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  1. Paloma {La Dolce Vita} says:

    Oh honey, I am so sorry! I am certain that the future holds great things for you. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise and will put you one step closer to starting your design business. Best of luck! XOXO

  2. Alicia B Designs says:

    Paloma is so right! You should start your own business. Clearly you have a passion for this! Let’s start our own co together! You’re very positive and talented so don’t lose hope. xoxoxo
    Alicia B.

  3. erika says:

    OHHHHHHHH MY GOODNESS. I am so sorry! Hang in there! There are so many better things to come for you! One day you will look back and laugh… sounds impossible now, but it’s true. Hang in there!!!

  4. No.35style says:

    I am so sorry!

  5. Sweet Nothings says:

    OH No! I’m sorry, but as everyone said, blessing in disguise, its time to get your business cracking!

    I know this will sound bad..don;t tihnk about it for a few days(and this holiday weekend will let you do that!) then on tuesday you can buckle down and figure out a plan.

    and I dont think I’m far behind you..we lost our largest client today that is 55% of our entire business..

  6. K says:

    I’m so sorry. I was in your shoes about a month ago…I was there for 6 months, really loved the job, and they pulled the “last hired, first fired” thing on me too. Sucks. BUT, another job landed in my lap about two weeks later. Keep your spirits up, things will work out! Never spend one minute not being happy, when someone closes a window, move to the next window or break down a door!!!!!

  7. Kwana says:

    I’m so sorry! Freaking economy! I’m with everyone else that this must be a blessing in disguise. It’s time to step out boldly in pursuing your dream. You have so much talent. You can so it. Much love to you. xoxo

  8. LindsB says:

    AW, hun- I am so so so sorry! It totally sucks to not have control in deciding weather or not to stay at the job even if you didn’t like it that much. I agree with everyone else, that this is a blessing in disguise because now you get to work on your own business and get it up off the ground that much faster! Stay positive, you are at the beginning of great things and I’m very excited to see everything you are going to accomplish. xoxoxox

  9. Sasha says:

    Aww so sorry to hear about your job!..But hold your head up because when one door closes there is always a window that will open!
    Wish you the very very best! The good side is that we will be able to enjoy your fabulous post more often!

  10. MyLittleHappyPlace says:

    Keep your darling head up. I have a feeling you’re up to great things! Take Care.

  11. Blueprint Bliss says:

    I hate to hear this… you are very talented… someone will be knocking at your door. xo- brooke

  12. kelleyp says:

    remember one door closes another bigger, better door opens. i too lost my job in December ( i had been with my company 12 years) so i know how you feel. at least you have started your wonderful blog. i have been meaning to get one started but it still hasn’t happened yet. keep up the positive attitude and positive things will come your way!

  13. Erin says:

    I’m so glad you left a comment on House of Turquoise! But I was so sad to come to your blog to find such sad news! I’m so sorry!!! But like everyone else says, this will end up being a blessing in disguise. 🙂

  14. Colour Me Happy says:

    Well entrepreneurs like yourself probably have a hard time working for other people anyways. And when you are self employed you’re always in a recession cause you’re always looking for business and generating your business! You are so talented, It’s just time to start on your own!

  15. Beautiful Living says:

    Oh no, that sucks! But, like many has said before, maybe it happened for a reason? You are super talented and maybe it’s the right time to start you business? Hope things work out for you!

    Big hug from Dagny

  16. Sarah's Fab Day says:

    Camila – I’m so sorry to hear your news. I completely agree with Paloma maybe this is a blessing in disguise as crummy as it feels now. Hugs – Sarah

  17. High-Heeled Foot in the door says:

    Thanks ladies for all the well wishes. I’m just allowing myself today to be a Poo and let out all my tears and anger. Then on to bigger and better things.

    My own business was always been my plan and I was having a hard time trying to advance things with silly work in the way. So now my start-up will be my full-time job!

  18. Laura says:

    Oh my goodness- that totally sucks. Best of luck with your business. This might be the gods above pushing you to what you were really meant to do.

  19. LindsB says:

    I must know what your secret project is- I’m like a two year old I swear, as soon as someone says there is a secret I can NOT stop thinking about it and will bug the person till they cave- so beware 🙂

    Would you like me to send you some of those cupcakes and mojitos I was eating the other day? I’d be happy to share 🙂

  20. The Steel Magnolia House says:

    Poo, Camila. Poooooooo! But as they say, when one door closes another one opens. I’ve been fired 2 or 3 times in my short little career life and every time I was in sales. I suck at sales. The only thing I can sell you is me. lol. Us creative types don’t belong in those dead end cubicle jobs anyway. Dry your tears, put on your big girl panties, your best outfit, and put one foot in front of the other. God has WONDERS in store for you. Just keep on the positive side and you will see…

  21. Lauren says:

    Huge hug to you. 🙁 (I finally got back to my computer.) I know how much it sux right now but I know you & you're going to be so more than ok. You're going to do what you set your mind to & you're going to do big things.

  22. vicki archer says:

    That is bad luck but like all things it will turn out that it was meant to be. Hope you are having a fun weekend, xv.

  23. City and Seaside says:

    I just found your blog and have enjoyed through past posts. You have a great eye for design! Good luck with the job search.

  24. www.underagreenroof.blogspot.com says:

    I am so sorry! That is so tough! I hope this turns into a wonderful blessing for you in the long run. 🙂 Hang in there!

  25. Once A Bride says:

    hang in there…you’re right! on to bigger and BETTER things. 🙂

  26. Pink Wallpaper says:

    i am so, so sorry…don’t be down but seriously look at it as a way to get to do what you “love” for a living now. best of luck; i know good things will come.

  27. Sarah Danielle: Jeune Marie says:

    Oh no!! I know I am totally late – I have been shitty at catching up on my favorite blogs lately – but I am so sorry this happened to you. May be Paloma is right! You are so amazing with design… you should do it!!

  28. ed says:


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get inspired with our own home tour


My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.

Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.

On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.


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round up of budget friendly bar carts

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stunning style for everyday living starts here.

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