I just saw the Iris Apfel exhibit in the Peabody Essex Museum and thse flowers would be a fabulous addition to a wardrobe!

  55. Rebecca says:

    Love the flower clutch!!!


  56. Victoria of design my life says:

    I love the sash – if I don't win I am going to have to purchase one for myself! Thanks

  57. Christina says:

    LOVE Emersonmade. I would totally rock that Dahlia sash on my wedding dress!

    christina (dot) lexa (at) gmail.com

  58. Vintage Junky says:

    love the clutch!


  59. Cristin says:

    love the dahlia sash!


  60. Erin @ SYL: Slipcover Your Life says:

    Really really really want those Eat Napkins!

  61. Shannon says:

    Although I love the napkins, I NEED the clutch. Please. Thank You.


  62. Michelle says:

    Everything is lovely and it's so hard to pick! The clutch belongs in my hand. Oh yes, it has to come home with me.

  63. nikinikinine says:

    loving the clutch! wowza.

  64. Elaine says:

    The clutch and the napkins, and the dahlia would make a really cute hair piece!


  65. katie, dave, lucille and winston says:

    The flower clutch and dahlia sash are to die for. pick me! pick me!

  66. Brooke Petersen says:

    Flower clutch- yes. Yes, please.

    Dahlia stash a very close runner-up!

    Here's hoping there is a little Christmas love out there for me!

  67. kenandbridget says:

    I like the Dahlia sash. So pretty!

  68. Lara says:

    Oh my goodness, I love the flower clutch. Definitely.
    laracasey (at) gmail (dot) com

  69. Devon says:

    I am a big poppy girl. Love EmersonMade. One of my absolute faves…

  70. Lauren says:

    Oooh I LOVE the flower clutches and the napkins! They're SO pretty.

  71. Ginabee says:

    one flower clutch is my fave~ soo cute!


  72. Lindsay says:

    I LOVE the flower clutch! So girly! What a great giveaway! Thank you so much!

    lindsay lee

  73. Amanda says:

    My oh my, what a post to come across upon finding your blog! I am happy to report I am now a follower and can't believe I'm able to decide between all of these lovely options. The side of me that loves my home being pretty adores those napkins. The side of me that loves looking just as pretty myself has decided (somewhat selfishly) to choose the cream flower clutch! 🙂 Happy to have "met" you here in blog-land. Won't you visit me sometime? 😉

  74. Amanda says:

    Consider this my second entry because I was happy to share the opportunity with all (eleven) of my followers! 😉 My popularity in the blog world is a work in progress. Lol.

  75. Kiki says:

    Thank you for sharing! Just stumbled upon emersonmade and adore it and now yours — bookmarked you! I would love the clutch, but of course would just be so happy with any of them.

    Good luck in your endeavors. When you follow your dreams, they might just come true — i wish that for you!


  76. Kiki says:

    Thank you for sharing! Just stumbled across the emerson made site — love it and now yours — it's bookmarked, now! I would love the clutch but would be happy with ANY of the items.

    All the best in your endeavors — when you follow your dreams, they might just come true.


  77. susan says:

    Love them all!!

  78. sunkisses007 says:

    It's definitely a tie between the poppy and the napkins! I love both!

  79. Felicity says:

    I love them! The Dahlia sash is my fav. I think. Maybe not! They're all so fun!

  80. Lavender and Lilies says:

    I love the flower clutch!


  81. Anna See says:

    Wow! I love the sash!


  82. burlap + blue says:

    lovely! especially love the flower clutch!

  83. LenkaLovee says:

    those clutches are soo adorable!!
    and that belt with the huge flower!! gorgeous!! 🙂

  84. Sarah says:

    love the flower clutch. perfect for date night.
    sarah {dot} baum {at} me {dot} com

  85. Jenn says:

    I also love the clutch!


  86. cblarsen says:

    Would LOVE a clutch… so cute!

  87. Wanderings of a Wannabe says:

    Clutch clutch!!! carolineutsey@gmail.com

  88. Momma C says:

    I have swooned over Emerson made designs for a looong time! She is amazing!
    Decisions, decisions….the clutch or the dahlia sash….if i'm the lucky girl, surprise me!



  89. Katie says:

    That dahlia sash is divine!


  90. Janna says:

    I love the EAT napkins!

  91. Meredith says:

    Just checked out her website and I want one of EVERYTHING! I love the dahlia sash the most.

  92. Peck Avenue says:

    i love all of it – too hard to choose! i think i might be leaning toward the clutch, though…


  93. carly says:

    i'm a follower!
    and i love love love the big poppy!
    it's so classy.

  94. Shannon says:

    i can't decide between that wonderfully huge poppy pin or the clutch. both so adorable.

    these giveaways are the best!

