Since times are tough and lately it seems like things keep getting worse instead of better one of things that we are all trying to do is cut back.
Not exactly good news for people in the design world, but I’m hopeful that things will be changing soon.
Just because you don’t have a huge budget doesn’t mean you can’t make a couple of little purchases to change the look and feel of a room. I know when I get the itch to re-decorate nothing will stop me not even lack of funds.
When we moved into our home many things needed to be done on a budget. Our kitchen was one of the main places were we tried to save costs. Everything needed to get knocked down and we pretty much had to start from scratch. All of the cabinets are from IKEA and instead of going with a basic knob I decide to glam up my kitchen a bit with a more interesting type of knob. Little did I know that there wasn’t much to choose from. Home Depot had really blah choices and their prices were not all that. Anthropologie had amazing choices, but no way could I spend $12 a knob when I had 20 knobs to order. I started to think it was hopeless until one of my Internet searches turned me on to: D. LAWLESS HARDWARE.
They have lots to choose from and their prices are just right. I immediately feel in love, because they had milk glass and jade milk glass knobs. Milk glass is one of my weaknesses so I knew that these were knobs I was going to order. Now deciding between the white and green took a long time and I changed my mind about 3 times and they were nothing, but sweet about it.
In the end I went with the Jade Milk Glass:
I ordered knobs and pulls and used them throughout my kitchen.
We also wanted some space in the kitchen for eating. While we didn’t have enough room for a table and chairs we were able to purchase a great kitchen island with two stools. Again staying on a tight budget we went to one of my favorite home resources, JC PENNEY.
I also glammed it up with some new knobs, but this time I went a bit smaller on the size:
* Excuse the white fluff. That’s Jovi (yup after Bon Jovi) my mom’s pup who was over for a visit and did not want to get out of the shot*
Another room in the house that pretty much stayed the same was our guest bathroom. There was nothing wrong with it when we moved in, but I wanted it to look more like me so up went the bead board from top to bottom, Amy Butler fabric was also bought in for the curtains and of course I had to change the knobs as well.
D. Lawless also has a great selection of Antique glass knobs that are translucent and come in many different shades.
I picked my favorite, Emerald green knobs:
Here are they are in the bathroom:
The purchase of all those knobs and pulls in no way broke the bank and they really helped me add a special touch to the rooms in a place where details like a knob are normally lost in the shuffle.
So if you are in search for an inexpensive fix for a boring kitchen or bath then I would go with some new hardware that will have you hob-nobbing with the best of them.
My living room is one of the rooms that evolved drastically from when we first moved one. Originally I painted the walls chocolate brown and did accents of white, blue and orange. That lasted maybe 2 years.
Our dining room sat empty for months. Okay maybe it was empty for just a handful of weeks and then we couldn’t take it anymore and put in a folding table and plastic outdoor chairs, but in my mind that was still empty.
On the main floor of our house we have a Florida room. Being that it’s a Florida room it is a considered a 3 season room, because there is no heat in the room. The previous owners used it as an indoor patio with outdoor furniture and it looked like this when we moved in.
In our new home, the basement was completely unfinished. It was literally one of those dark spaces that you see in horror movies and are terrified of getting locked into. However, with the square footage in this house, I knew I needed to make the basement another workable and liveable floor of the house instead […]
What to look for when it comes to picking out kitchen appliances: Leave room in your budget for appliances. When it comes to kitchen renovations everyone knows that the cabinetry and the labor of demoing and installing cabinetry is going to eat a lot of your budget. However, the second most expensive part of a […]
I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that designing a kitchen is an overwhelming undertaking. I’m an interior designer and even I find it stressful to iron out all of those details. So, when it comes time to design a kitchen I always like to partner with a kitchen designer to make sure I’m remembering […]
I love your use of knobs, C! Great choices!
I love those knobs, they add so much to your kitchen, what a great choice.
Thanks for the great source!
The knobs are great… and loved getting to look inside your home!
Love the Jade Knobs. So pretty and for things like this you’ve won and award on my blog! Check it out.
I completely understand your affection for jadeite glass knobs! Needing some updated hardware for a cabinet project, so heading the D.Lawless way – thanks for the tip!
I was probably destined to find your blog – as I am also looking at original knobs at the moment. Great knobs you have chosen – and also great site
Love Love Love the knobs! Your house looks great. I can’t wait too see it all together.
How is your week going?
love all the knobs and the amy butler fabric. I think it’s so great that you’re posting about saving $$ while remodeling, thanks for sharing your sources!
Beautiful!!! I can’t wait to see full pics of your kitchen- it looks gorgeous!!
thanks for the great knob source- will totally use it!!
Hey Cam!
Danay told me about your blog and its awesome! I’m glad you’re getting time to follow your passion. I remember when you redid your parents room God knows how many years ago… look how far you’ve come!
Anyway, maybe when I move out of my parents’ house into a place of my own I will come seeking some of your expertise.
Hopefully I’ll see you soon!
I agree – little details can really make and impact and make you feel better. I think it’s going to get designers to look more close at details and better quality products for consumers to buy during this time.
oh. my goodness. those are gorgeous! thanks for the great resource.
I love, too. they’re mostly metal, but they have lots of choices at lots of price points.
*giggling immaturely* Nice knobs!
Seriously though they’re gorgeous. Love the jadeite especially! Have we seen your kitchen in full? B/c I’m dying to!
i need some new kitchen knobs..will need to check out that site…cute fabric!!