about me, the martha rules

The Martha Rules: Rule #4

  1. jillp says:

    You definitely follow Rule #4, 'sharing your knowledge about your product or service ' – ever since I found your blog I keep thinking, I get to look at all these beautiful pics and ideas and how-tos for FREE?!! Thank you thank you for sharing!

  2. LindsB says:

    I love that you share your knowledge with us all, this blog is one of my favs!

  3. Ms. Bright says:

    P.S. I think you're just great!

  4. Karen@StrictlySimpleStyle says:

    Another great post. Mostly common sense, but I know I don't always do everything that you mentioned. Thanks for a gentle reminder.

  5. vanessa says:

    I love your bathroom! So many people have bathrooms that look just like that and they want to get rid of them. Maybe they will discover your little gem!

  6. nkp says:

    So many good ideas to "chew" on. Thanks for sharing these and all the other wonderful inspirations you share on a daily basis.

  7. fromtherightbank.com says:

    Thanks for sharing all of this, Camila. I also loved the peek into your bathroom! It's adorable. Love the black walls!!

  8. my favorite and my best says:

    adorable little place there. and i am so impressed so far with the rules of martha, thus far. thank you camilla.

  9. Dragonfly says:

    Hello, found you through your guest host! I'm enjoying the Martha rules. I'm also an interior designer (down under), never had a business plan, and going in a million different directions each time I see something else I've fallen in love with!! I'm going to re-visit when I have time and slowly read the rules!! Thanks 🙂

  10. Scientific Housewife says:

    Thanks for the rules, they are so helpful! I have something for you over at my blog 🙂

  11. Christen says:

    Your pictures are amazing – as are you! Thanks for sharing all of these rules. I might have to go out and get the book now 🙂

  12. Lavender and Lilies says:

    I love this post. I have to get this book. I love the rule about adjusting your attitude and your personal experience about being negative and making that change. I used to be the same way and I used to be annoyed by everything but I made the conscious choice to not let small things affect my life so much. Happiness is a choice and thanks for that reminder.

  13. Cristin says:

    Loving these posts. Did you design the bedroom? Beautiful!

    cristin @ simplified bee

  14. Cristin says:

    Adding your lovely blog to my blogroll this evening.


  15. domesticatedbliss says:

    Thanks for sharing Martha's wisdom! I think you do a good job of sharing your wisdom/ideas. Thanks for that!

  16. AF DESIGN says:

    I love your bathroom and the idea of "Rock & roll and Country style" Thanks for sharing.

  17. urbansardines says:

    Great series, Camila! And such great, practical advice! I totally agree with you that your blog fulfills rule #4 "sharing your knowledge of your products and service"– I get so many great ideas from your blog! I love that you share your ideas in such an accessible way (I need those step-by-steps!). Keep up the great work and know it is appreciated!!

  18. urbansardines says:

    oh, p.s. I saw your sneak peek over on Plush Palate… love your black and white bathroom! Way to transform what could be a "blah" space!

  19. Sweet Nothings says:

    LOVING your bathroom Camilla!! its perfect!

  20. Blueprint Bliss says:

    all of your work is great- but i just love your home office!

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