  95. Tamsyn says:

    I love everything, but if I had to choose I would pick the clutch.

    tamsynriley AT gmail DOT com

  96. Laura Casey Interiors says:

    Love that clutch! great giveaway! Merry Christmas! xo

  97. Tara says:

    Thank you for these great giveaways! I'm so excited to see my clipboard!!

    I know I'm not eligible since I won previously, but those clutches are absolutely adorable! And the napkins are very cute!

  98. Sarah's Fab Day says:

    Crossing fingers that I'm the winner. 🙂

  99. stephanie says:

    Love the clutches and the dahlia sash!!

  100. Lindsey says:

    I love the clutch!


  101. Jen says:

    I love the clutch! how precious!



  102. Thea says:

    I love emersonmade! I have been eying those E.A.T. napkins for a while. Thanks for this opportunity. theaterre@gmail.com

  103. Miss Kaitlin says:

    The dahlia sash is *beautiful*!

    misskaitlin24 at hotmail.com

  104. Alisa D says:

    I'd love the napkins! So cute!!

  105. Hannah says:

    I love love love love the 7" big poppy! As a twenty-something who has to wear a suit everyday, talk about a dream piece to keep outfits not boring!

  106. Eliza says:

    oh, the clutch! the clutch!

  107. layersofmeaning says:

    I love Emerson Made!

  108. Em Johnston says:

    really, I won???? That's awesome! (I had no idea until I read this post last night)
    love those clutches, too. and the napkins.
    um, looking up the other post now!
    *happy dance*


  109. Michele Quigley says:

    Oh Beautiful! I love it all –but those clutches especially! I am new to your blog –just added you to my Google Reader

  110. A Loopy Life says:

    Love the napkins and dahlia stash. I'm a follower of both your blogs!

  111. Mary Ellen (megardengal) says:

    Just found you and am now a follower! love the poppy- wow it is huge!

  112. irene says:

    Love the Flower Clutches! Spring is coming…eventually!

  113. Kristin McRea says:

    the clutch, the clutch, the clutch oh pretty please.

  114. Tricia says:

    I LOVE the poppy!

  115. Jenn says:

    I love the clutch! These are so adorable…those napkins are also very cute. Thanks for the fun giveaways!

  116. nkp says:

    I feel pretty, oh so pretty…well I would if I had one of these beauties to make me shine! Sign me up. All are gorgeous daaahling!

  117. Shelley says:

    Oh I love them all but napkins-too cute.

  118. *JEM* says:

    Amazing items! I die for the napkins.

    jessical50 at hotmail dot com

  119. Leah@storybookranch says:

    oh, I'd feel so pretty carrying that clutch!


  120. Nori says:

    i <3 Emerson Made!!! I absolutely love everything she makes so I'd be happy sporting any of the giveaways. I really love the dahlia and poppy and the clutch. I'm sorry… I can't just choose one. 😉

  121. Kelly says:

    Love these!! I'd take the clutch. So great!

  122. Jennie W. says:

    Love, love, love everything! Especially the clutch.

    Just become a follower of your blog too!


  123. Paige says:

    I am a follower.

    epfaulkner at gmail dot com

  124. Paige says:

    I love the flower clutch and have the perfect New Year's outfit it would look stylish with! Thanks!

    epfaulkner at gmail dot com

  125. annie says:

    Oh, I love Emerson Made! Such beautiful things! I've had my eye on the clutch forever, though pretty much everything in her shop is on my wishlist…

  126. Under a Green Roof says:

    I love her stuff! The EAT napkins are adorable and the dahlia sash is divine!


    I love seeing you pop up in my google reader everyday!

  127. ms. less is always more says:

    All the products are so amazing! How can you not fall in love with the products and the photos! I swoooon…

  128. Beks says:

    I want the big poppy!

  129. Me says:

    I love the clutches… one would be great for my wedding in May! agadiee@aol.com

  130. Jordan says:

    oooh the choices!….I think the huge poppy is my fave!


  131. Rachel H. says:

    I am an expecting mama… I want to look stylish in all of my mom apparel! I cant wait!

  132. Southern Aspirations says:

    Generous! I'm on for the clutch as well! (and a follower).

  133. Full House says:

    Oh my goodness I love Emerson Made. I would try my best to make Emerson Made proud by sporting that beautiful sash. This is the best giveaway.


  134. Full House says:

    I tweeted this as well:-)


    did I say how much I really want to win.

  135. Betty Rage says:

    I love the belt & the clutches!

  136. mama3davis says:

    I love the dahlia sash!

    mama3davis at gmail dot com

  137. trickponies says:

    The EAT napkins are to die for! 🙂

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